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Oral sex with genital HSV1

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I just got the results back from my gyno about the type of Herpes I have...I have genital HSV1 which I sort of already knew because my initial outbreak was horrid but I get few outbreaks. But I know type 1 is less likely to spread with genital contact, but what about oral contact? Since HSV1 likes its "home" to initially be on the mouth area, what if someone gives me oral sex? What are their chances of getting oral HSV1?

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Well, the good news is that HSV1Genital doesn't shed much.


Rates of shedding when it's in the mouth area are 9-18% .... in the nether regions it's only 3-5%. So bacisally if your partner has been kissing on all their dates, they've been at FAR higher risk of getting HSV1Oral ;)


General note for all readers:


Of course if you take the supressive therapy you lower their risk even more - which may be a good idea in the early days of a relationship while you are establishing trust ... AND you may want to suggest that they get tested anyway as 80% of the population has Oral HSV1 and 80% of them DON'T KNOW IT. If they have it already, you are good to go anyway...you can't re-infect them :)


Rates of shedding and transmission rates are here



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I have GHSV1 as well and am wondering since it doesn't shed as frequently, what are the transmission rates specifically for it(as opposed to GHSV2) with condoms, and with suppressive med and condoms? Also I have read that if a partner has HSV1 antibodies that this reduces their chances of contracting GHSV1 even more, is this true? I just want to have all my facts straight for when I disclose. :) Thanks so much for all the great info on this site!

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Heya Sweetannie!


Looking at all the facts and figures, it's safe to assume that if you have genital HSV-1 (which sheds 3-5% of the time) vs. genital HSV-2 (15-30% of the time), then your chances of spreading herpes is going to be lower in the 1-4% transmission-to-male ranges (assuming you're having sex with someone of the dude persuasion). :)

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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This is the 1-4% range from the handout I was referring to (from condoms AND suppressive therapy to no protection):


This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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2 words zyphen: Mucous membrane. Women have much more physical real estate in the genital area that's more permeable to the outside world (including viruses) than men do. The thinner the skin, the more permeable.


And yep, the pie charts are for sexual interaction in general.

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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If you have HSV1 antibodies it means you have HSV1.


The body makes antibodies to keep the virus from replicating out of control. When your immune system is weakened, the body doesn't make enough antibodies and you get a break-out, which stimulates the body to make more anti-bodies to kill the virus off and put it back into dormancy.

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I haceHerbies one on the Lady A and I'm had one additional outbreak and now I have a new partner when I told him about the outbreak he he left me maybe I shouldn't have told him if its not that contagious we were together for 3 months and then I told him and he completely did not want to see me anymore. He said nothing you just completely dropped me in call me didn't text me and said no more dating thats that so I'm very upset about I think I should call him and tell him that the race of Khan contacting it from me is very minimal thank you

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maybe I shouldn't have told him if its not that contagious


Obviously it's contagious enough that you got it my dear.... because someone didn't tell you. You don't want to do that to someone else. They need to know you have the virus AND you can take suppressive meds and use a condom (FC2 female condom recommended) to protect them.


Honey, Herpes is doing you a favor. The guy is a jerk.... from what you say, he isn't into YOU, he just wants to GET into you.


Read the blog I wrote ( http://herpeslife.com/using-herpes-as-your-wing-man/ )about Herpes being your Wing-man. This guys is what I call a Runner.... if he won't even give you the time to talk about it, he isn't that interested in you. Let him go ..... There will be someone who will love you with your H+ status. Promise. Did you read the other links I put on your other post?



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. Thanks. I agree he was using me. So I gave him the test by telling about the herpes. And he failed the test and drop me. Unconsciously I know.

Where to find other post I wrote.? Not to computer savey. can't go back and find it. Thanks for your post I know you're right its just on at my age to find another person and sorry again

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Underneath where it says (h) forum you will see a section that says


Discussions Activity Inbox joancharlotte


Click on your name - then you will see a box that says Discussions (ie, Threads that you have started) and another that says Comments - you can find all your replies to any discussion there.


For now, your link to that is here:




And if you have a question you can click the "Start a Discussion" tab on the right of the page.


Hope that helps :)

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That is probably why you see a higher rate of women on these kind of forums than you do men... Most of my friends that have admitted that they too have herpes... I think only one of them were men..


Even still some of those people didn't know the type they had, the transmition rates.. They still weren't educated... I had to educate them myself about it..

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So to follow up on this, just so I am clear, if I have a potential partner and they test positive for the HSV1 antibodies(I have GHSV1), but don't necessarily know whether they have it orally or genitally, how likely is it that I would pass it on to them in the area that it doesn't reside in their body? And if they have the antibodies would me being on suppressive therapy be worth it? Thank you so much for all the good information and the positive support on this site, finding it was a godsend :)

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If you are having sexual relations with someone who already has HSV1, genitally or orally the transmission rate is like next to nothing. It can happen, but very very rare to give it to them in another place if they already have it. The antibodies protect you in other places so it's unlikely to get it somewhere else once they have built up. Basically, if you date a guy who has it orally, and has for a while, the chances of you passing it to his genitals is as I said, next to nothing. I don't know and haven't seen an actual % number for transmission to another location if someone already has it.


I'm going to let someone else answer the medicine question.

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Thanks so much for the info! And am I accurate in my info that like 70% of the population does have HSV1 antibodies( if you are looking in the 30yrs old and up age bracket)? I am interested as well to know from those of you who have disclosed and suggested to a potential partner that they get tested, what are the best options for doing that? I think I have read that you all don't suggest a guy go to his GP, which of course is where he would probably go. How is Planned Parenthood for accurate HSV testing?

Oh and I think there was a thread somewhere a few weeks ago that talked about getting handouts out to Dr's offices with good info on Herpes(if you could link me to it) . I am interested in getting involved somehow with this. I wasn't given anything when leaving my Dr. other than a comment from the nurse midwife who did my exam and cultures who told me I had permission to go shoot the guy because my life was changed forever. I was already upset and scared, and some stats, and a link to this site in particular, would have at least help calm me down. Now two months into this, I feel motivated to make sure others have better info when leaving their Dr.'s offices, I have a counseling background and I know the dark places I went to following my diagnosis, and I feel it is really irresponsible for medical professionals to be sending people home or calling to give test results and not providing any info, considering what this does to people psychologically upon being newly diagnosed. So I have been brewing some ideas on how to change this :)

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Hi Sweetannie :)


Yes - up to 80% of people under 50 have HSV1... and yes, Planned Parenthood is a much better option than a GP - there are also STD clinics in most cities and a guy could also talk to his Urologist (the male equivalent of an OBGYN). Also, most ObGYN's will talk to you partner when you are diagnosed so that they can get properly informed.


Here's the handouts links






And we would LOVE to have you join our cause - PM Adrial and let him know you want to be added to the list ... we are working on developing a plan of action right now and will be calling on people who say they want to be involved soon ...for now, definitely get the handouts to the Dr's (GP's, OBGYN's, PP, etc) Its a great start :)



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