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Everything posted by Ihaveittoo1975

  1. @parbla42 Your sentence about someone who sees H as a reason to not be with someone is an "ignorant fool" is exactly what I heard from a girl (no sexual relation going on) who I told about my diagnose. I have lots to offer, I am aware of that, but it I must admit it was nice to actually hear that straight from a woman. I know that your post will mean the world to many of the girls/women who are here and who feel they are not worth dating and unsure if any guy will ever love them. For that I thank you.
  2. Well, marijuana is out of the question as I have a safety sensitive job and would hence lose my livelihood should I get caught using it. Lets hope it doesn't go that far with my ob's. I really hope it's my high stresslevel causing these little blisters keep coming back over the last couple of weeks.
  3. @herandnow It would totally blow if sex is indeed a trigger for me which will not subside as time goes. I do feel for you if that is the case for you. At least you and your partner both have it, so no fear of giving it to her. I hope I have better results next time I get to have some fun in the hay. I will make sure to use lots of lube and go real slow this time to minimize the friction. When I was diagnosed I kept saying "well, I can't eat this, I can't eat that" but I must admit I have not changed my diet a whole lot, except for cutting down on drinking Coke. I even had a dozen of Krispy Kremes over three days a few days ago. :) Obviously not healthy for other reasons, but you have to treat yourself every now and then. As far as being out in the sun (I'm a golfer too) I was very worried about that too initially. It seems however that it's the direct sun ray exposre to the infected area which is the issue, i.e lips for those with oral H or possibly bikini line for women with GH and not so much if the area in question is fully covered. I'd say playing golf should not be an isssue, as long as you don't burn yourself which causes your body having to heal the burn, which in effect lowers your immune system. So go out and hit those 300 yard drives! The fresh air, exercise and clearing your head will probably do you a lot more good than the sun will harm you. And yeah, thanks for the @ tip.
  4. Jessika, I was exposed to it exactly four months ago so still early on, but I feel as things should start to settle by now and not go in the opposite direction. I take Super Lysine, vit C, zinc tablets and olive leaf extract. No anti virals, but should this continue even once my stress level is back to normal I may have to go that route. I really do hope the stress is what is causing these frequent obs. Otherwise I am a healthy person who normally don't stress much, eats (mostly) healthy, non smoker and since my diagnose my taste for alcohol is pretty much all but gone. I'm not overly bothered by the ob's as I am not in a relationship, my concern is if this continues once I am back in a relationship. That would definitely be a problem obviously. Btw, how does one post the @+screen name" as I have seen others do?
  5. As with most people my ob's following my initial ob the lesions are much smaller and harder to detect. I know that a herpes lesion is supposed to contain a clear type of fluid, while a pimple is more white. However, with them being so small I find it hard to distinguish between the two. As I didn't examen my penis pre H the way I do now I'm honestly not sure if every little bump I see is H, or just something I was getting pre H too. Some bumps are a bit tender to the touch so I assume that is H. How do you (guys mainly) tell the difference between a lesion and a small pimple? Second question: As the lesions/blisters are so small and easy to not notice, what is the chance of me giving it to a potential partner if that bump is covered to 100% by a condom should I have sex while unknowingly having a lesion (provided the condom doesn't tear of course)? A follow up question to that is, if I do have a blister or two, can I assume that I am also with 100% certainty shedding from other areas away from the actual lesion?
  6. Recently I have had pretty constant ob's with one little tiny blister replacing the next. I did really well after my initial ob despite putting through my body all kinds of test to see what triggers my ob's. Not until I had sex for the first time after the initial ob did things start to going south with several smaller ob's. I have not had sex since so I am very curious/worried about my reaction next time it's time to get giggity as my body should have built up a better defence, although these last couple of weeks make ps me doubt that. I am towards the end of a separation soon leading to a final divorce, and lately I have been questioning whether I am making the right decision or not. This obviously has me stressed out. On top of that I just started working out again, so I am worried that may be partially cause of my reoccurring ob's. Quite frustrating to say the least. I really do hope it's just the stress causing this, and not the working out part. As far as food triggers, I have not noticed any ob's being caused by any type of specific food. I say simply stay away from Snickers if that's your trigger. You will probably miss it initially, but then that urge will probably diminish.
  7. Pretty sure it was monkeys, not rats. Not that it really matters.
  8. http://upstart.bizjournals.com/entrepreneurs/hot-shots/2015/01/26/paul-mitchell-patron-tequila-founder-herpes-relief.html?page=all
  9. Trial and error is how you will find out if any types of food acts as a trigger on you. That goes for any triggers actually, not just food. I just had a couple of ugly little suckers pop up and I'm not sure if it's due to shaving down there, exercising for the first time in a long time, masturbation or stress. All four reasons have been present last few days, hard to know for sure. Quite frustrating. As far as too much lysine, I have not heard that one. But as with everything, too much of anything is not good. I take one 1500mg super lysine tablet each day, and two a day if I have an ob. Do they help? I don't know, but as it's good for your immune system I see no reason to stop taking lysine.
  10. Hi Vanessa, From your picture you appear to be a very pretty girl, and I am sure you get plenty of looks from guys. Accept and cherish those looks, you get them for a reason. If I lived in your city, and if I wasn't soon about to cross into "old mans land" (40), I would have asked you out on a date. ;) I do tend to now avoid talking about sex as casually as I used to. I used to be very comfortable taking about sex, now a bit less so. What it has done though, is to force me to look at how sex is actually only a small, albeit important, part of a relationship. I am at the age where a having a family is definitely a priority, and I know once there are kids involved my sex life will be less important still. There won't be as much time, or energy, left over for sexy times. Still important, but less so. At 26 you may feel differently. What I am trying to say, in a fumbling way, is for you to think about how much of a day in a relationship you are having sex, versus the remaining time where you do other activities where having H means absolutely nothing. You must not only focus on the physical aspect of a relationship, but focus on the general part of it. Easier said than done, but try at least. Sexy times will take up only a small part of your time in a relationship. If you talk to a guy who is willing to give up on seeing you because he feels he can't have as much sex (which is not necessarily true anyways), or that he is afraid of H, then maybe he is not for you anyways. Happy thoughts!!
  11. Thanks guys! Makes things a bit less stressful then as far as touching a partner with my (now "enhanced") magic stick. Lol
  12. So, most of us here know that H is transmitted skin to skin, but honestly I am not quite sure to what extent that is a risk outside of genital to genital/genital. If I am not having an ob and my penis touches my partner's breast, ankle, wrist or some other body part not considered a typical herpes "region", what kind of risk am I exposing a H- partner to by doing this? Is the buttock (far away from the genital/anal region) a sensitive area? I'm a "butt man" who enjoys to play with a nice, "full bodied", nice to grab kinda butt. :) What are the risks there? I have GHSV2, so mostly interested in that aspect, but please share whatever information there is in general regarding skin to skin.
  13. Actually, come to think of it, I was out of the lysine when I did get that small ob. Of course the lack of sleep and constant travelling were probably the main reasons for the ob, but maybe the lysine would have stopped it in its tracks.
  14. I also take the Super Lysine but they are considerably cheaper than $30-40, on Amazon it is less than $15. http://www.amazon.com/Quantum-Super-Lysine-Tabs-Bottle/dp/B001CMZB4U As far as Valtrex vs lysine, I personally really can't tell you. I only used Valtrex for the first week, after that I have only taken various supplements including the Super Lysine. Besides one ob from having sex, I have only had one small ob since my initial one in October. At the time I had had very little sleep, lots of time zone crossings and less than ideal food for an extended period of time, prime triggers for an ob. Keep in mind that we all react differently, and what works for me may not work for you. Should I enter into a committed relationship I would start taking Valtrex for the sake of protecting the partner.
  15. Hi Nicu, Welcome to this site. I too am in Spain as a foreigner. From what I understand people here in Europe have a much more healthier view to H. I have only had it for a few months, but those few outside of my family who I have told have been cool about it and said "So what, you have so much more to offer that H is not something a woman should pass you over for". I have yet to disclose to someone I actually could consider being with long term. When that time comes I'll have to see how it actually goes.
  16. Hello and welcome. I'm sorry to say, but it does sound like H. As everyone will tell you here though, you need to go and have a doctor swab the sores. The sooner the better. Make sure they tell you which type of H (HSV1 or HSV2) you have, if it is H that you do have. Good luck!
  17. I say go on with your new normal. Sure, there will be some adjustments, but with both of you being positive it shouldn't be too hard. Make sure to support each others and you will be just fine.
  18. Well, as long as you listen to people who make those comments you will be stuck where you are. You really think those same people would keep saying that if they caught H? There is, as we know, a pretty big chance that they do. I doubt they would laugh and make jokes about it then. People get lots of other things that they are stuck with for life, or which eventually kill them. Most of the happy people you see walking around have something they would not want to share with you and that they are ashamed of. Yeah, H got a bad rep, but that is because uneducated and mostly ignorant people. And pharmaceuticals of course, but that is another story we all know all too well. Would I blame someone from not dating me because of H? No, not really. But I also wouldn't think much of them as I know what they are missing out on. My soon to be ex wife told me she does not see me as a person with H, and told me to never let it define me. She knows my good, and bad, qualities and love me for who I am. With or without H. Who would really want to risk? Mature, sensible people who will take their time and educate themselves. People worth having in your life. That's who. And you can find such a person, gay or not.
  19. As she has the stronger virus (type 2) she is resistant down there to your type , and oral type 2 is very, very rare. The virus cannot travel from oral to genital, or vice versa, within your body. Your concern, as far as oral activities, would be kissing her as she can still catch your HSV1 orally. Her HSV2 does not protect her for that, unless I am misinformed. Obviously you can also contract HSV2 genitally from her, so condoms and antivirals are recommended. I'm sure your partner is appreciative that you come here to educate yourself. No questions are too stupid to be asked here. It's the general lack of knowledge which creates the stigma around (genital)H.
  20. As always PB has contributed with her very rational and intelligent writing and thoughts. Screwthis, listen to her words and it will help you towards getting rid of your dark thoughts. It's up to ourself to take control of our own situation, no one else can truly do that. I bet if you take all your positive attributes and line them up against your negatives, you will find a lot more positive than negative. Focus on them as those are the ones a woman will fall in love with. If you highlight them you are already ahead in the game. Pre H I felt, as you, that my life was going pretty damn good as well. I too have had your thoughts, but as PB is saying, to 99% (if not more) I am still the same person as pre H, and that is what I have to focus on. I recently disclosed to a woman who I met pre H and I decided to tell her about H, although we are not in a sexual relationship. It was more of a test of her reaction than anything. Her response was, "So, what's the big deal? It won't kill you, or your partner if she gets it. Any woman who passes you up for something as little as H would be an idiot, and an ignorant idiot at that". It was a nice confirmation of my own thoughts regarding my own worth in the eyes of a woman. Maybe you have a female friend who you can confide in just to get a woman's (who knows you) perspective and hopefully encouragement. Best of luck, as has been said so many times on this forum, you are far from alone!
  21. Congrats!! Now just enjoy your new found love and try to forget about H!
  22. I don't see why not, especially if he already has it. Just make sure to use lots of lube and go slow not to cause an ob for either of you due to friction. Unfortunately that's what happened to me the first, and only, post H sex I've had. Enjoy!!
  23. I seemed to wake up feeling sweaty quite frequently during the first month or so. I'm not sure if it was H itself, or just me feeling anxious in general causing bad sleep.
  24. A bit different since I'm a guy, but my only ob after the initial one was when I had sex (twice within a few hours). It was quite demoralising as I thought I was doomed to a life without sex. Hopefully, and most likely, once I have given the body a chance to adapt to the virus it will be a non issue. My advice to you is to not rush getting back into the hay, as frustrating as it may be.
  25. Don't see anything wrong with that as lots of other people think about it and explain it that way. As long as it helps you deal with it in a good way, and to not be in denial about H, there is no right or wrong way handling this diagnose.
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