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Read this article titled "Good Virus/ Bad Virus, the Truth about HSV1 and HSV2" ... Interesting

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I read this article titled "Good Virus/ Bad Virus, the Truth about HSV1 and HSV2." It is very informative and talks about the logic behind the stigma between the two types. It just burns me up bc the article is right! The stigma sucks. The double standard sucks more. The public needs to be educated. It's going to take a lot of us to get rid or at least reduce the stigma.


Here's the article if you'd like to read it...



Heyyy, Amillionthings. How are you feeling? (I didn't notice it was 2 am. haha.)


And yes, so true. If no one looked at it as a big deal many of us wouldn't be feeling the way we do often times... but you know, as this becomes more common with 500,000 to 700,000+ new cases a year this stigma might not last much longer. I wouldn't wish anything on anyone, but the reality is many more ppl will be joining the H+ community so I don't understand why many are so quick to judge and such. (This is contractible WITH or WITHOUT a condom.)


Excellent article!


So here's the deal folks (at least, my OPINION of the deal...LOL )


As long as we allow other people opinions, attitudes, words, actions, and ignorance to keep us "in the closet", nothing will change. It will take the actions of people who are willing to take a stand, to speak out, and to step up and refuse to let a stigma run their lives.


I came "out of the closet" (http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/1754/im-out-of-the-herpes-closet) back in November and I haven't looked back. Has it been all smooth sailing? Not quite... I have had a few knocks (and actually, it took till last month for me to experience any negative impact) ... but really, when you consider that I disclosed to every one of my friends on FB, as well as to my local friends and on my dating profiles, the impact has been minuscule. My theory is that because of the WAY I did it (with no shame, no fear, making it clear that I was a stand for people - H+ and H- alike - to become informed and educated and start to talk like ADULTS about STD's and sex in general) people stopped long enough to think and realized that this is something that needs discussion. And even tho I have 1000+ friends (because of my dancing) I don't accept requests from "negative" people. I surround myself with people who generally are accepting and loving souls.


Just as black people have had to fight their way to acceptance and understanding, just as people with HIV had to work to change the medical and social thinking, just as people with disabilities have had to fight to prove that they can be capable of amazing things, we will have to take a stand to get media, the medical community, and society to work towards creating a more understanding, educated, and accepting view of Herpes.


It can be done... but ya gotta open that closet door folks. ;)


Peace out


I'm good actually...feeling alot better after getting everything out on here...you wonderful people showing me amazing support...I feel i'm really reaching a turning point. Dancer has some very wise and honest words too :)


How are you? :)


I agree with everything you put...the fact it doesnt get tested for, I believe fuels the stigma....it makes it so no-one should have it and that to get it, is some kind of crime! If testing suddenly became compulsary and people were made to get tested ...the stigma of herpes would slowly slip away....all of a sudden it would be exposed for what it really is...a common std....not some big secret that is frowned upon by society that makes us who have it, feel like there's something wrong with us.


Bottom line...stigma is there because it doesnt have a cure....other stds are far more dangerous to your health...and look worse down there...but they can be cured. If no stds could be cured...herpes would be the one i would prefer to have.


testing needs to be compulsary. But I don't see its going to change? Who knows.


:) x


@WCSDancer2010. You are soooo right. I don't think you understand how inspirational and awesome you are. I believe all that you are saying... I am changing my way of thinking. I won't allow fear to keep me bound by this. Coming out of the closet brings complete freedom within not just for the individual but for others ... Plus, it leaves ppl with nothing much to say unless they are in some type of hiding themselves. Yes it takes strength and the strength in numbers. Day by day, I am building up that boldness. Thanks to being blessed with finding this wonderful forum, I am getting there faster than I imagined. I must follow suit.


@amillionthings. That is great to hear. Yes you needed to release that so we could be your sounding board and give you all the love and support we could offer. I am glad you see things in a better light. It is easy to get stuck trust me I know.


and that is soo true. It shouldn't be a secret and it should be tested a often as the others... why should so many and counting have to hide. It's not even what ppl think and no where as severe. And hahaha that is true... Herpes would be the Std of choice for sure! That cracked me up.. never thought about that. And when will the stigma end Idk .. but all things must come to an end... who knows if more ppl knew they had it due to testing it would be more accepted. Wasn't too familiar with herpes but from what i did know.... it doesnt seem the same ... much more minor.


Ugh, I'm writing from my android again. Excuse the typos if any.


Thankyou...yep definitely a sounding board!! Your support means so much :)


Exactly, if something isnt tested for, it turns it into something that should be hidden...and so we feel shame and so we struggle. Thing is, chlamidiya and all the stds can be cured...so thats why theres no stigma....if u got 'C'...youd think....fuck...go to docs...get the meds..be cured....and it would be gone out of your mind too. If however it was uncurable...it would have the same stigma as herpes. The fact it has no cure is soooooo relevant to the stigma...in my opinion. Imagine if there was a cure, herpes just wouldnt be an issue...i do believe there will be a cure one day. I hope so for future generations. X


Actually, many have Chlamydia and never know it (thanks to the fact that it's usually not tested for either and, like Herpes, can stay dormant in many for a long time) .. and for women, it can really mess up their reproductive organs, so it's not *that* simple. Many other STD's lie quietly for a long time and do damage. People don't get that. They think you can "tell" that someone has an STD. It's a myth that sadly too many believe :(


I feel lucky...that herpes won't effect my fertility. I think in the uk....chlamydia is tested routinely. And you're right, if undetected it can have terrible effects on women and their reproductive organs. Definitely agree also that std's can lay dormant and can do damage...I wasn't aware of this until I got herpes...only about 'C' not showing signs. But again this myth you have written about assists the stigma. If it cant be seen its not there...not true. X


I had a guy who I was having the talk with tell me "Stop - you are scaring me" after I told him for the 3rd time that you can't always "tell" that someone has and STD. I replied "If you don't know the truth about STD's you SHOULD be scared".


Suffice it to say we didn't last long :p


He said that!! What! I suppose ignorance was bliss for him...he had the queen of std knowledge (thats you ;)) ready to educate him and he didn't want to listen...he missed a golden opportunity there!


Ha....I guess H was your wingman right there!


Interesting read! Ya know, I had someone with type 2 genital tell me mine wasn't a big deal! It wasn't like the real herpes! I said DOWHAT!? You do understand it's on my genitals, same stigma you face, same pain and emotions. I don't like people downplaying type 1 genitally. It still sucks and hurts the same. Yeah it sheds less but whatever, I can say with 100% confidence when the words come out to a man HSV1 genital herpes he won't hear HSV1. He will just hear the second part. I differentiate only when explaining so people understand how it passes from mouth to genitals and when I'm explaining to others with type 1 genitally how it has gone for me. Otherwise, it's the same in my book. As is HSV1 orally. I now look at people who have it orally just as I view myself. You better be telling your partner otherwise you're being dishonest if you are pleasing orally. And I have let a few people have it, who tried to put me down for the same disease just because mine is on my genitals. I'm seriously like "get the f out of here with that". Judge lest not ye be judged!


And I agree... If I could pop an antibiotic and get rid of this no one would care. It's only cause it's forever people lose their shit. Well I'm here to say, "get the f out of here with that." At least I can carry a baby still, don't risk cancer, or death. I got a 1% risk and get basically acne on my junk. Kiss my ass! And while you're at it... Let me lick the rim of your glass just to scare you a little. (I don't or wouldn't actually do that) but how funny would that be to do that to someone who flipped out and treated you like you are nasty!? Id smile and walk away.


@thisisgoingtobeokay.....some fighting talk there...good for you.


I agree, 1 or 2 its still got the same stigma. On a positive...so many people have hsv1 orally...that theres a very high chance that someone who deserves you and you decide to disclose to may have it orally...so you cant pass it on...theyd already have it. Happy days!....Just trying to find you a silver lining for you :) but i feel for you....its the same stigma and causes the same emotions. No-one who has it genitally would ever undermind that, i'm sure. Its not what it is, its where it is.


Omg....me too...i look at people who have it orally n think...youre just as infectious . Same thing. Just without the stigma. I hate stigma!!! Just eff off!! Haha!!


Hope you're doing ok :)


The big difference between genital herpes and oral herpes I think is the sense of dirtyness we all get from it. Society creates a stigma for the same reason we feel the guilt. Like the stats say, most people get oral hsv1 when they are kids through innocent

kisses from relatives, while genital herpes is contracted from doing the dirty. The big thing is most people have done promiscuous things in their life. It just so happens that we are the ones who got caught.


@JohnB yes, it is the difference in how they are aquired is what creates the stigma with ghsv2.....


It's not that we got "caught", it's that sex is a risk period. And herpes goes to show us that bc there are many ppl who caught it with the condom on. Herpes does not discriminate... Yet we are here by chance. And there are many of us who were in relationship even married but caught it .. We feel guilt bc of the stigma.. not the other way around. Adrial has a post that talks about where the stigma originated from. I am going to find it and post it here... ppl didn't even pay herpes any mind and just thought of it as acne. It wasn't until someone wanted to make money off it that it became aa big deal and was brought to the public attention.

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