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First of all WCSDancer2010, I had a feeling I was, but the question I asked about pregnant women being tested was completely out of curiosity for the research I am doing and to possibly be discussed. :)


O.K....I am taking a deep breath in to say this....and another...O.K. I'm ready. I know I had informed all of you of the pressures of my family and the whole situation with my mother wanting me to settle down and have kids and not have HSV and blah blah blah...well, it's official..I am pregnant. I know! I have had a continuing "friendship/relationship" with someone and this person knows my situation and has been very supportive, but finding this out, yes, of course it was unplanned and we were safe and I was on the pill, but yessss, I now have confirmation that I am pregnant. And I am nervous as hell. So, um, I do have questions and I need help.


Let me just say, yes I am glad to know that I am going to be a Mommy. -By the way, I am Pro Choice, which looks pretty shitty even typing that, I feel like an ass and honestly, it flickered through my mind like, crap I have HSV! I can't have this baby...but no, I quickly did my research and it's my baby. I felt deep in my heart so wrong for even considering it. I feel like I have to admit that because it goes to show how much this has impacted me and made me self-conscience and I feel selfish for even thinking it, but I am glad to have come to my senses.


I am excited but nervous about having my first child and I wonder what precautions I need to take before I am due next Summer. Is there anything I need to know about medications or if I can still have a natural birth or is C-Section the best route to go. I have my first drs. visit next week and I'm sure they'll tell me, but I just want to hear from you guys who actually have HSV and kids. Is there anything I should be eating that will prevent out breaks?


Speaking of which, I don't know if I am having one now and it's freaking me out. I felt a slight burn or sharp pain "down there" while I was wiping and I can't see where it is but it feels like there is something there. I used my Monistat anti- itch cream and I showered using my Summer's Eve wash, I read it was safe to use, but I just feel something and I don't know what it is. Can I get sores inside my vagina??? How can I treat this now that I am pregnant. I am off my meds until I can get one that will be safe for me to use now. That was recommended by the testing center until I have my first visit with my dr. It just feels weird and I am trying not think about it, but it doesn't feel normal...what can I do? Is there anything at all that I should know or being doing. I would really appreciate the advice and ANY ADVICE about this.


Well, I'm glad I get to share this with all of you and EEEEKKKKaaaHHHHX-D...I am so happy and NERVOUS and excited. I hope it's a healthy boy because there are wayyy too many ladies in my family and I want a little man running around the house...so cute. Lord Help Me! I pray that everything will be o.k.


Thanks Guys. :)

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First - Congratulations!


So remind me, when did you contract HSV? It's a bit trickier in the first year because your body is still learning to deal with the virus. So if you will be within the first year, they may be more likely to discuss a Cesarean early on. But it doesn't mean you HAVE to have one. A lot will depend on how well your body is dealing with the virus. They will usually suggest you go on Valtrex for the last month to help to keep you from having an OB during the last weeks leading to delivery. They will monitor you closely. If there's a chance on an OB, they will suggest a s-section.


Otherwise everything will be "normal" .... :)


And interesting you got pregnant on BC - so did my daughter ... the odds of that happening is about 1% ... LESS than getting Herpes while using a condom.


Pregnancy ... the OTHER sexually transmitted condition ...LOL


Congratulations again! So glad for you :)

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OMG!!!!! :D I am literally cheesing so hard right now!!!! This is so beautiful!! Congratulations!!!!! :D Kind of scares me abit though about being on BC because I was also on BC (just stopped them a day after my friend and I had sex and he didn't "pull out"). So my doctor told me to be on the lookout for my period this month lol. I wouldn't mind being a mother if it does happen though, I'll be 25 in 5 months so time is of the essence!!! Lol. So happy for you though!!!

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I believe I started showing symptoms of it in May. I had my first real out break at the end of July. I am not sure when I got it, but I am positive it was this year because I had just started seeing someone. I believe he has HSV 1 and 2 and doesn't know but my body was reacting to something usually the next day after we had sex...it would feel like I had a U.I. and he is in something, that I won't say, but they donate blood and work closely with other people that are in harms way and I asked him if he had anything and he said no. So I trusted him based on that. And plus he never had any open lesions that I know of and if they were there or he was shedding I had no idea about HSV so... when the hives started coming up in May I think it was my immune system reacting to the virus. I did read that it can be a warning sign with a viral infection letting you know that you may have immune deficiency, but now the hives seem to be stopping or going away. I stopped all medication I was taking for the hives and drinking cold water when I feel my body getting hot and that tends to work the hives away. Aside from that I had never shown any signs of H last year or never had an inkling that I was carrying it.

I have had no signs of HSV since that outbreak in July. And the hives have been going away for about 3 weeks now and no signs of them coming back up. Does that mean I may have had it longer than I thought?

My doctor looked puzzled when I told her I was on the pill and am now pregnant. I didn't know how uncommon it was. And she was even more shocked that I was hospitalized for Herpes. I had the sores going all the way down my esophagus but I tested positive for HSV2 not 1...was that something else because I had no open lesions down there when I was hospitalized. I had told them that I had cut myself on the hood part of my clit by accident while shaving my lady parts bc I had gotten waxed and I noticed they missed a spot...but the cut looked like it got infected. I dunno. My obgyn will test me again and we'll discuss all possibilities for me.

I am more nervous about having HSV now though. I won't lie, but I know neonatal is uncommon for the most part if your body has already developed antibodies to defend yourself from the virus. I went crazy reading about it, but I just ehhh, I feel weird and I don't want to because I just want a normal pregnancy. :( But they say it's usually when the baby has developed and comes into contact with HSV during an outbreak that you need to worry about, that is the part that freaks me out.

But!!!! I will clear my mind for now and wait to see what my doc. tells me because I'll over analyze this shit...lol. Thanks for all the Congrats. It feels awesome and Life Changing. I get to relax and use the excuse "I'm Pregnant" for everything:D I'm looking forward to it.

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My doctor looked puzzled when I told her I was on the pill and am now pregnant. I didn't know how uncommon it was. And she was even more shocked that I was hospitalized for Herpes. I had the sores going all the way down my esophagus but I tested positive for HSV2 not 1...was that something else because I had no open lesions down there when I was hospitalized. I had told them that I had cut myself on the hood part of my clit by accident while shaving my lady parts bc I had gotten waxed and I noticed they missed a spot...but the cut looked like it got infected. I dunno. My obgyn will test me again and we'll discuss all possibilities for me.


I DO hope that isn't your OBGYN - otherwise you need a new Dr :(


My daughter got pregnant on the pill (and yes @seeker, I know antibiotics can affect the pill ... that may be what happened with my daughter) ... the risk (not including meds affecting it) are 1% ... ie: not impossible (just like Herpes!)


So you have HSV2 in your throat at well? Did they culture it at the time? Or did they only culture down below? If you got H2 orally as well, you need to not do ANYTHING risky in the future, because your luck is worse than mine...LOL!


But they say it's usually when the baby has developed and comes into contact with HSV during an outbreak that you need to worry about, that is the part that freaks me out.


Don't worry about your baby... I have H2 genital and H1 oral ... never passed any of it to my 2 daughters nor my grandbaby... and if you have H2 oral, it rarely sheds at all once it settles down because it really dislikes that area. The point of the baby coming in contact during an OB is for ORAL HSV1 where you have cold sores on the lips .... or during delivery if you have an OB but the Dr's will give you a good look-over when you go into labor to make sure you are ok ;)

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I had not been tested at all for HSV 1 or 2 when I was in the hospital. That is why I was so confused as what I had because it was a visual diagnosis and they said because she has sores in her throat and my cut down there (they insisted it was a sore even though I knew it wasn't) the drs said she has both HSV 1 AND 2.

But now that I have been tested, I came back positive for 2 NOT 1. So, that is why I question if I had strep. during that period of time because I assumed it was strep. But they did swab me for it and they said they never got accurate results. Either way I am glad it came up bc I would have never known, but I don't know what the sores were going down my throat...I was tested for mono, strep...cancer...everything but HSV. I went to Planned Parenthood to get tested for it and that's where I got my results. My OBGYN a new one, will test me again next week, but how rare is it for someone to be misdiagnosed? And can you get HSV2 In your mouth??? lol I thought it was oral or genitals only, but you can get hsv1 down there...I'm confused...please explain this to me. lol. But yes, I had no symptoms of it when I was in the hospital down there. It looked like mono. honestly or strep.

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From what I've read, HSV is only a major concern if you contract it during your pregnancy. You'll likely be put on antivirals suppressively at least during the last 4 weeks of your pregnancy to prevent an OB. If you do have one, you will likely be recommended for C-section. Otherwise, you should be able to have a vaginal delivery. However, since you acquired it within the past year, they may have you on antivirals throughout your entire pregnancy. Your doctor can determine the best course of action.


If you can, keep us updated. I plan on having children within the next several years (4 or so) if all goes according to plan. I'm sure there are other women who would like to know how it goes as well!

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Congrats!! I had three babies after my diagnosis. I was put on Valtrex the last couple weeks of my pregnancies. When you go into labor, they do an exam with a light (can not think of the name at the moment) to make sure there are no lesions.


I did have three c sections. None of this was due to H, but because I never dilated past 4.


I don't know if you've thought about breastfeeding? If so, I did this with all of mine, and H was never an issue.

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