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Gratefulness Journal

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1. I am grateful for the donation based yoga studio close to me. When I decided to disclose this week I practiced twice, after not practicing in months. It is essential for me to practice so I can continue to explore my vulnerability and have a safe place to unwind. Yoga studios can be very expensive for memberships. I am thankful for this one because I can give what I am able to fit into my budget, and more when I have it. The owner is beautiful, and the teachers are volunteers (mostly). It is a wonderful space.


2. I am thankful for this site. I am so happy I came across it. I have been struggling with disclosing the last two days and reading your posts on my own thread, and other thread, has been so helpful. People really are good... This site helped me see that. This site helped me see that people are willing to help if you ask for it. It has given me hope for when I disclose, and a place to come to when I struggle. Thank you


3. I am thankful for my bed.... It is so comfy and warm and it just cradles me. It's also a queen so I can starfish on it with no problem. :)


I love this idea!!


I'm first of thankful for my husband. Without him I don't know where I would be. We've been together almost 10 years (since high school) and he loves everything about me! I'm so blessed to have such an amazing and understanding person in my life. Even though he is h free he still loves me and just laughs at me when I show him an outbreak. He's my soulmate!


I'm also extremely greatfull for this forum. It helps me so much when I'm feeling down. Everyone is so positive and amazing. It really makes me rethink why I get so depressed about this skin condition.


Also thankful for air conditioning! It's hot in California!!



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