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Everything posted by LittleStar

  1. I used to visit Brazil regularly but since diagnosis haven't been due to sheer nerves - however I will bite the bullet and get it done in the next couple of weeks so will update once it's over and done with. I personally rate waxing over shaving and have missed having them done (despite the temporary pain!) All I can suggest is to go and see a good waxist who uses hot wasx (strip waxing takes off the top layer of skin which is why it is so much more painful!) and breathing out as the wax comes off definitely helps. Deep breath in and sharp breath out. Good luck and keep us updated!!
  2. @voodoochild227 I can completely relate to this post! Everything you said I am like "that sounds just like me!" I found out I had HSV-2 in May this year so I am fairly new to it. I haven't disclosed to a potential partner yet just because I haven't really been dating (I am moving away and it's mainly for that reason - also because I wanted to take a bit of time before jumping in to anything again). I think that ultimately it depends from person to person as to when is best to disclose. I would like to think that I'd wait until I was with someone who I thought could be something special, but I guess I won't know until I'm in the situation myself. But it does sound like you have a great connection with this guy, so I guess just do it when it feels right...I have learned to always trust my gut instinct. It's rarely wrong.
  3. @WCSDancer I agree 100% about the ignorance and the stigma. Education is definitely key! I just wanted to point out that although I believe testing should be included in a standard screening, I can somewhat understand why it isn't...but it should be absolutely!
  4. I don't really believe you have to tell him about this because the chances are that you have it orally (just like 80% of the population) and the fact that you have only discovered this through a blood test having never presented with symptoms makes it even more difficult to know where you have it. If your conscience is telling you to tell him though, then I would approach this quite casually. Lead with asking him if he has ever had cold sores and then say that you found out you carry that strain of the virus but you've never actually had a cold sore. He will probably not even flinch. If a guy told me that he discovered he has HSV-1 via a bloody test I probably wouldn't think twice about it. Interestingly this post presents something that is talked about a lot on this forum and that is routine testing for herpes. I am all for it but having heard your situation I wonder how beneficial it really is as it seems to have caused you some unnecessary panic and worry. I am not saying that ignorance is key however unless you can differentiate between oral and genital HSV I wonder if routine testing is really of much benefit. I guess this is where the medical field struggles with this.
  5. It sounds like you are on the right path now @Mrose90...keep going, we are all there alongside you!
  6. Hi @jl13, thanks for your post-I can relate to it completely! Although I am only 2 1/2 months post-diagnosis, my story is very similar. Minor first OB, v small blisters and no real associated pain, just some itchiness. And mine went away after about a week. Since then, I have had no further OBs, but did occasionally get the itchy feeling or a tingle that I would automatically associate with HSV, but there was never any visual evidence of another OB. I soon realised that my paranoia and excessive concentration on the downstairs region had me thinking that I was feeling these things when it was probably (mostly) in my head. For the past couple of weeks, I have felt nothing since I have stopped thinking about HSV on a daily/hourly basis. I have also had this weird twitching in my chin(?) which has totally occupied my mind for the last 10 days-about the same time I stopped noticing issues down below. Coincidence? Now I'm trying to stop thinking that the twitch has any underlying cause or if it simply an anxiety/tiredness thing. I have also considered the possibility that I might have caught HSV some time ago rather than 2 1/2 months ago as I had initially suspected. Perhaps that is the reason for the mild OB and subsequent infrequent symptoms, as my body has developed a good defence to it. In any case, we are definitely in the lucky bracket and there's no point questioning why we haven't had an outbreak, rather enjoying the fact that we haven't and hoping it continues! Other people can probably shed further insight but this might just be a case of having a good immunity response to the virus. I hope that we shed less as a result from it too!!
  7. @WCSDancer @Adrial_Mr_H_Opp We have a virus aka @Susan_Sorour commenting on old posts about a spy application. Wanted to bring it to your attention.
  8. This is an old post @2Legit2Quit. We have a virus aka Susan_Sorour leaving comments on many posts about a spying app! We need to get them off now
  9. Congratulations :) you deserve to feel this way!
  10. Hi @Theoverthinker524. First off I think you need to stop and breathe. It sounds like you have a million and one things racing through your head and when we go in to panic mode, we can't see clearly. I have a question for you-has your boyfriend always been the type to treat you this way? From my own experience (I am almost 30 and have had various relationships with different types of men) he sounds like he could be quite manipulative? Forgive me if I'm wrong. However, no one who loves you should make you feel like you're nothing, despite whether or not you have herpes! Sure, every relationship has its ups and downs but both parties must be invested in it and willing to make it work. Your reactions and "clinging" as you say are a direct result of his behaviour towards you. It sounds as though he is not playing fair and not giving you a legitimate reason for behaving the way he is. Your comment about no one wanting you is completely unfounded. Before you found out you had herpes, would you have stayed in an abusive relationship with someone? Probably not. Or if you think you would have done then your issues go beyond this virus. It says more about you as a person for allowing yourself to be downtrodden or a "victim" of whatever the situation is. My advice to you would be to calmly and clearly tell him you need to talk. Say that you have some things you want to say and that if he isn't prepared to listen, perhaps you should call it a day. If you do manage to get him to talk, tell him how he has been making you feel, ask him what is going on with him and say that if things continue as they have been, you will walk away. If you are unfortunate in not being able to get a response from him, or he ignores you completely, then I would question the relationship as whole. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter if it's herpes or something completely unrelated, you don't deserve to be with someone who doesn't treat you well. You're young and there will be plenty of people who are good and kind and want to spend time with you. I was locked in a relationship for a number of years because I kept ignoring the red flags and now that I'm out of it, those red flags keep appearing but they are for someone else to deal with. I have learned never to ignore my gut feeling! If I go with my instinct, I am rarely wrong. If things don't work out for you with this guy, you should try to see it in a positive light. Why be stuck in a relationship that's making you miserable when you could be so much happier alone or, at some point when you're ready to, find the one who will never ignore your calls when you're feeling low?
  11. Hi @Leanne27 You're not alone in how you're feeling. I was diagnosed 7 weeks ago and still oscillate with those same feelings although it is getting (slowly) better. I have had a similar experience to yours in that I constantly think I am irritated/burning/itching however haven't had any bumps since my first OB. Yesterday I went to the gym (as I do ~3 x per week) and afterwards I noticed redness down below in the area where my bits would rub during activity. So I immediately started to panic thinking this was another OB. 'Poking around' as you mentioned probably hasn't helped the irritation! It's still there this morning although much less noticeable so I am not sure whether to attribute it to the friction or to a potential minor OB. I guess I am still very much learning about how my own body will react. Psychologically I think you might benefit from taking anti-virals for the initial few months-I have considered doing the same when I get myself in to a tizz thinking I'm about to break out. But I haven't done that as of yet. I am debating much like you are whether I should. To be honest, I think it's completely normal for it to be at the forefront of our minds when we are first diagnosed and in time it will become something we think about less and less. My advice would be to do what you think is best for you mentally and emotionally, taking the pills doesn't do any harm from all the evidence I've gathered and therefore wouldn't have a detrimental affect on your body. In the meantime, keep doing what you're doing and know that you're not in this alone (if you want someone to talk to I am making myself available :)) The more experienced amongst us may be able to offer you better advice! @WCSDancer2010 @2Legit2Quit @fitgirl etc
  12. Thanks for your advice :) I know that I cannot predict how I will react, but I just wondered what everyone else's experiences with it are. I don't want to let this stop me living my life as normal!
  13. Hi all, Just a quick one as I'm at work. Hope everyone is doing well today! I have a question regarding waxing (specifically-brazilians!) I used to get a brazilian monthly, but since my diagnosis 7 weeks ago, I'm terrified! I know that no-one knows how their body will react until they do it themselves, but does anyone have any advice? I hate shaving down below! And I can't neglect it much longer, things are getting wild :O Ladies - how have your waxing experiences been?! Hairy Mary x
  14. @jaguar It has been 7 weeks since my 1st OB (not sure if it was a primary though) and I was given 5 days worth of acyclivor on the 6th day of symptoms. 2/3 days later my symptoms cleared. Personally, I'm not sure I really needed them and wonder if it was necessary to take them at all - I didn't have a bad OB - just a few small blisters and itchiness (a little general pain in the area prior to the bumps appearing), so I fear I may not be the best person to relate to. However; I have been looking after my body a little more since then. I take daily vitamins (C, Zn, Lysine) and TRY to eat well, exercise etc. I haven't allowed the threat of another OB stop me from doing the things I love. I exercise as hard as ever, eat chocolate, drink alcohol etc...I just try to be more aware. And if I feel something (potential prodome-itch, tingle etc), I try to stay relaxed and if necessary, take an extra lysine supplement or eat some yoghurt. So far, I have had no further visible symptoms and I'm 7 weeks in. If you are in a lot of pain right now, I would get yourself to a free clinic and get some antivirals to help with that. There's no need to suffer during this OB. How your body will react in the future is anyones guess - unfortunately there are no hard and fast rules. I would take the advice of the @Sil88 - enjoy the experience that you are about to embark upon and chances are that being relaxed, healthy and enjoying yourself will be all you need to keep the HSV at bay. Wait until you're about to go away before you react too quickly - you'll have had 2 months then to assess how your body's reacting. Take a few courses of antivirals with you for those moments when you feel something might be happening/happens. I personally wouldn't jump straight on to suppressive therapy without giving it a wee bit of time to see if it's necessary.
  15. Hi dance55, I am pretty new to this myself but like most other people here I have done A LOT of reading and research to get myself better equipped for my life ahead. All I can really say to you is follow your heart. I imagine that you feel connected to this guy and get the same feeling from him, so there is every chance that he won't reject you because of this ridiculous virus (if he should - it's not you ok? It's the herp). I haven't yet had "the talk" with anyone because it's only been about 6 weeks since I was diagnosed, but whenever I despair thinking that I won't find someone who will accept me, I stop, breathe and think the following: - the right person will accept it - the right person will accept it - the RIGHT person WILL ACCEPT IT! And then I smile :) And I also do a little practice speech as to what I will say, it goes something like this: "So I really feel like this could be something and I have decided that I trust you enough to tell you something. [insert amount of time since diagnosis] I found out I have this thing call HSV, more commonly known as herpes. It's basically the same virus that causes the cold sore, unfortunately it's in a more delicate place. It sounds really scary, right? I thought so too when I first got the diagnosis. But it turns out it's just like a really annoying friend/sibling/coworker that you know you'll never be able to get rid of but you put up with it because you have no other choice. And you learn to deal with it. And it actually makes you more patient and tolerant on the whole. And I've told you this because you totally deserve to know my secret and do with it what you will. But if you have any questions or would like me to just leave you to do some of your own research I totally understand" And then I'd maybe finish with a joke. Or give him my most vulnerable and honest smile and hope to the heavens that he is mature enough, smart enough and wise enough to make a decision that we are both happy with. If he runs a mile, then I can put him in the box of men I have met in my life who I prefer to not think about - you know the ones; the ones who have rejected you because of some insane reason like your hair isn't long enough or they haven't quite finished planting their pathetic seed. And in the meantime, you carry on being awesome and living your life to the max! Because you only get one!
  16. Hey Everyone! I'm 27 and female. I was diagnosed with HSV2 about a year ago and mostly avoided discussions about it. It would be nice to have someone to talk to that's in the same position. Anyone that feels the same, feel free to message me. :) Hey, I'm here if you want to chat :) feel free to send me a message telling me about how you're feeling. I am quite new to this but I will listen and it would be good to have your perspective on things too! :)
  17. Thanks for your response! I am keeping my fingers crossed that the sun won't affect me :)
  18. Hey everyone, Are there any females in the UK who would like to chat?? I'm 29 recently diagnosed, but would love to have a buddy Xoxo
  19. Thank you so much for your response. It has put my mind at rest :) You guys really do make such a difference to so many people with this website! Xoxo
  20. Hi everyone, I am new to the site and new to HSV having just been diagnosed a month ago. Although how long I have been carrying HSV is anyone's guess! Anyway, I digress... As I am new to this, I am educating myself (almost obsessively - normal, right?!) and have a serious question regarding the link between outbreaks of genital HSV and exposure to sunlight. I am moving to Australia in a few months (woohoo!) but I am worried about this supposed "link". All I can find online that seems conclusive is that UV rays MAY provoke outbreaks in oral herpes or where there is direct exposure to the affected area. As mine is somewhat *hidden*, is there a risk?! I am nervous about most things now. Eating chocolate, drinking alcohol, getting stressed...although none of this have I yet been able to properly test due to my recent diagnosis. Admittedly, I have binged on chocolate, drank alcohol and been moderately stressed but nothing has as of yet reared its' ugly head *touch wood*. Any opinions (ecucated preferably thanks) would be muchly appreciated. My delicate British skin will soon be exposed to the harmful rays of the sun (can't wait! :)) but if I stay protected (can't deal with the risk of skin cancer too, that would be an actual health issue!) is there a risk for increased outbreaks? Thanking you all kindly in advance xoxo
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