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Everything posted by kaybee

  1. It would be so amazing if this works *fingers crossed*
  2. So does this mean people with hsv2 only are in the clear? :-/ I didn't know herpes can be found in our brains either I thought it based in your spine? Regardless, considering 80 percent of people have hsv1 the chances of finding it in Alzheimer's patient must be very high so this news isn't too startling
  3. This was so painful to read because those were my exact feelings when I was diagnosed, I felt like I lost myself. I promise with time you will begin to accept it as a small part of you, it's just a virus after all! With time outbreaks happen and hurt less and you'll find that shaving has no affect on causing an outbreak but may not be a good idea if you currently have one!i take acylovir episodically (the second i feel off down there) and my outbreaks never last longer than a few days. Sex hasn't caused me outbreaks either just use plenty of lube and be careful when you have an ob. Things will begin to feel normal again you just have to accept h as a part of who you are and it honesty takes a back seat in your life. Goodluck <3
  4. I haven't looked at this in awhile but I wanted to thank everyone for your support, it means a lot to have this forum full of people who understand what I'm going through. I found out the night I posted this that I had scabies for 2 months and blamed the symptoms on h rather than find out what was truely wrong (though I was misdiagnosed a month in with just allergies) yikes. regardless I am now thankful to just have h, scabies was a million times worse. I guess this shows how much a virus can consume your thoughts, I feel so silly now for blaming my problem on h. I'm now happy healthy and itch free and ill take my occasional outbreak with a smile after all I went through :)
  5. Hi im also 20 and had a similiar situation. I'm so sorry your parents reacted so badly..it's amazing to see how strong you are tho and that you're aware that you will still have an amazing life because it is absolutely true! The more people that have that attitude the less power we give to this silly virus. i have only told my mom who said to me over and over i hope its anything but herpes before my official diagnosis and she reacted similiarly. now she is still really uncomfortable talking about it but I try to educate people whenever I can (who knew you can get herpes WITH a condom??) i know its hard but don't get hungup on what your parents say, you know your self worth is in no way compromosed as do many people in our generation, it's really becoming seen as less of a shocking awful disease than it was in the past through education (slowly but surely). Lots of love to you I feel your pain but things will get better and so many people will support you through this <3
  6. Hey aside from medicine I've found that holding ice against blisters (with a rag between your skin and the ice) lessens itching and pain. Also I've read that taking a used black tea bag (let it cool!) and compressing it on is soothing and helps with healing. Other than that wear lose clothes and just keep your mind off of it and you'll be okay! Lots of love
  7. i completely understand your frustration. A few days a go a friend of mine mentioned to a group of us that she always always uses condoms and girls who get pregnant or an std are stupid and deserve it. I pointed out that condoms break and stds like herpes and hpv can be spread WITH a condom and everyone looked at me appalled. Its painful sometimes to see the scary lack of education on such a common virus...it also drives me insane how people use herpes as an insult or as a joke.
  8. I honestly want to die. Everyone keeps saying herpes isnt bad its the social stigma but it has ruined my body since the first horrific outbreak. not a day goes by that im not itching all over---arms, back, stomach, legs, and down there. Ive had everything from white colored itchy bumps, to blistering hands, and now a red round hive like rash first on my arms and now legs. Not to mention the itching down there. This all started right during my first outbreak and hasnt ended 3 months now later. The doctor blood tested me and found im allergic to dust mites but no amount of cleaning and washing everything helps at all. I have to take zyrtec twice a day and benydryl at night and i still cant sleep until i pass out of exaustion at 4 am. Its affecting my life, my school work, my mind and my general happiness and i honestly just cant do it anymore. If this cant be fixed i dont think i can live any longer. Before all of this horrible shit i was healthy and happy and doing really well in school. I feel like i completely lost my heallth from having sex one time. I cry everyday seeing what it has done to my body and i feel like god just hates me. I hate myself.
  9. you have nothing to feel bad about! you not only are allowed but SHOULD beable to go out and have fun, do not feel guilty for having a few drinks because you werent able to stop someone from taking advantage of you. He choose to pursue anal sex with you even though you told him no, and as such its possible he has done the same to other women. Regardless, no means NO, not anal, and it is NOT your fault love. <3 Im in your same position I have come to terms with having H and honestly ive decided to not have sex with anyone that i wouldnt feel comfortable disclosing to, but if its forced upon you then theres nothing you can do if he catches it! Lots of good vibes your way, dont all yourself to wallow because you did the right thing and have nothing to feel bad about or feel ashamed of.
  10. Hi everyone, I had my first herpes outbreak in feburary then one more two months later. I thought i was lucky and outbreaks would be few and far between but I noticed today that JUST two weeks after my last outbreak I am having another. :( I am in so much pain and itch so badly that I can barely sleep and constantly wake up scratching furiously. I recently switched my birth control from the depo provera shot to pills and I am on the time when I am supposed to get my period so that may be a trigger. I really can't handle having a montly outbreak of this, though its minor to the eye (just two bumps in the exact same place each time) the scratching and pain and swelling are just too much to bear. Does anyone know what birth control is best to limit outbreaks? Im taking acylovir 3 times a day for 2 days (as perscribed by my doctor), but Im wondering if I should be on daily supressive therapy. I am single and I do want to let my body learn to fight the virus on its own but its so painful and distracting its hard to focus on school and to even sleep. I was also wondering if anyone knows of any natural remedies that can relieve the pain or itchiness? Ive read online that aloe and witch hazel can help? Ive also read about taking lysine? I currently take a daily vitamin and clean my outbreaks with warm water only but that is all. Im willing to try anything im just afraid of making the situation worse. Thanks <3
  11. at first i was worried that i was allergic to acylovir but it seemed to have lasted much too long to be caused by the medicine. My doctor said it just sounds like hives and did an allergy test that only came back positive for dust mites, theres not too much i can do about that but vacuum and keep clean as i have been. My doctor doesnt seem too knowledgable on herpes she told me that my intense headache/backpain/vomiting during my first outbreak was completely unrelated to having hsv2.
  12. Thank you so much for everything. I found this site today and I dont think I have gotten off of it, its so encouraging to have real people to go to for advice and to see their stories. I dont want to let this skin condition define who I am anymore, and I know one day someone will accept and love me with or without it. I have my ups and downs everyday batteling adjusting to my diagnose but seeing all of these amazing people makes it so much easier. Thank you so so so much for your kind words and help its more than anything i could have expected.
  13. since getting diagnosed ive been itchy all over my body. Its uncontrollable with antihystimes and it seems to be worse at night. is that normal? I havent seen anything else about it online.
  14. hi everyone, I was diagnosed two months ago and am now having my first reoccurant outbreak. It has been painless and is really minor, I just have occasional itchiness. I am an 19 year old college student, I found out I had herpes after being taken advantage of when i was heavily under the influence of alcohol. Some days I feel like Its going to be okay and that i can live a normal life, but other days i just feel lost and angry. I wasnt given the choice to take the risk and get this infection, not only was I not given a choice but I was put at risk as my attacker refused to use a condom even at my insistence. I dont want to ever inflict the horrible feeling of shame and loneliness on anyone else, but its hard to know that for the rest of my life i will have to explain to every man i want to have sex with that i am contagious with a life long std. I have always been so careful about sex and it kills me that i contracted hsv 2. i never thought this would happen to me. I know before getting this i had horrible stigma towards it as im sure most other people i will have to tell will, when in reality its not too bad except the social stigma. I dont want someone i love in the future to think im dirty or tainted, i dont want someone to be afraid to have sex with me. I feel like my life was stolen from me and i just dont know how to cope with it. I prayed i wouldnt have reoccurant outbreaks and that i could just pretend this never happened but now having one just two months i know this is forever a part of me. I just wish i was given a choice or protected in some way. :(
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