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Everything posted by Flowerteacher55

  1. Hi! I hope you are well ❀️ I am so sorry about all the confusion and the stress you have been experiencing. Please know everything will be okay, and that this common virus does not have the power to take your happiness away! πŸ™‚ First, what type of blood test did you have, and IgG or an IgM? If you aren't sure, you can either check your lab results or you can call the place where you had your blood drawn or call your doctor's office and speak to the nurse. Second, what type of HSV did you test positive for? HSV-1 or HSV-2? This is what's confusing... people use confusing words for describing the type of HSV someone has. Instead of being specific and stating the type and the location, people will just say "oral" or "genital" herpes. For example, I have have Genital HSV-1, meaning I have type one in the genital region. Other people might call this genital herpes because it's in the genital region. Others call the type HSV-2 genital herpes, but you can get HSV-2 in the oral region too, so, it can get pretty confusing!! Just like how oral herpes is what people cal type 1, even though you can get oral herpes in the genital region. So, this is why it is essential to state the type AND the location, instead of using generalizing terms! So, you could have HSV-1 in your genital region, and your doctor referred to it as "genital herpes" because of the location, when they really should have said the strain type. You could have gotten the HSV-1 from oral sex, (which is the way I got HSV), which is weird because I was also kissing this person and never got it orally. But, I got it genitally. Weird, right?! Did this person get the sores in their mouth tested/get their blood tested, and if so, is the strain of the virus HSV-1 or HSV-2? I am so sorry about this again. I am praying for you! Stay strong and reach out if you need any support ❀️ Blessings, grace
  2. Hello, I am so sorry you have been experiencing these symptoms. You deserve to be treated well by your doctor, and they should have tested you for other things when you were there the first time instead of the classic "let's wait and see what happens" approach. Obviously, there was something going on! Now, over a year later it is back, and you deserve some answers. It could be proctitis, but you want to figure out what is CAUSING the proctitis. Diagnostic testing is needed to ensure you are the best you you can be! πŸ™‚ The symptoms you are describing could be so many things, however I do not think it is herpes. The symptoms do not align exactly with HSV, and while some folks do have issues with urinating or passing stools, your symptoms sound like it could be an obstruction or an ulcer of sorts. I recommend the following: 1) ask for a referral for a GI doctor. Really push for this, as the doctor may not want to write a referral. Your health is essential! 2) Explain to the GI doctor about your symptoms, and ask if a colonoscopy would be helpful, or an MRI or other scan to see the inside of your organs. 3) Monitor symptoms and even keep a log so you can see the triggers and such, to provide the doctor(s) with data so they can best get an idea of what's going on. I am praying for you! πŸ™‚ Stay strong and advocate for your health! πŸ™‚ Blessings, grace
  3. Hi!!! So sorry for the late reply, I just saw this!! I am so sorry about the outbreak, I'm sure you're very stressed. It's really great that your partner is so accepting and understanding of everything! Truly that shows she likes you for you 😊!! In regards to the shedding timeline, you could have been shedding on Friday, especially if your outbreak was Sunday. Plus, since you are typically asymptomatic, it's really hard to tell when you are shedding. However, since you are asymptomatic, it's possible that this isn't an outbreak. What did the sores looks like, and did you have any other symptoms (tingling, itching, etc?) If this was an outbreak (to be on the safe side just assume it was), then wait about 7 days from when the sores last healed before being intimate again. You can also take antivirals if you think it would help, too. Regardless, wait a week since they healed and you should be good to go.Antivirals can help reduce the likelihood of shedding and help shedding recede and slow down during an outbreak. Also, if this was indeed an outbreak, I wonder if this means you are now symptomatic. I think it is possible to go from asymptomatic to symptomatic; I can research this and get back to you!! If you have another similar outbreak, you could get it swabbed to see if it is an outbreak or now. That will help you see if you are now symptomatic! I wish you and your partner the best and a happy healthy life together!! πŸ˜Šβ˜€οΈπŸ¦‹ Blessings, grace
  4. @Tiredmommaj I'd say Vitacost.com if you want something shipped to you!! Or you could try Wegmans or Whole Foods if you wanted to check things out in person! Just make sure you take precautions because so many companies are not regulated by the FDA and they may not be safe!!
  5. Hi!! I loved reading this ❀️ Thank you for sharing your story and journey with us all! You are truly living proof that growth and happiness can happen, and we can overcome our struggles. It's so great you enjoyed Palm Springs! πŸ™‚ Adrial is a wonderful human ❀️ It's great you worked with him! Stay well and kind to yourself ❀️ Sending blessings and happiness your way!!! πŸ™‚ grace
  6. Hi! First, please know that you are not defined by this at all. You are a beautiful human and HSV does not have the power to reduce your happiness or change who you are. You are a blessing and have faith that everything will be okay! The stickiness you mention is common, and I know what you mean. For my first outbreak, my sores were 'oozy' and they stuck to my clothes and nearby skin, and of course it's like "do I pull the skin apart... or leave it to just stick there 😞?" Ripping the skin or clothes from the sores can cause the scabs to open and it hurts of course, and it increases the healing time 😞 But the sores need air to scab and heal, and when you unstick them you can apply more lysine or Acyclovir cream if you are using that/those. So, you can unstick them in a way that doesn't rip the sores open or hurt you! πŸ™‚ If it is bothering you and the skin being stuck to other skin is uncomfortable and you need to pull them part, do it in the shower, or ever spray the area with a spray bottle filled with warm water to help the area become lubricated. You can soak in a warm bath, too. I hope that helps! Stay well and reach out if you need anything πŸ™‚ Sending blessings of healing and happiness your way! ❀️ πŸ™‚ grace
  7. @ash128083 Hi! Congratulations on your baby! ❀️ I am so happy that things got better for you! Sending prayers of health and happiness you and your family's way! πŸ™‚
  8. Hello, First, I am so sorry for the late reply. I hope you are doing okay. Please know that everything will be alright. This is not your fault, and it will all be okay. You are not alone. HSV is something that can lay dormant in someone for a while, and many people may only find out when they have a blood test performed. HSV-1 is something 2/3 of the world has (oral cold sores), so that makes sense that could come up. What you can do is get retested, because sometimes blood tests are inaccurate. Did you get an IgG or IgM test? You can review your blood work or ask a doctor or nurse to interpret it for you. Here you can learn about the types of blood tests and about testing: https://www.ashasexualhealth.org/herpes-testing/ The dormancy factor of HSV is what makes figuring out the timing of it so difficult. However, honestly, knowing exactly when you got it is not a necessity. Don't stress about it; it's not your fault and wht matters is your happiness and well-being in the present. What you can do is contact your past partners and let them know you tested positive via a blood test, and for them to get tested as well. They might feel as though you are trying to say it was their fault, and if they can upset just let them know it isn't a blame game or anything like that, it's just kind to let others know what is going on so they can figure out if they have it so they can protect their partners, etc. You can even say your doctor told you to address it with your past partners, etc. If you had an IgG test, that means you contracted it at least 12+ weeks ago since it takes that long for IgG antibodies to build up. Being asymptomatic means you are unaware of when you are potentially shedding the virus. Although less common that those with symptomatic HSV, people can have asymptomatic HSV. Those who are asymptomatic do not get symptoms of outbreaks or have herpes sores. This means it's harder to tell when the virus is active and can pass to your partners. If you choose to get a second blood test for verification, you can do that first and then think about your options. You can take daily suppressants to help reduce the likelihood that you would be virally shedding, and of course you should always let your partners know the possible transmissions that can occur and how you cannot tell if the virus is virally shedding or not, etc. Here are fact sheets about HSV and transmission: https://assets.website-files.com/5bad419cb04cd52dae8f7a89/60bf0e3302177fcd83cd1752_herpes-opportunity-disclosure-handout-2021.pdf and https://assets.website-files.com/5bad419cb04cd52dae8f7a89/60bf0e2878ccd531cb33508d_herpes-opportunity-diagnosis-handout-2021.pdf When you disclose to your current partners (or if you have already, yay!), suggest to them that they get tested for their own health and awareness. Regardless of their reactions, know that how people respond to you is NOT a reflection of you, it's a reflection of THEM. You are a wonderful blessing and you deserve to be happy and well, and HSV does not have the power to change how amazing and beautiful you are. Hold you head high and be kind to yourself. ❀️ We are here for you if you have questions or need support! πŸ™‚ Sending happy blessings your way πŸ™‚, grace
  9. Hi! IV or injection antivirals are used for severe outbreaks, as the antivirals are injected right into your bloodstream so they bypass digestion (when you take an oral tablet, your body has to digest the antivral which takes time, while an IV is direct into the bloodstream). Here is a reliable informational page about this! https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/meds/a681036.html Pain in the abdomen could be a sign of a yeast or UTI infection, and it could be a UTI since UTIs typically do not show abnormal discharge but instead irritation and pain. You could get tested for both and thrush at your doctor's appointment. In the mean time, log your symptoms so you can tell the doctor everything, and make sure to drink liquids and wear loose clothing. Avoid any strong soaps or fabric softeners, as they can irritate that area. Keep us updated! Sending prayers and blessings of health and happiness your way 🌻🐦!
  10. Hi! Sorry for the delay. I hope you are doing okay, and I am so sorry for the loss of your grandmother. Please know that you are so strong, and you are not defined by your H in any way. You may feel weak or sad or confused, but know and believe that you are so strong and that everything will be okay. You are not alone ❀️. Thank you again for sharing your story, as many folks can relate to having worsening of symptoms and outbreaks with COVID exposure. For so many, the vaccine placed stress on the body (normal for a vaccine do to) which can cause herpes to flare up. Similarly, any type of illness or stress (physical or psychological) can cause herpes to flare, because H is neurological (it loves in the bundle or nerves at either the top of the spine or the bottom, or both, depending on the location of your H). I am also a 22 year old female, and I understand that being in a relationship while having H can be difficult, especially if you feel pressure to be intimate. However, your partner needs to understand your comfort and readiness matter. This is not your fault at all, and you deserve support and respect in all aspects of your life and relationship . It sounds like your body is really working in overdrive right now, and you may benefit from IV antivirals. Sometimes they can help place the body back at a state of equilibrium, so it's not working in an extreme overdrive and goes back to it's normal balanced state. The constant nerve pain sounds very uncomfortable, I am so sorry you are experiencing that. The IV antivirals may help with that as well. Have you been to an OBGYN or neurologist? They may be able to offer support and advice for how to soothe your nerves. Also, the OBGYN can examine the paper cuts you mentioned. The paper cuts sound like it could be something called fissures (tiny cuts), or thrush, a skin condition which causes tiny cuts on the skin around the genital region. Small cuts in that region from thrush are commonly caused by candida overgrowth (yeast). Do you notice any other symptoms, such as discharge, itching, unusual smell,etc? You also mentioned how the place where there were only one or two sores now is a larger cluster of sores; have they gone away, or is the cluster still there from the outbreak in early March? It is possible to have overlapping conditions, such as a yeast infection or thrush at the same time as an outbreak. I recommend you head to the OBGYN or a clinic like Planned Parenthood, get a urine screening or a culture swab for a yeast infection or thrush, and ask for a referral to a neurologist (and even a virologist). Advocate for yourself and really make sure the doctor listens to you; a lot of times doctors do not listen to younger patients, especially when it comes to writing referrals, so if you need to be super stern with them, it's totally okay to do so! Your health matters and is essential, and you deserve the highest quality of care ❀️!! If you have any questions or need any support, feel free to reach out. I am praying for you! Stay strong and be kind to yourself ❀️ 🌻 Blessings, grace
  11. Hello, Thank you so much for sharing your story. I am going to reply to you ASAP. Know that your post has been read and will be given a thoughtful and supportive response πŸ’›. I am praying for you! β˜€οΈπŸŒˆ grace
  12. Hi! Yes! Exactly! It's not a character flaw at all! πŸ™‚ I understand. Please know that it'll be okay. You are aware of prodrome and outbreaks, and perhaps taking suppressive medication would be helpful when you find a partner (especially if they don't have H). Remember, you can still date someone without H! Love is Love ❀️ Feel free to reach out any time! Stay well!! Blessings, grace
  13. @Andrew Hello, Please know that you are safe. You are not a danger to others. HSV is a common virus. You are not bad or unclean or untouchable for having HSV, not in the slightest! Do you have HSV-1 or HSV-2, and is it oral, genital or both? I have very bad OCD, and it manifests in my HSV... it's like the guilt and shame I felt added to my OCD and made me super paranoid about passing my HSV to people when I cook them food or share a bathroom, etc. However, those fears aren't true, that's not how HSV is passed! I also would get paranoid about intimacy during outbreaks. I would see a little spot (literally an ingrown hair, pimple, etc) and think I was contagious (I wasn't!). Through self-acceptance, learning the facts about H, and sharing this knowledge with partners (whom often were super scared and uninformed), my fears reduced significantly πŸ™‚ Also, I wanted to ask, is a partner pressuring you about this, and that is contributing to your worries about intimacy? If so, you can talk to them about it, introduce them to facts and resources that are scientific and medically accurate, or even sit down with your partner and your doctor as you talk about options and transmission, etc. I am praying for you! Stay strong and be kind to yourself. Everything will be okay!!! Blessings, grace
  14. Hello, Great questions. 1) Yes, that's normal. You did just have your first outbreak, and it can take time to heal. After my first outbreak I felt a little sore and just "off". Even after sores go away, the skin may be sensitive. It could be prodrome symptoms, but you can just monitor the symptoms and see if they worsen or result in an outbreak. 2) Suppressive medication can be taken daily to help reduce the likelihood of viral shedding, which is what causes HSV to spread to another. Regardless of whether you take daily suppressive medication, you should abstain from intimacy if you have an outbreak or prodrome symptoms. Daily suppressive medication does not work the same for every person, and it doesn't work 100% to keep viral shedding at bay. However, it does help reduce the risk of shedding which reduces the risk of passing HSV to a partner. 3) GHSV-1 has a very low rate of transmission in general (yay!) and is less likely to cause you recurrent outbreaks. Some facts about GHSV-1 can be found on the pre-disclosure sheet and the new diagnosed sheet that were sent to your email when you signed up for the site!! πŸ™‚ Rest assured, you will be okay. You are not defined by this, and it is a common virus. Stay kind to yourself and be well!! Blessings!
  15. Hey Friends! I hope you are all doing well ❀️ I was sitting here in my classroom thinking... is there a National Herpes Awareness Day? And, yes, there is! In America, it's October 13th. There is also this organization I just discovered called the International Herpes Alliance, and I want to check them out! πŸ™‚ Apparently the International Herpes Alliance Campaign once had a campaign (in 2004) that spanned October 10-16 and was called "I have Herpes, Don't You?" So, apparently they made it span multiple days, not just the 13th! I was thinking of doing some kind of education event or maybe even make it a day of volunteering, like making care packages for someone you know who may be struggling with their diagnosis or making care packages to give to a Planned Parenthood that they would give to someone who tests positive; like a note from someone who has it and little positive things. I think it would be cool to turn October 13 into a day of kindness, education, and giving. Let me know your thoughts or ideas or suggestions πŸ™‚ Remember how important you are and how much you matter ❀️. Sending blessings and prayers of joy and happiness to all! πŸ™‚β€οΈ grace
  16. @Dreamz Hello, I am so sorry that you experience such struggles. I really suggest you go to a neurologist. You don't deserve to suffer, you deserve support and healing! This was not your fault. It's not your fault at all! So many people use water fountains. They are in schools, at gyms, everywhere! And, you don't necessarily know if this is where you got it from. It's really unusual for oral herpes to cause such extreme tingling and pain as you described. So, it may be HSV, and maybe you do have HSV, but I don't think it would be causing all of this extreme pain. See a neurologist and advocate for your health ❀️ It will get better! Sending happy healing blessings your way!
  17. Hi! Please know that everything will be okay. You are not alone and you will make it through this! I am so sorry that you are facing this. Did he know he had it then? Or did he just find out and then he told you? If he knew when you were intimate, that's just not okay. In this case, it is not right that the person was not honest. It's great that they confessed, but still, this discussion should have happened before you both were intimate. You deserve honesty and respect. Do you know which type of GHSV he has? Type 1 or Type 2? In good news πŸ™‚ ... since you were last active 5-6 months ago with this person, it is unlikely that you would just be having your primary outbreak now! Primary outbreaks typically occur within a few days to about a week and half after exposure, and they usually include flu-like symptoms. However, you are experiencing these symptoms 5-6 months later, so it could be a coincidence! You may be coming down with the flu or a cold. When you go to the doctor, you could get blood work done (an IgG test) to see if you have HSV antibodies. However, if you get cold sores/fever blisters, you would likely come back positive for oral HSV-1 (2/3 of the world has this, it's okay! πŸ™‚). Just know that it is really unlikely that you contracted this from him, since the time frame is super far apart and a primary outbreak wouldn't occur this far away from the exposure date. Monitor symptoms, take care of yourself, and be kind to yourself! ❀️ We are here for you if you have any other questions! Sending happy healthy blessings your way! πŸ™‚ grace
  18. @Bloomer Holy πŸ„!!!! You're right!! Hypothetically, the antivirals could definitely cause an allergic reaction or a side effect, such as itching. For the Acyclovir, I checked it out for th oral route (tablet) and the IV route, and the side effects seem to be the same for both, as they were both listed together (see this source, here: https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/acyclovir-oral-route-intravenous-route/side-effects/drg-20068393). It says it is common to have itching at the site of injection (IV) but it said "rare" for "hives" and "frequency not determined" for "itching or skin rash". However, check out the super super long drugs sheet they give you when you pick up the prescription/get the medicine for the most accurate information, or call your doctor or pharmacist and they can give you a printout of the side effects for your specific medicine/pharmaceutical brand! 😺 For Valacyclovir, I checked the source below and it said "incidence not know " for th side effect of "itching". Source: https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/valacyclovir-oral-route/side-effects/drg-20066635. However, check out the super super long drugs sheet they give you when you pick up the prescription for the most accurate information. I checked Famcyclovir and it said "hives and welts", and "itching skin" as "less common" side effects. Source: https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/famciclovir-oral-route/side-effects/drg-20063776?p=1 Again, check out the super super long drugs sheet they give you when you pick up the prescription for the most accurate information, or ask a pharmacist for the best and most accurate information. I used the same source for all of these (Mayo Clinic) however when I examined other sources, they said different side effects. Also, perhaps side effects HAVE been reported but the specific trials run for different pharmaceutical brands did not find any side effect with the sample populations they tested. Of course, this doesn't mean side effects aren't possible!! Thank you @Bloomer for bringing this to all our attention!!! πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’› Blessings!! πŸ€πŸ’›β˜€οΈ
  19. Hi, It's great that you got the cream and have been using it. It typically helps the sores clear up quicker than the oral tablets of antiviral because topical ointment applies the antiviral straight to the area(s) where the virus may be actively shedding and/or producing sores. I do not know about taking the oral tablet and using the cream at the same time. You should call your doctor and ask, or your pharmacist! Pharmacists are wonderful resources, since they understand the pharmacology and biological reactions from medicines, and if they interact with one another or are safe to use together, etc. Don't talk to the cashier at the pharmacy, talk to the legit pharmacist. It's awesome that you are seeing a dermatologist on Tuesday! It might help to keep a running list of everything you want to talk to the doctor about. I know for me personally I forget to mention things and then I go home and am like "oh no I forgot to mention _____ !" The rubbing alcohol may be causing your skin to be dry which could increase itchiness. Neosporin is oily so it might cause some issues, and it's typically for cuts and scrapes to prevent infection. I had my appendix out in October and the scars are randomly itchy sometimes; maybe your hysterectomy scar is also just itchy and causes added itchiness? Stay strong and let us know what happens on Tuesday! Sending prayers of health and happiness and joy πŸŒˆβ˜€οΈπŸ€!!!
  20. Hi! I'm so sorry that the site didn't offer any specific support. I'm happy that the other suggestions were helpful! You're in my prayers β˜€οΈπŸŒˆ!
  21. Hi! Yes, I think you are okay. Remember that even if you were still having an outbreak, HSV doesn't spread from sharing a bathroom or shower or doing laundry. You are safe! Washing your hands also washes the virus away, so take comfort in that. Feel free to reach out any time. Stay well and be kind to yourself!
  22. Hi!! Hooray I'm happy to hear that! The white marking is normal. That's most likely new skin, or potentially a scar, but most likely new skin. After your sore goes away, new fresh skin is present. It may be lighter in color compared to the rest of your skin, and it may feel thinner or more sensitive. It's perfectly normal! Blessings πŸ€
  23. Hello, It sounds like it could be hormones, especially if you used to have outbreaks around your menstrual cycle. Sometimes even changes with menopause can cause extreme outbreaks as well. Getting your hormone levels evaluated could provide some answers ❀️. I actually went on birth control for emotional issues related to PMDD, and after a few months I actually did start to get better. I am really not a fan of medications and such, and I felt afraid to try birth control since I've never used it before but I am grateful I did. You may not feel strong, but please know that you are living proof of your own strength! You have so much going on but you are still trying and that is amazing. Challenge the negative thoughts and remind yourself of the truth; that you are beautiful, loved, and important. Remember that this is not your fault. You are not a burden to your loved ones. It may even be helpful to write your spouse a letter, and explain your feelings and how you do love him, and you feel terrible about this and want to show him love and affection in other ways while you work through your diagnosis and tests. A partnership takes two, and while he may want physical intimacy, there are infinite ways to show love and affection that both of you are comfortable with! Your comfort and peace of mind are essential ❀️. Something else that may help is reaching out to Terri Warren, RN, ANP, an HSV advocate and educator and medical professional. Also, instead of asking a question and paying for that, you can search through the questions that others have already asked/paid for: https://westoverheights.com/forum/herpes/herpes-questions/ We are here for you ❀️. Reach out anytime! Sending blessings and prayers your way! 🌻
  24. Hi ❀️ I just wanted to say that this isn't your fault. It's not your fault, you aren't bad or unlovable. You aren't a danger and you are not a hazard. You are beautiful and wonderful and so capable of being a mother, wife, and working-woman, and you are not defined by this. It will get better ❀️ I'm praying for you!
  25. Hi, @Tiredmommaj, I am so sorry you have been struggling. Please know and have faith that things will get better. There is hope, and we are all here to listen and support you. in regards to your outbreaks, it seems you could have an underlying immune issue, or perhaps you are taking a medication that lowers your immune system. Are you on any medications? Something that may help is getting a regular intravenous antiviral treatment. Some people need them to help their bodies get back to equilibrium. An immunologist could take a spinal tap and examine the fluids to see if there is any underlying condition impacting your outbreaks. Ask your OBGYN or doctor for a referral to an immunologist and/or virologist. You also could ask to see a dermatologist as well so they can evaluate the outbreaks in various parts of your body. A hormone test would also be of use to see if there is a hormonal cause to your outbreaks (for example, if this was the trigger, birth control could possibly help level your hormones). You are worthy of getting the best medical support you can, and you may need to really push for this and advocate for it, since so many doctors don't write referrals for various reasons (insurance πŸ‚ πŸ’©). Your family would not be better off without you. You are a strong warrior and you can overcome these anxieties and struggles. Your body is not the enemy; it's trying it's best to fight this virus. It may just need a little support from IV antibiotics and some testing from immune specialists and virologist specialists. I am praying for you. Stay strong and be kind to yourself πŸ¦‹πŸ’›πŸ€ You are a blessing!!! grace
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