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Everything posted by Flowerteacher55

  1. Hi!! No worries at all! ๐Ÿ™‚ I did some research, and I found a data table from the STD Center, NY which explains the accuracy of various herpes tests: For the swab (culture), it said Test Accuracy = 100 ; False Positive Rate = 0% ; and False Negative Rate = usually 25%, but can be as high as 70%. So, a false positive for a swab would definitely be really unlikely. I honestly would have to ask a doctor about this, but asymptomatic shedding still can pass the virus, so that makes me wonder if the doctor/nurse swabbed an area where you were asympotmatically shedding, it would pick up the viral DNA and come back as positive. It's great that the cream has helped you! Sugar does feed yeast (sadness, because I am one of those people who snacks on cinnamon toast crunch all the time and each treats before bed) so that definitely can throw a monkey wrench into things. However, drink plenty of water and if you still aren't seeing improvement, head back to the doctor! Sending you happy healing vibes!
  2. @Stressed1 Hi! I personally use Costco's Kirkland Vitamin C chewables; they are in a giant bottle of 500 and they are in a 500 mg tablet chewable form, that tastes like orange. Vitamin C is water soluble, which means the excess vitamins your body 'doesn't need' exits the body through urine. So, if your urine seems an odd color (more yellow-y than usual), that could be from the vitamin C! According to Mayo Clinic's Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D., "the recommended daily amount for vitamin C is 65 to 90 milligrams (mg) a day, and the upper limit is 2,000 mg a day. Although too much dietary vitamin c is unlikely to be harmful, megadoses of vitmain C supplements might cause: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, abdominal cramps, headache, and insomnia." View the Source, Here! https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/expert-answers/vitamin-c/faq-20058030#:~:text=For adults%2C the recommended daily,Nausea If you are concerned about starting a new vitamin (if you take other medications/are on temporary or permanent medications) ask your doctor if the Vitamin C could interact with the medicines. I hope this helps! Blessings! ๐Ÿ™‚
  3. Hello! It's great that you went to the doctor! Ouch! A yeast infection in that area sounds painful, especially because of the friction the crease between the bottom faces from walking, clothing, sitting, etc. Just to clarify, are you having an HPV flare up or an HSV flare up? Also, I have used Lysine cream before, and it really helped me. Generally for HSV-1 (what I have), Lysine can really make an improvement. I bought it at a wellness/holistic store. It was in a tiny tube, was a yellow ointment, and it kind of smelled like lemon. Looking back (I was only 19) I honestly don't think I checked to see if it was for oral or genital sores, but it didn't specify, so I applied it to the genital region and it helped so much! It protected the sores from chafing, helped with urination (acidity burns), and helped with general pain. I have GHSV-1, and the Lysine helped me, however for GHSV-2, which tends to be stronger and more aggressive, Zovirax may help you more. Zovirax is a topical Acyclovir. You can read about both of them here, it compares them! https://www.rxlist.com/zovirax_vs_lysine/drugs-condition.htm#what_is_zovirax Vitamin C is a wonderful vitamin to take in general, H or not! Vitamin C has shown to speed up the healing time for outbreaks. Interestingly enough, there are studies done that explain how an IV of vitamin C helped people with herpes zoster (Shingles), which isn't HSV, but it is in the same herpes family. I hope this helps! ๐Ÿ™‚ Blessings, grace
  4. Hey Friends! I hope you all are doing well ๐ŸŒป! I was thinking earlier, "Hmm. There are no HSV memes that exist." So, I decided to make one! ๐Ÿ™‚ If you want to make a happy meme, feel free, and post it! ๐Ÿ™‚ It's kind of therapeutic! Also, if you ever feel alone, or misunderstood, or confused, or lonely, or even if you feel good, but just want to talk to someone who can relate, please feel free to message me. You deserve support and kindness and you are worthy of support and kindness. Remember to be kind to yourself โค๏ธ! Have faith and stay strong. You are a survivor and a thriver! ๐Ÿ™‚ Smile like this koala when you think about how amazing you are and how blessed the world is to have you in it! Blessings!
  5. Hello, Friend!! I hope you are feeling better ๐Ÿ™‚ I wanted to reach out and let you know I double checked the fact about periods contributing to HSV outbreaks, and sadly, it is super super common, because of hormones. When you feel pain from your period, you feel stress (physical and emotional) which also can trigger outbreaks. I couldn't find anything regarding the impact of organs swelling contributing to the nerve pain, so don't quote me on that! Sorry for my incorrect info! Also, Here is an article from Teen Vogue which really could help you feel less alone โค๏ธ https://www.teenvogue.com/story/why-you-get-herpes-during-period Blessings! ๐Ÿ™‚
  6. Hi, @sadthatimhere, You just brought up such a good point that I have never thought about! Medicinal marijuana is being more more utilized to help treat pain and medical conditions, and I wonder if any studies have been done to study the impacts of marijuana on pain, nerve damage, and HSV outbreaks. Thanks for bringing this topic to conversation! I hope you are doing well! Blessings ๐Ÿ™‚ !!
  7. Hi! Sorry for the late reply! Thank you so much for your kind encouragement on the site. It is so amazing that you have found such peace with your body, and you have 'tools in your toolbox' to help take care of yourself, from ๐ŸŒน baths to knowing how clothing impacts you during outbreaks to reducing friction during intimacy. Thank you for sharing your self-care health tools with us! Sending blessings and prayers of happiness your way, and thank you again for your kindness and encouragement!! โ˜€๏ธ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ
  8. Hello, I hope you are well! I am so sorry that you had COVID, and I am so sorry that it caused you to experience outbreaks. When the body is under stress (like from being sick) it can cause outbreaks. Your question is a great one because it addresses the difference in sore appearance. Sores that are on exterior skin (outer labia, for example) do tend to have the ability to scab because they can become dry. However, inner labia skin/skin that has a moist mucous membrane doesn't really scab because the skin is moist and isn't dry. Plus, the skin is subject to urine passing over it, which not only adds to the moisture but also can make the healing processing take more time since the acidity of the urine causes irritation to sores. It is typically safe to resume sex after the following: 1) symptoms of burning, itching, and tingling etc. are gone (these typically indicate the virus is actively shedding); 2) the sore(s) have disappeared (there is no longer a raised bump with a dimple/center, no 'goo' is being released from the spot where the sore was, and 3) the skin feels healed. Since you mentioned this feels so similar to the severity of your primary outbreak (ouchies!! ๐Ÿฅบ) it may take similar amount of time for your skin to feel better and be fully healed. Another key factor in addition to the 3 above: 4) when YOU feel ready! If you feel any doubt or you aren't 100% ready to reengage in intimacy, then just pause and take it slow. Your emotional safety matters, and if you feel hesitant, it's alright to wait another day/days. And, when in doubt, have it checked out! If you aren't sure and need help differentiating healed skin from still-healing skin, head to a Planned Parenthood, and OBGYN, or other trusted doctor. For the first year of having HSV I would go to my colleges student health center to ask how to ID rashes or spots I saw in that region. One time it was an ingrown hair, another a cyst, another a heat rash, etc. But, it's alright! I wanted to be sure I was alright. If your sores have healed, and it's been about a week since your sore(s) fully healed and symptoms have ceased, and you still feel worried, you or your partner can use an internal or external condom to help possibly reduce the risk of any potential transmission. I hope this helps! Feel better โ˜€๏ธ๐Ÿ€!! Blessings!!
  9. Hi, @Karl44 I hope you are well. I wanted to offer a hypothesis to friends who may be experiencing prolonged symptoms related to urination, swelling, and general discomfort in the groin area: one of my close friends was having terrible pain in his genital area; burning when peeing, painful urination and ejaculation, painful sex, swollen testicles, and pain when just moving or sitting. He was tested numerous times for an STI and UTI, and he ended up having all his pain and issues do to a swollen prostate. If you have a prostate, and you are 25+ years, chances are the prostate could be the culprit of unexplained pain (since the prostate continues to grow throughout life). The cause of the prostate swelling and pain is different for everyone, but at least getting the prostate checked via an MRI and physical exam can help narrow down diagnoses, and then you can get the treatment you need. I hope this helps! Sending prayers and blessings to all!! Stay strong, friends!! We are all in this together!! ๐Ÿ€โ˜€๏ธ๐Ÿ”๏ธ
  10. Hello @RingofFire and Friends! I hope you are all doing well โ˜€๏ธ sadly, UW hasn't gotten back to me ๐Ÿ˜”. I am going to call them later and ask if they 1) received my email and 2) they could please provide answers by email or phone. Thank you all for your patience! Blessings to all! ๐Ÿ€โ˜€๏ธโ˜ฎ๏ธ
  11. Hello @RingofFire, Thank you for the update! I'm happy you are feeling better. Oxybutynin is used to treat overactive bladder; if your nerve pain is coming from your bladder, this could help! Did the doctor give any hypothesis as to what possibly caused the bladder nerve pain? Sending happy healing thoughts your way!!
  12. Hello! ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope you are well. First, please know you have no reason to be ashamed and embarrassed about your conditions. You are not dirty. You are not bad. You are not unlovable. You are pure and clean. You are good. You are worthy of love, kindness, and respect. I am so sorry that your ex husband cheated on you. You did not deserve that. I cannot even imagine the pain from the hemorrhoids and the outbreak. If it hurts to sit down, you can try sitting on a donut pillow (the pillow people sit on if they break their tailbone). Or, even a pool floatie ring would help! You can buy the donut pillow at most drug stores, but call ahead to make sure they have it. If your Valtrex is not helping, you could try one of three things: 1) talk to your doctor about trying a different antiviral, 2) talk to your doctor about upping the dosage of the antiviral, and/or 3) ask your doctor if you can receive/try a topical antiviral cream (basically topical Valacyclovir). Are your HSV sores internal or external? If they are internal (in the vaginal or anal cavities) then the cream wouldn't do any good, but if they are external (on the skin/you can see them) the topical cream may help. I would also recommend eating high fiber foods during this time and staying hydrated, so your stools are not hard to pass (which would agitate the hemorrhoids more). You can also try a warm sitz bath by using Epsom salts to help ease the hemorrhoid pain and possibly help them heal quicker. The Epsom salts are also great for possibly helping HSV sores clear up quicker, too. Plus, the warm water may help you feel more relaxed and feel less pain. If you symptoms are really bad, go to the doctor, and they can give you a hydrocortisone suppository. Also what might help is keeping a log of what triggers your outbreaks of both HSV and hemorrhoids so you possibly avoid these triggers and/or prepare for outbreaks. You can keep track of what happened the day before outbreaks, what helps them heal vs what prolongs them, etc. This also serves as data to give your doctor if you go back to them to ask for additional treatment or ask questions! ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope this helps! Sending positive and happy healing energy your way ๐ŸŒปโ˜€๏ธ
  13. Hi Friend! First, just breathe. You are not dirty. You are not unlovable. You are not bad. You are pure and clean. You are loveable and worthy of love and respect. You are good. You will not be judged here. This is a space for you to speak and gain support. We are here for you! How you are feeling is very common. I am so sorry you feel so alone. Please know that you are not alone, we are all here for you. Being with someone for four years and then suddenly having no one really must feel so shocking. It is normal to have a period of time where you need to grieve. All emotions are okay to feel, it's what we do with them that matters. Really take time and sort through your feelings. You feel alone. Dig deeper. What is it about being alone that makes you sad? Do you feel rejected? Do you feel not good enough? Hopeless? Alone with your feelings and thoughts? This may be an amazing opportunity to learn self love and acceptance. When we have someone with us who is , we tend to forget to accept ourselves first, as we are. We kind of bury that because we fill our bucket with the love and acceptance from our partner. However, loving and accepting yourself as you are is essential for thriving and growing and living your best life, which you deserve!! โ˜€๏ธ๐Ÿ’› Work on loving yourself. Write down a list of facts versus lies. For example: Lie: I am dirty because I have HSV ; Truth: I am clean and pure and good, and HSV could never ever change that. Like: I am weak without a partner ; Truth: I am strong and steady, whether I have a partner or not. Etc! Remember, fear is a liar. You ARE good enough. You ARE worthy of love and respect, from yourself and from others. When we feel bad about ourselves, we may self-sabotage or engage in self destructive behaviors. However, you deserve love and positive happy healthy behaviors. Remember, intimacy with others is okay, but of course honest comes first. Telling someone of your status is essential, and remember, you have nothing to feel ashamed about when you disclose to someone. Be proud and hold your head high, always! To help you heal, you can contact this person and explain to them of your status. They may be very upset, but it's better to tell them now so if they start experiencing symptoms they can go get tested. Also, they should know so they don't unknowingly pass it to someone. After you are honest with them, forgive yourself, and move on the better things. You are strong! You can do this. And you deserve to be happy and feel safe and comfortable in your own body. Please reach out if you need someone to talk to! I hope this helps!! Sending blessings and prayers your way โ˜€๏ธ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ
  14. Hi!! I hope you are doing well. It is wonderful that you talked to doctors about everything. You present a really interesting question! For starters, swab tests work by taking a viral sample of DNA and testing it to see if it is HSV. Swab tests are prone to human error, since if the medical professional preforming the swab doesn't swab enough DNA, it can produce false negatives. The IgG and IgM blood tests work by detecting antibodies, so not the viral DNA itself like the swab test, but instead the antibodies your body builds up in response to HSV. Blood tests can of course be inaccurate as well, depending on timing and how quickly your body build up antibodies. It is possible to have both an HSV outbreak (in this case a primary outbreak) AND a yeast infection at the same time. Your swab came back positive, and it is possible that you have HSV and sadly also had a yeast infection, which would make sense because intercourse can cause a flare-up of yeast infection issues, as you described, since new bacteria is entering the body/moving around from your partner to you. If you would like, totally get a blood test for extra knowledge. Knowledge is power! For your own peace of mind and for own physical health peace of mind, it might be a good idea. Also, to clarify, when you had the first outbreak, you had sores, correct? The antivirals didn't help so you took the Prednisone and it helped. It would make sense if you had an outbreak and a yeast infection simultaneously. I hope this helps!! Sending good vibes and blessings of health and happiness your way โ˜€๏ธ
  15. Hello! I hope you are well. These are great questions! Thank you for asking them! Please know the anxiety and shame are feelings that we don't deserve to feel. We have no reason to feel ashamed. This common virus doesn't define us in any way! Also, try and avoid the Google rabbit hole of HSV searches, since most of it is not factual at all! If you do want to research, stick to reliable scientific sources (such as the resources on this website! โ˜บ๏ธ) To answer your questions: 1. Herpetic whitlow can occur even without cuts on the fingers, but it's very very unlikely. You have antibodies that protect you from infecting yourself with HSV. Those with autoimmune illnesses are more at risk to pass it to themselves. If you are worried about passing it to your hands, just wash your hands after touching sores. It is unlikely for you to have herpetic whitlow and not know it, especially if you are symptomatic (you have physical outbreaks). 2. Yes, hormone changes from PMS and menstruation can impact outbreaks. Everyone has different triggers, but many people experience outbreaks that are influenced by their hormonal changes and period. Also, because HSV in the genital region lives in the bundle of nerves at the base of the spine, urine cramps and bloating and pain from menstruation could hypothetically cause some discomfort and pain and possibly trigger an outbreak. (I'm not a doctor and am not 110% sure about this so I am going to double check this and fact check it for you!!) 3. Studies and experiments have shown a correlation between time passed and likelihood of shedding, however this is a correlation, not causation. Basically, for some, yes, shedding and outbreak frequency decreases as time passes. For others, they may have frequent outbreaks for a few years, and then it decreases, and others may not have a decrease in our reals for a long time (or hypothetically ever). It all depends on the individual. Something that may help you is keeping a log of outbreaks and length (kind of like how some people track their periods). This way, you can see if your outbreaks are influenced by certain triggers (periods, certain foods, activity, etc). And you can see the number of outbreaks you have and if the numbers are higher or lower in relation to your different trigger factors! I hope this helps!! โ˜บ๏ธ Remember: You are beautiful. You are strong. You are worthy of love, happiness, and respect (from yourself, and from others!!) โ˜€๏ธ Blessings!!
  16. Hello, @Northern guy, First, I am so sorry for the stress you have been experiencing. Please know it will all be alright. We are here to support you ๐Ÿ€โ˜€๏ธ. This sounds like a primary outbreak since the swab came back positive while the blood came back negative, as it takes 12+ weeks for an IgG blood test to come back positive. What it an IgG or an IgM blood test that you received? As an educational moment for all our friends: swab tests are prone to error, as if the swabber doesn't swab enough viral DNA, it has a tendency to produce false negatives or positives. Also, blood tests can certainly produce misreadings as well! Therefore, in general, it would be a great idea to get the IgG blood test in 12+ weeks. I hope this helps clarify testing! It is possible your partner did not pass it to you until now; perhaps she wasn't shedding at times you were previously intimate. Your partner mentioned to you that she "figured her ex gave her something," Did she explain why? Perhaps she did have symptoms previously and neglected to get them checked out or thought it was some other type of rash or irritation. Perhaps sitting down with your partner and having a clear communication session would help clear up this tension and confusion. This is your health here, and that matters! You matter, too! For your mental and physical healths' sakes, your relationship's sake, and for your partner's health's sake, discussion and honesty should occur. Stay strong and be kind to yourself. ๐Ÿ’›โ˜€๏ธ Blessings!!
  17. Hi!! I am so sorry you've been experiencing pain from your outbreak. Please know it will heal! ๐Ÿ’› Epsom salts are a magical thing. They are amazing for reducing swelling, inflammation, and pain (and constipation, although it isn't the safest (or tastiest) idea to ingest them unless you know what you're doing!). For herpes sores, yes, you can use Epsom salts! Epsom salts, or even Kosher salt, are great for drawing out infection and 'goo'. Salt and Epsom salt also make the skin dry and clears up pimples and sores. However, please be aware it may cause discomfort or burning, especially because sores are basically like open wounds, and salt not only can burn the sore but the surrounding skin. This is why salt and Epsom salts are not applied directly to the skin, but instead are diluted in water. Also, salt is an antiseptic, which also contributed to the fact that it burns sometimes. You could soak in the tub by mixing warm water with Epsom salts and mixing until they dissolve, or mix hot water with the Epsom salt so it dissolves, and then soak a washcloth in it, and apply it to the area you need. I reccomend testing it on a small area of skin first or a single sore to see how your body and skin reacts to it, so you know if it will help you and you know what to expect before exposing a larger area of skin to the treatment. Also, for friends with oral herpes sores, you can do this treatment, too!! Swishing warm salt around in your mouth can help reduce inflammation, pain, and the development of the sore(s). Or, if you get sores on your lip area, dip a washcloth in warm water mixed with Kosher table salt and apply it to the sore. NOTE: For oral herpes application, I DO NOT reccomend using Epsom salts because they actually taste like the worst thing ever ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคข. So, stick with Kosher salt for oral HSV sores! โ˜€๏ธ I hope this helps!! Blessings!! โ˜€๏ธ๐Ÿ’›
  18. Hello! I hope you are well. This is a great question! The answer is... it depends on how you feel about it! ๐Ÿ™‚ Some people take medication as a preventative measure, meaning they take it every day to help reduce the likelihood of shedding and/or outbreaks. Others take it when they feel an outbreak starting/have prodrome symptoms, and others may not take it at all. It all depends on your levels of pain, number of outbreaks, your outbreak severity, your intimacy status, and just personal choice factors, etc. For me personally, I took my medication during my first outbreak because it was so severe. During my second (very small, only two sores) I did not have access to my medication so I did not use it, and eventually the sores went away. I used some lysine cream to help with the pain. My third outbreak was also very minor, just two tiny sores. I did not use medication for this either because I didn't have any available. It all depends on what works for you. If you are cautious about medication in general, please know that antivirals are pretty mild; the side effects are generally mild (unless you are taking a medicine that reacts with them or you have an allergy to an ingredient, etc). If you are worried, you can also talk to your doctor or OB and ask them for the fact sheet about the antivirals and side effects! I hope this helps! ๐Ÿ™‚ Blessings!
  19. @Wen1234 Hello! I am so sorry that you have been struggling. I am so sorry that your doctor was dismissive and not support of you. That is just not okay. Please know your experience and feelings are 100% valid. If you need to talk, we are all here to support you. It may help if you got a referral for an immunologist. You may feel like you are worthless, but you are NOT worthless. You are worthy! โค๏ธ Always remember that, even when the worry and fear creeps in. You are worthy. You are beautiful. You are a blessing.
  20. Hi!!! It's called Positive Singles. Remember that you don't need to be on a dating app to find your soulmate, but if it's meant to be it's meant to be. I am so grateful that my human is patient and accepting, as I have been struggling with some emotional issues. I could not be more grateful and appreciative of him!!! He's such a blessing. I pray you and everyone finds their soulmate!!! โ˜€๏ธ Stay strong and stay hopeful!! Don't settle for less than you deserve and always remember to love and accept yourself, whether you're single or not!! Blessings!
  21. Hi!! Thank you for the clarification!! So, canker sores are ulcers and are NOT contagious. They are caused by injury and even eating spicy or acidic foods can cause them! In comparison, HSV is contagious. So, the chapstick may not actually be a factor in this at all! Sometimes HSV tests can come back as a false positive. So, getting retested in a few weeks and monitoring symptoms sounds like a great idea. The Western Blot is used as a last resort or for those who want a more precise test. You can learn more from the University of Washington Virology Division's website! It's wonderful that you are considerate about your partner. You can explain to them you tested positive for HSV-1 (technically we don't know where it is located since you have never had an outbreak) but you are going to get tested, and you just wanted to be honest and respectful and let them know. Your partner may be a little confused, but they of course should react supportively and respectully-- that's what you deserve!! Stay strong and stay well โ˜€๏ธ!!
  22. Hi!! This is a great question. Please know that oral HSV is very common, especially OHSV-1. You will be okay! ๐Ÿ™‚ It typically takes an IgG blood result 12+ weeks after exposure to come back positive. Very soon after exposure, an IgM blood test can come back positive, because IgM antibodies spike in number during the first exposure. Eventually, as IgM antibodies die off, IgG antibodies build up (and eventually build up enough to be detected by an IgM blood test). If this is your first exposure to OHSV-1, then yes, it would be odd for you to come back with a positive IgG 8 days later. However, you said you have gotten canker sores before which is how you knew the ID of the sores that appeared in your mouth two days after using the chap stick. By canker sores, are you referring to cold sores? Have you had cold orally before? If so, it is possible this is all a coincidence, and maybe you caught a cold or you are stressed so your body produced the two cold sores; it's just possible they appeared in coincidence with the chap stick use! This would also explain the IgG positive result. Also, just to clarify, it was positive for HSV-1, correct? I hope this helps! Blessings! ๐Ÿ™‚
  23. Hello! I am so sorry you are experiencing these symptoms. Please know it will heal and get better! Just to clarify, you have had the blood streaks months prior to when you had your first outbreak, right? If you have been having the blood streaks for this long, with no other symptoms, it could be from a variety of things, from birth control/hormones to an internal infection (cervix-related or another part of the vagina/cavity). I recommend going to an OBGYN or to a health clinic and have them examine the canal (they'll probably use a speculum and a light, and you can even ask for a PAP smear to ensure there isn't anything going on). They could also take a discharge sample to look at as well to check for bacterial infections. So, it is possible to have two+ things simultaneously occurring. You could have some skin pain internally from possible internal sores. HSV can also cause unusual amounts of vaginal discharge (usually runny or watery). However, the blood streak makes me think the discharge is related to something else (not H-related). I would head to the OB and get checked. The vagina is a really sensitive environment, and changes in anything, from hormones to intimacy to even new soaps or products can all impact vaginal health. If you OB tries to be dismissive, really insist for testing and an exam. Your health is important!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope this helps!! Sending happy healing prayers and blessings your way!!
  24. Hi, Again! I just wanted to clarfiy... Femiclear helps ease symptoms, and is homeopathic (not evaluated by the FDA). Zovirax is an antiviral ointment, which is also called acyclovir ointment. I hope this helps! Blessings!
  25. @JessJunko Hello! That is a great question. Yes, there are topical solutions that can be applied to outbreaks in the genital region. Some are evaluated by the FDA, others (homeopathic ones) are NOT. So, make sure to choose products with caution and always consult your doctor before you use anything! ๐Ÿ™‚ Here are two!... (but there are many others!) Zovirax Ointment: This ointment is a topical antivral. Read more about it here: https://www.rxlist.com/zovirax-ointment-drug.htm#description Femiclear (Homeopathic): This is not an antiviral ointment, but instead helps soothe the pain and itching of the sores, and has antibacterial properties as well. I hope this helps! Blessings!
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