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How Harry The Herp came to terms with one another

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Hey OnTheBrightSide!


There is plenty of work being done on the vaccine front. And at the rate it's going now, even the most encouraging ones will probably be out at the earliest somewhere between 2016-2020 (if at all). By all means, join studies to help out the cause! But ultimately, as I've seen so much of, most people don't suffer from the physical symptoms as much as the mental ones (our pre-existing shame that herpes tends to dig up around our sexuality in general).


So, people who are suffering at all because of herpes can be cured of the *suffering* through taking a deeper look at themselves. (Suffering is simply an initial pain point that is re-played over and over again in our minds.) I've seen such healing occur time and time again in private coaching sessions and on our Herpes Opportunity weekend workshops. And it's beautiful. And that's our main focus here at the Herpes Opportunity: Using whatever comes up around herpes as a doorway into uncovering who we truly are. That's the movement we're focusing on. Spreading knowledge, acceptance and love. Let's put our energy into that kind of a heartfelt movement. That's the "cure" we're ultimately looking for, right? A cure from our own self-judgments. A cure from feeling like no one will ever love us again. Etc. Etc. And you know what the cure is for those beliefs? Knowledge. Self-acceptance. Love. Period. And even a herpes vaccine isn't guaranteed to cure all those deeper things. It's actually a temporary fix, believe it or not. And if a herpes cure eventually rolls around, then that's just icing on the cake! ;)

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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Very good points! Our brains would likely find another reason to reject ourselves. For me, I think, it's empowering to explore all the options, but you're right, the "cure" starts with de-stigmatization and self-love.


I still wrestle with the dichotomy of 'it's not a big deal, it's a rash' and 'it's a big enough deal that I have to disclose it', 'it's not big deal, work on your attitude' and 'it is a big deal, be active in the science', 'its not a big deal, be comfortable with having it' and 'it's kind of big deal, be terrified of giving it to someone else', ...it hurts my head to go around in these circles...

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Regarding the dichotomy ... it IS a rash but that doesn't mean you don't disclose - just like you can get a cold, but you usually tell your friends when you know you have it so they can take precautions to try to not get it. And yes, you need to work on your attitude AND it's good to learn the latest info so you can take care of yourself and those you come in contact with. As far as being terrified to give it to someone ... well, we don't put it that way here... I'd say be Respectful enough of others to ensure that you do what you can to keep from spreading it... its an Integrity issue, not a fear-based issue .....


Hope that helps your aching head ;)

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