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Everything posted by Dave

  1. 1 in 5 people have HSV, 80% of the population has HSV1 and 25% have HSV2. Up to 90% of the people with HSV don't know they have it because they get little or no symptoms. So the odds are your friend telling the joke has herpes too, he just doesn't know it.
  2. Disclosure...80% of the population has HSV1, 25% of the population has HSV2, 1 in 5 have HSV. There are 8 types of herpes, one causes chicken pox and shingles. Everyone has at least one type of herpes, more likely at least 3 types. Up to 90% of those with HSV don't know they have it, because they get little or no symptoms. Herpes really is a non issue. Ignorance has fueled an unwarranted stigma.
  3. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005LQ6USY/ref=oh_aui_d_detailpage_o01_?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Terri Warren is more knowable than most doctors on this subject.
  4. Up to 80% of the population has HSV1 and up to 25% has HSV2. Roughly 1 in 5 people have HSV and up to 90% of those people don't know they have it because they get little or no symptoms. Most people don't even know that 99% of cold sores is herpes, nor do they know that there are 8 types of herpes, 1 of which results in Chicken Pox and ultimately again in Shingles. The stigma associated with herpes is so unwarranted.
  5. Hopefully you are feeling better. Herpes is a non issue.
  6. Around 80% of the population has HSV1 and up to 25% of the population has HSV2. 1 in 5 people have HSV, and up to 90% of those people don't know they have it because they get little or no symptoms. Often doctors don't include herpes in STD screenings because it's not a big deal to them. So you begin to get that it's a non issue, it really is.
  7. Which medication? And why not just take the antiviral daily? There is good evidence that daily usage also lowers the risk of transmission from symptomatic shedding.
  8. I get so angry about all the misinformation about herpes. The facts are that around 1 in 5 people have HSV and of those up to 90% don't know they have it, because they get little or no symptoms. The medical community doesn't even see it as an issue because often HSV isn't included in STD testings. Without having an outbreak, the odds of transmission are extremely low, even lower if taking antivirals daily. Many people have had decades of unprotected sex, with the same partner, and never gave it to them. Remember that number, 1 in 5, next time you're in a crowed room. Then also remember 90% of those people don't know they have it. Lets stop the ignorance and fear about a virus that nothing more than an inconvenience at most.
  9. The only way to know is with a blood test. I've never heard of herpes preventing an orgasm.
  10. The fact is that HSV is not a big deal. It only becomes an issue to the misinformed. Considering around 1 in 5 have HSV and of those up to 90% don't know they have it because they have little or no symptoms and that often doctors don't include HSV in STD screenings, this should tell you it's nothing. It angers me that something so minor can cause such panic and ignorance. Remember this, there are 8 types of herpes and everyone has at least 1, more likely at least 3.
  11. When was the last time anyone ever asked someone they were going to kiss, if they were tested for herpes? HSV is NOT a big deal. Fear and misinformation have made it into something it's not. The funny thing is that around 1 in 5 people have it and of those up to 90% of them don't know they have it. So for the majority it really is a non issue.
  12. The truth is there are far more devastating things to get than HSV. Try living with Psoriasis or Arthritis or HIV. In fact HSV is such a non issue for the majority of people that often doctors don't include it in an STD test. And roughly 1 in 5 people have it and up to 90% of those people don't know they have it because they get little or no symptoms. Everyone have at least one type of Herpes, of which there are 8. More people have HSV1 (oral herpes), than HSV2 (genital herpes). Even though there is a small percentage change of transmission without having an outbreak, no one ever asks someone they are going to kiss, if they were tested for herpes. Believe me, Herpes is a non issue!
  13. So with rates higher than what the stats are recording, Herpes is common and not really a big deal.
  14. I find it interesting that people are so freaking scared of herpes, which hasn't killed anyone by the way. Yet, in 2016 40,000 people died from car crashes and no one hesitates to get in a vehicle and drive. Keep things in perspective people, herpes isn't a big deal!
  15. I believe the stats are so low, that you have a greater chance of dying in a car accident. People really need to understand that HSV truly is not a big deal. There are so many things far worse. Most people don't fear the Flu as much as they do Herpes, yet thousands die every year from the Flu. There are 8 strains of Herpes and all of us have been exposed to several of them, well unless you live in a bubble. This unwarranted fear is the result of drug companies and the media. Part of the blame can also be put on the medical community, for not educating the public.
  16. @optimist excellent facts! Another thing is that most people that have cold sores don't even know it's Herpes. That's probably more of the reason why oral Herpes doesn't have the stigma that genital Herpes does. That fact of the matter is, HSV is not a big deal.
  17. Why worry about it? You performed oral sex on her and aren't worried that she might have genital HSV1. My point is, it's really not a big deal, it really isn't.
  18. @Fran2196 Considering most people that have it, don't know they have it because they get little or no symptoms. It's not uncommon to be with someone for decades, not knowing you have it, and never giving it to them. So it bothers me when a GP says it was highly likely your ex, because you didn't have symptoms before. That's an uneducated GP. That fact of the matter is, that HSV is nothing to worry about. It's just a skin condition that at most is annoying for "some" people. The unwarranted stigma is worse than this virus. This video might help.
  19. Excellent video. Never heard that 1 in 2 sexually active people get an STD by the age of 25. And I've read that as low as 1 in 4 have HSV2, also hear 1 in 7. This video should lighten things up.
  20. When we put things into perspective, you realize that HSV is not a big deal. By comparison, the Flu virus kills thousands every year. This video may help calm your fears.
  21. Every medication has side effects, but very few people experience them. Look at the side effects for aspirin, yet people still take it.
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