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HSV 1 genitally, recurrences

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Okay, I know everyone is different. I started having my "you are about to outbreak" symptoms on October 18, first bump came up on October 20. Diagnosed on October 23. Initial outbreak ended October 27, as in all bumps were gone. So it's been 5 weeks since I have had anything else. I am on suppressive therapy. So my question is, how likely am I going to breakout again? I mean is there any stats on how likely I am to break out again for HSV1 genitally? Should I have broken out again yet? Is this normal for HSV1 genitally? I was told if I make it two months without breaking out again after the initial, it is highly unlikely I'll ever have a recurrence, any truth? Since my initial symptoms were some burning when I peed and itching, ladies (similar to what a yeast infection felt like) is that what I look for every time? I didn't have anything else but that before the bumps came. No sick, tired, tingling etc.

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Ahhh - there's the rub (or the itch...rather!)... remember what I keep saying...


"Herpes is a slippery little bugger" .. it doesn't play by hard and fast "rules".


And remember, there are lies, damn lies, and statistics. All that is is a guideline of all the studies they have done ... but inside that are those who never, EVER break out and folks who may break out every week for months before things settle down. I think that is why there are not statistics about initial breakouts ... they are too unpredictable :/


And there are soooo many factors that can affect that too - your current state of health, stress, foods you eat, clothes you wear, likely even the detergent you use (which may not affect you normally but may be just enough irritant to set off an outbreak or continue to annoy a current outbreak.). That is probably the biggest thing that people need to focus on during the initial OB period.


We Do know HSV1 will shed less over time especially genitally. So you won the "herpes lottery" there! BUT, I still get outbreaks (very very minor) now after all these years - usually when I travel thanks to the loss of sleep and all the sitting I think. So I wouldn't set too much on the "2 month" idea.


Rather than "waiting" for the next outbreak, hows about just trying to "forget" about it and do whatever you can with diet/stress/etc to reduce the chance of a reoccurrance? That way you are focusing on the positive and being in control of the situation rather than waiting on - er - pins and needles - for the next OB... ;)





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WCSDancer2010 - "Rather than "waiting" for the next outbreak, hows about just trying to "forget" about it and do whatever you can with diet/stress/etc to reduce the chance of a reoccurrance? That way you are focusing on the positive and being in control of the situation rather than waiting on - er - pins and needles - for the next OB..."


This is where I am staying, because it's leading to a better existence for me than constantly waiting and wondering. It's hard, though, some days. Other days, it's natural.


I suspect once the research is done properly in perspective to the rate or occurance world wide, we will find that the immune system of the individual is the key. I suspect we will find that to be the reason there are such fluctuations in o/b severity, timing, etc., because the same is true for almost every other virus humans deal with.

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Yes everyone is different. I've had genital Hsv 1 for 7 years now. My first outbreak was horrible! After that I didn't get another outbreak for 5 years. Last year I got one small bump that cleared up with medication in about a week. Then nothing until July of this year. Now it's been every month since then. I would breakout on point about 4-5 days after I started my period. October i didn't have an outbreak so I thought i was ok. Then bam, on thanksgiving another outbreak. So I know everyone is different. I literally thought I would never get another outbreak again since i went 5 years without one. I've been pretty depressed that its been happening so often now so I made an appointment to talk to my doctor about suppressive therapy. Just know you're not alone on this. This forum has pulled me out a dark place and made me want to live life more. I literally was crying my eyes out in bed yesterday all day long because of this one little soar on my vagina. When I started reading about other people's stories and realized I'm completely over reacting, life has been a lot different for me today. I'm up out of bed and feeling almost normal again. Keep your head up girl!!


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Well I've only been diagnosed for about a month and a half and nothing has happened down there since the initial. But! I am on suppressive therapy. It isn't a big deal to me, suppressive therapy. I told my doctor when I was diagnosed I wanted medicine everyday regardless of what he wanted to do. He obliged and gave me a prescription for daily valtrex one pill a day. So that's what I do. And I have had nothing happen down there yet. I don't think suppressive therapy is a bad idea. I mean it's yours and your doctors decision but as for me, it's what I wanted. I don't want to breakout ever ever ever again. So I reduce the risk by taking this medicine. That's my hope at least.

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Well i have hsv 1 genitally. i was exposed to it back in march. I've had 3 outbreaks. The first in march yhe second in june and the third in october. I'm not taking any lysine ot suppressive medication though. I'm just riding it out til the end of the year marker of having it because I've heard the first yr is the worst. I don't know that's just been my experience with it.

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Peach yogurt you are a brave brave person. I jumped down my doctors throat when he suggested giving the first year a trial and error. I told him hell no. I want suppressive therapy. I don't care what you say. It's my body my choice.The first year is supposed to be the worst. You are brave. So brave. I don't have the courage to not take it and plan to my entire life. It can mess up my kidneys or live or whatever else the internet says it does. I'm not going off it. Ever. Ever. Ever. Can you sense my terrified of having another one?

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Lmao! i can sense a somewhat fearful attitude towards another outbreak haha. it hasn't been that bad really fir me. the first one was horrible though. The second stood out but not as bad as first lol. this last one didn't hurt at all down there. but i got cold chills and nausea bad before and after the last two outbreaks. i didn't really notice the cold chills and nausea first time i guess cuz my vagina was to busy screaming at me "What did u do to us? Damn you woman damn u and ur evil sex drive!"

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"Damn you woman damn u and ur evil sex drive" ~ @peachyogurtisawesome


Meanwhile, somewhere on the planet, a penis says, "Bless you, dear woman, bless you and your evil sex drive"!


Whew, am I ever thankful that libido isn't evil! If so, some would be walking around with horns, tails, or the like! And what a blessing that this site and these discussions are helping to more deeply heal the heart and mind behind the libido! DAMN, just think...we are going to be even MORE fine on the other side of this part of our journey! WHAT a catch, to find ppl like us with sex drive AND healthy hearts/minds!!! :-D

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@peachyogurtisawesome I don't know how you are so positive. Your posts always make me laugh. Idk, because the valtrex makes me nauseous some days I have thought, just try it and see. But I'm too scared because even though my first one wasn't horrible. I am scared it would be like that again. I had this like oh my god is my vagina ever going to heal, scared feeling that like they wouldn't ever go away. When was your first and basically time line of the outbreaks?

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Even though they weren't on my vagina, but my lovely butt crack, I still only think about my vagina. I guess cause of sex. Idk. And I didn't go to the bathroom number 2 for a week straight. Detailed... Sorry. But I was scared to go because the bumps were back there, and since you typically break out in the same spots I'm scared. I didn't want to infect them or anything so I just didn't go. Which was easier than you think.

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I have my really bad days too. I'm not always positive by any means. oh but while we're comparing outbreaks lol i had one inner lip i beleive that part is called the labia. it was swollen. i had to put an ice pack in a zip lick bag and occasionally ice that sucker. but other than that it was it. like a lot of other peeps on here will te you i had googled images if herpes during that (deep down i knew then i just didn't wanna admitt it) but the pictures looked way worse and nothing like what i had. i think google should put up images of milder herpes infections and get better educated about genital hsv 1. It would have been so easy to not go with my gut feeling and say ohh i look nothing like these images I'm good. i don't have to worry about getting a herpes test. Goggle needs to keep it real and post milder images to light a fire up some if these peoples asses that don't get tested.

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I agree!! Google sucks with information and pictures of Hsv 1 on the genitals!! Mine look nothing like what they show on there. @defeated- I hate how doctors don't care how you feel about the situation. I'm glad you pressed him to do the suppressive therapy. My doctor acts likes its no big deal, herpes that is. And maybe he's right, it's really not a big deal. To us it's huge!! My pretty little vagina has a nasty soar on it! How is that not a big deal?? I'm just so thankful for all of you and being able to talk to people in the same situation! My fiancée knows I have it but he doesn't understand because he's never had an outbreak on his genitals (just on his lip) so thanks guys! Ill keep everyone updated on how the suppressive therapy works out for me!


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Yeah, isn't that fascinating, Xtina? What you're speaking to is the 2 opposites around herpes not being a big deal physically/medically (hence doctors reactions mainly being like "just get over it") vs. the stigma that's rampant in our culture having us believe this is something that might just ruin our lives (hint: it isn't). ;) That turns herpes into more of a mental game than a physical one.

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Exactly!! They're the professionals and just act like its not a big deal. It's not life threatening and it does heal and go away. Yes it comes back but so does my period evey month. When I first found out I was balling my eyes out to my doctor. He was like what's wrong? It's really not something to get so worked up about. Easier said then done but I'm working on it!

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Uh yeah @peachyogurtisawesome I had all my girlfriends down in my junk and we googled images and they all were like no way that shit dont look like those pictures. Literally, I had 4 of my girlfriends look at my junk. And everyone was like that isn't herpes. I mean we hydrogen peroxided and qtipped my junk. And that is what floored me when I got the news it was, because it was not all over my junk. And it definitely didn't look like those pictures.


And @xtina420 you are right! My doctor did act like it was nothing. He just was almost like...no big deal. He even told me he would kiss me since I was so scared about kissing my nieces when I was diagnosed to show me it isn't that big of a deal. (He didn't, but said he would.) My girlfriend has told me that she would get it from me so we would both go through it together. Weird, she is. And I of course said uh no. That's crazy. I am definitely only interested in men, but I think her point was that she would be here and go through it with me. Did make me laugh. Keep us updated on how suppressive therapy is working!

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"i didn't really notice the cold chills and nausea first time i guess cuz my vagina was to busy screaming at me "What did u do to us? Damn you woman damn u and ur evil sex drive!""


@peachyogurtisawesome ..... OMFG -ROTLMAO ... I literally just almost snorted my drink when I read that...... Thank you for the laugh!

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No no no. @molly1 God. Can't believe I of all people am actually saying this, only because I still feel the way you do about "shit I'm doomed, they are doomed", but I'm trying this whole telling myself the opposite of what I'm thinking thing so here goes. You are not doomed. Someone who wants to sleep with you, go down on you is not doomed either. From what Ive read about you, you are on suppressive therapy. Bigggggggg protector for an H negative partner. Add a condom in the mix and by golly that risk goes down even more. You are not doomed. You are allowed to think like that and have those feelings, it's natural, but at some point realize, it's not the actual truth. You are not doomed, nor is someone who loves you and accepts you regardless of this. It won't matter to them if they truly love you. But love you FIRST. You come first right now. No one is doomed, we just feel that way when we initially get diagnosed. It's normal. But you will realize in time, it's a bullshit lie we tell ourselves. Why, because I already know one guy who told me it wouldn't matter to him and he could look past it. But, he is a close friend of mine that Id never jeopardize that relationship with. I've been lieing to myself and allowing myself to believe the bullshit I've been feeding myself. It's natural, we all do it. Hugs to you, we aren't/nor potential partners are not doomed. Chin up buttercup. Give it time. :)

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