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genital herpes hsv-1 questions looking for answers thx

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  • 5 months later...

here's an update on my herpe life. getting close to my first year here. my dick still looks sunburned, which I see everyday. Which in turn usually leads to depressing thoughts. My sex life has been non existent because I just don't wanna talk about it with someone. that being said I am living a productive healthy lifestyle, I just still think about it everyday, and I have noticed I am a lot more angry then I have ever been. I've read a lot about herpes. It seems like one day there may be a vaccine for those who don't have it, but I feel like this path I'm on is gonna be the same for life. and that's unfortunate.

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@mp9999 I just wanted to comment on your color issue. To you, you say it looks sunburned. But you are comparing it to preH and I just wanted to say, any future partner is not going to know what your dick color was previously. So, to them, it's going to look normal. And maybe if you just look at it as your new normal, it won't bother you so much. It's just a color. I don't know how many dicks you've seen, but much like females, they come in a variety of shades. I would not worry about this at all. Really. I don't have a dick but I'm thinking the shade changes over time anyway. I'm assuming that after 32/33 years it's been through some stuff. Friction, age, whatever. Why focus on color?? Wait til those grey hairs pop up, your balls look like they belong to an 80 year old, or maybe you'll deal with ED. What's a little sunburn in the grand scheme of things?


I'm sorry to hear you are still angry. Is having H effecting your life that much? Or is it just that you've found something to direct your anger at?


I'm just saying this because in my case (and everyone is different) H does not hold me back. "I" hold me back. I'm a procrastinator, I'm lazy at times, I fear rejection, I don't think I'm worthy, I overthink things, I obsesses, I get caught up in my thoughts. It's me.. not H. H is just along for the ride. It's not controlling my life. Think about that.

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  • 2 months later...

hey mmissour, you have a lot of good points there. I'm a kind of personality that worries a lot , so for me when i see my dick and it looks like there is something wrong, i worry about it, i know there is a virus mutating in my body. i know it can cause major problems, it may cause cancer , who knows. it bothers me. and it angers me. there is nothing i can do about it. another thing I've been reading some other posts about ppl having dry skin on their faces, like eczema, since this happened to me I've been having the same problem on my face , around my eyebrows and under my eye. dry skin. won't go away. just another problem on the list i suppose. not sure if its related, almost seems like it from the sounds of things, but that will just have to be another unanswered question. I'm over a year now, no break outs since the first one. weird colour still , and the dry skin thing. I'm glad to hear it doesn't hold others back. I'm just sick of thinking about it. sick of having to try to distract myself all the time. tiring. i would sue this women who gave this to me if i could.

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  • 5 months later...

this will be my last time on this site i believe, I'm coming up to 2 years here. still wakes me up at night, think about it all the time. think about how a lying women ruined my life. think about how a lack or education on my part with all things std, i never knew anything about hsv, hpv, hiv until it was too late. it can always be worse. i was always open with the women i was dating and got tested and expected the same in return. i will always think about the condom on my nightstand she said i didn't need because she had an iud, and will always remember how she changed after with all the lies and bullshit. u really can't trust anyone, and should always be safe. by the time we end up on this site its usually to late. i will never get my health back , or peace of mind. i won't put another person threw this either. its over. good luck to the rest of you. i feel for ya.

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