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Need Some Support - Warts Experience?!

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Hi Team,


I'm hoping for some words of encouragement and support. Just trying to be calm here, because life has already thrown plenty at me for a few poor decisions I made this summer....


I wanted to see if anyone has experience with warts. I may be looking *too* close at times, but I found a very very small bump on the edge of my labia minora, just below my clitorus. It's tiny - I'm talking maybe the size of the ball in a ballpoint pen - and it doesn't hurt, and I can't see it except with the super strong light and flash of my iPhone camera for it to even show up. I know that it's not H, because after I noticed it 2 weeks ago, I can see through my photo library that it's been there since early November (no change in shape or size, I'm just basically now noticing it).


But I can't deny it anymore, it's there. I'm going to the OB/GYN this evening, and from what I've read, one of two things can happen:


1) She visually diagnoses and knows that it's not a wart

2) She visually diagnoses as "possibly" a wart or "definitely" a wart. Then, apparently, testing or biopsy of a potential growth isn't traditionally recommended because "The use of HPV DNA testing for genital wart diagnosis is not recommended, because test results would not alter clinical management of the condition." (CDC).


So now, I'm kind of terrified. Given my pretty deep paranoia that I was just feeling like I was conquering, I feel like if I hear a "maybe", or even a "I think it is..." I will just worry. I have been trained to want to know for a fact, to have it tested and to have the results in hand.


For those of you that have experience with warts, and the treatment, can you help reassure me of the process? I just CAN'T BELIEVE that this could even be happening to me...


(for very selfish reasons, I'm also frustrated. After hitting my near 6 months now, with no symptoms for over 4 weeks, my boyfriend wants to do oral. And now, with this, right in the "danger zone" area for him, I just feel like I'm never going to be able to do this).



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*IF* it's genital warts, it's the #1 STI (HPV) and the CDC reckons we will ALL get at least one of the strains of HPV in our lifetimes if we are at all sexually active.


I got it from my first *real* BF (Got Oral HSV1 as a 4 yr old, HSV2 at 17 from my first sexual experience with a much older guy who then disappeared as soon as he found out my mother had found out. THEN I get genital warts from the guy I was dating who KNEW he had them, was treating them and didn't bother to tell me. I'm surprised I didn't become a Nun after that :p


Basically they freeze them off and you likely will never see them again... so you can chill out about it :)



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Thank you @bambina3 @2legit2quit and @wcsdancer2010


As an update, I went to my gyno who was like "where?....wait, where?" She wasn't able to confirm whether or not it was a wart because it was so tiny - like i said, half the size of a ballpoint pen! - and said that she didn't recommend any treatment because it didn't look or act like a wart (yet).


She said she wouldn't have any concerns with oral with my BF (hallelujah!) and gave me a little talking to about looking *so* closely.


Thank you for the support everyone!

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I too am guilty of looking too closely down there. Glad I'm not the only one lol. I had some small bumps down there and thought "ok, here comes the outbreak". But my NP took a look and said it just part of my vagina skin. Porn will definitely have you thinking yours doesn't "look notmal".

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Probably nothing more than a clogged duct. Few years back after sex with a condom a bump appeared. It would go away then reappear, come to a head which I would squeeze and bump go away. Finally I went to Gyno, who confirmed the duct got damaged and became clogged. He cut it opened, squeezed all the stuff out and it never appeared again. He suggested I wash once a week with anti bacterial soap below once a week.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@stillmebutwiser about your clogged duct did you think it could be a herpes outbreak? I know I have it but I've had this one bump for almost three weeks that doesn't turn into anything it's just red some days, and some days it's just flesh colored. But it's there and drives me crazy cause I can't have sex with my husband and we're trying to have a baby. Can you tell me more about the clogged duct? What did it look like and feel like compared to a herpes outbreak? Thanks

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@xtina420 the duct was pre herpes. I went to the doctor, think he would've told me if it looked like herpes. It was a red bump sore at times. Occasionally it would get a white head on it, just like a pimple. I would apply hot cotton all or washcloth to bring the stuff to surface. Once it popped it would shrink in size or go away but then come back. So after a year I went to dr. He cut it opened to drain all the pus, if you will, and it never returned. It was located inside of my minor labia. Have you tried gently squeezing it?

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I tried today but it's not even close to coming to any type of surface. For the past four days it seemed to be going away but today it's pretty red and you can tell its irritated again. I just get so frustrated cause I never get the classic symptoms like I did when I first was diagnosed with HSV 1. I almost wish I did so I knew how to treat it. I am on suppressive therapy but I've had breakouts where I knew it was an outbreak. This one bump is on the boarder of my labia and the inside labia, If that makes sense. Even when I touch it it's never been soar or itchy. Since my doctor knows I have herpes if I go to him with this (cause it's happend before) he just says yes must be one since you have it already and doesn't even look at it up close. So when I read your experience I had to ask you about it. @stillmebutwiser

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