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Everything posted by Flowerteacher55

  1. Hello, First, I am so sorry that you experienced this disrespect from someone you trusted. That is really disappointing. You did nothing wrong, this is not your fault. You did not deserve that. Second, please know you are not dirty. You are not worthless. You are not unwanted. You are clean and pure. You are worthy and deserving of a beautiful, healthy love. You are wanted. The way people treat us shows us who they are, and is a reflection of them, not of you. The cowardice and immaturity of completely ignoring someone who was vulnerable and honest is just plain ignorant. Good for you for calling from another number, and having him explain himself. You deserve that closure, and I love your confidence and directness!! I also have HSV from receiving oral sex (I am 90% positive I received it this way!). I cannot even imagine how hard it must have been to get it during your honeymoon, and to have it from someone you were married to for so long. I personally have told so many folks about my HSV, and while some have been harsh and just plain judgemental, others have been very kind and understanding, and acknowledge, "it's okay, that's really common. Thanks for being honest." Those who just had motives for sex and had feelings only on the surface (not deep from the heart or emotional) were turned away from my disclosure, and honestly I am grateful I have HSV as a tool to weed out the men who aren't for me. Our experiences shape our perspectives and realities. If we experience many negative or unsuccessful relationships, than it can make us feel like it will always be that way. However, there is hope. Just as there are kind women souls in the world, there are kind men, searching for a kind woman just like you! The hard part is the waiting and the searching. Often times the right people are right in front of us, and we just need to focus on the good souls instead of the souls who aren't for us. There are so many people on this forum who have found lasting, healthy, positive relationships. Love is stronger than stigma. Love is stronger than fear. Healthy love that is meant to be isn't broken by having a common virus. If anything, the honesty and vulnerability that disclosing takes can build intimacy and bring people closer together in love and respect. You deserve this type of happy and healthy relationship!! Stay strong, sister! You are not alone. The right human will come along, I promise. ❀️ Sending blessings and hope your way! πŸŒ„ Blessings, Grace
  2. Hi!! Oh my gosh that's amazing!! Good for you!! Nurses are so essential ❀️❀️. Honestly, the mind-body connection is so strong. When we think a lot about a part of the body and hyperfocus on it, we can actually manifest symptoms!! It's like, then if we feel a slight itch that is normal, we start assuming it's herpes and freak out. It is exhausting and distracting. It seems that for right now you are okay. No symptoms or anything other than the irritation, but the fact that the redness and irritation went down since you came home is a good sign. Yeast infections with treatment can last for a few days or even over a week depending on the severity. How long is your course of antibiotics? Also, you can call your doctor and update your symptoms and ask if your skin issue and vaginal burning are expected while using the antibiotic, and what she thinks you should do. I hope this helps!! ☺️
  3. Hello!! I am so sorry that you've had a rough day. Sitting in lectures while having any issues down there really is uncomfortable, especially in clothing that makes us sweat! If you are studying to be a nurse or another medical field job, that is SO cool! The world needs you ☺️!! In regards to your symptoms, it seems like it could be an irritated scratch from shaving, or even an ingrown hair. Or, it could be from the yeast infection. It's great that the discharge has subsided. However, having the red irritation definitely can cause anxiety, so I am sorry that you are anxious. Has the red spot gotten better or worse since Friday? Has it changed at all, grown in size, severity, etc? Are you able to see closely what the red irritation mark is? Try using a hand mirror to see if the irritation spot has any unique features, such as a dimple, a head, if it is raised or just colored red, etc. Stay strong!! We are here for you ❀️ Sending blessings your way!! πŸŒ„
  4. Hello! That's great. Ask for an IgG blood test, as they are better than IgM tests. However, Herpes IgG antibodies do not build up to detectable amounts in your blood until about 12 weeks from the date of possible exposure. I know it's so hard to wait!! However, 12+ weeks reduces risk of false negatives from occuring. Sending prayers and happiness your way!! πŸŒ„
  5. Hello! I'm happy the razor burn subsided. Typically, a herpes outbreak wouldn't subside, and would gradually get more intense as time passes. The primary outbreak usually has a pretty quick onset, and then the symptoms plateau as the sores arrive and are painful, and then start to heal and eventually go away (imagine the bell curve graph). After first exposure, if someone has a symptomatic outbreak, it typically takes anywhere from 2-20 days for the sores/symptoms to appear. For others, they are asymptomatic, and do not show any symptoms when they contract it. Asymptomatic tendencies are more likely in people with penises, however all genders can be asymptomatic. The prescription of the preemptive antibiotics definitely could be the reason why you are experiencing some issues down there, especially if you didn't need the antibiotics in the first place and you were not exposed to gonorrhea or clamydia. A yeast infection can feel uncomfortable, and can cause burning, itching, and/or redness of the labial and vaginal area(s). If this is your first intimate experience in 10 years, a UTI is totally possible, as the movement of different bacterias into the vagina and urethra can cause a UTI. I got a UTI after the first time I had sex. Because the vagina is close in proximity to the anus, it's common for a UTI to happen from sex. Allergies to condoms and spermicides are definitely a thing. If it helps, using natural condoms could be a solution. Also, there are internal condoms which are inserted into the vagina and remains in place via a rubber ring that lays against the cervix, and I believe these are often latex and spermicide free. It is great you told him about everything, and I hope he gets tested for his both your and his own own health and wellbeing. I am praying for you! Everything will be okay. Hang in there πŸŒ„ Blessings, Grace
  6. Hi, @Lelania! I replied to your post πŸ™‚ Blessings, Grace
  7. Hello! I am so sorry you are so stressed. Take a moment and breathe. It will be okay ❀️ We are here to help you! Having a condom break is SO scary. It's especially frustrating because you actually were having protected sex, but the condom broke! That isn't your fault. You said your doctor tested you for chlamydia and gonorrhea, and then prescribed antibiotics. Did the tests come back positive for both of those, or did she just give the antibiotics to you for a "just in case take them anyway" situation? The vaginal burning and clumpy white discharge could indicate many possible things, including gonorrhea or a yeast infection. It could be from chlamydia, although that discharge is usually more yellow in color. Antibiotics are notorious for killing good bacteria that keep our guts in check, and of course, our vaginas in check. Antibiotics can actually cause yeast infections! Razor burn is definitely possible, especially if you rarely shave. As the hairs start to grow back, it can be plain uncomfortable and lead to ingrown hairs. But, it will be okay! The irritation in the creases of the thighs and the vagina could be from shaving, as there is a lot of friction from undies/clothing, walking/moving, and from sex, and the hairs typically protect these areas from chafing. As the hair starts to grow back, it can be very itchy and not fun 😞. Herpes would look like the formation of blisters or raised red bumps, which eventually would ooze and then crust over. Along with that, you would most likely feel an onset of symptoms of any of or a combination of any of the following: tingling from lower back/spine that may travel to the legs or thighs, headache, fever, itching, burning, tiredness, aches, etc. Have you had any other symptoms? From what you described, it sounds like you aren't showing any herpes symptoms besides the irritation in the skin creases. However, it is good to monitor symptoms in case anything new arises πŸ™‚. The reason you still feel burning down there could be from the yeast infection, or from the chlamydia/gonorrhea (Did you test positive for both of those?). Antibiotics take a little bit to solve the issue at hand, so the irritations the infections cause may linger while you are still on the antibiotics. Are you still taking the antibiotics? Also, has that partner been tested for any STI's? Do you know if they have herpes or a history of STI's? The person should know that they had chlamydia and or gonorrhea so they can also get the proper treatment. I am so sorry you had to go through all of this. Please know you are not bad or dirty or less than any other human. You are pure, clean, and deserving of love! Stay well, and please reach out with any more questions ❀️ Sending blessings and prayers your way! ❀️ Blessings, Grace
  8. Hello, Great question. Sometimes, symptoms linger even after the primary outbreak, as the sores may have left new which is sensitive. Sensitive skin and/or different colored skin may be present. Some people have lasting nerve damage from their herpes, which can be called herpetic neuralgia. For some it is a constant dull ache, and others may experience persistent tingling that can travel to the legs, thighs, groin, etc. I am so sorry it is still painful to go to the bathroom. For those who may have had internal sores or sores near or in the urethral cavity, bladder pain or pain while urinating can persist as well. For me personally, it is still hard for me to hold in pee. It feel like I really have to try to hold it in, but even then it is so painful and then finally going feels like my bladder is pinched and just deflated. Although I don't know for sure if my herpes caused this, it started after my first outbreak, and I had internal vaginal sores, so maybe they also impacted my bladder/urethral cavity. Overall, remember that your body just went through a stressful event, having to build antibodies for this new foreign virus. Your skin suffered, your bladder suffered, and mental health stress occurred as well. While the body is so strong and adapts to change, it takes a little bit of time. Be patient with yourself and monitor your progress and symptoms improvement. If you notice the bladder and urethral discomfort persisting or worsening, bring it to the attention of your doctor. If you notice the skin discomfort around the penis/scrotum getting worse or persisting, also bring that to the attention of your doctor. Your health matters! Never be afraid to speak up and tell your doctor your concerns. Asking for a physical exam or a follow up is always a good idea. I hope this helps!! Sending blessings of health your way! Take care! Blessings, Grace
  9. Hello, I hope you are well. I am sorry about your diagnosis. It is hard to accept it, but please know you are a clean and wonderful human being, you just have a common virus. Many people with herpes are asymptomatic for their entire lives. Others have the virus, and may have visible outbreaks their entire lives. This makes us wonder, "Well, can be flip back and forth between being asymptomatic and symptomatic? Or are we one or the other?" Honestly, I am not 100% sure on the answer. (Can anyone help me out!?). However, what I would assume is I think you can still have outbreaks that show symptoms in the future, however because your first contact with the virus/when you contracted it was asymptomatic, you may be more likely to be asymptomatic in the future. Sorry I do not have an exact answer! I would ask a doctor if you can, or another friend on the forum may have a better answer! Stay well. Everything will be okay! πŸ™‚ Blessings, Grace
  10. Hi, Lisa! πŸ™‚ I am so happy the forum has provided help and support! You deserve to feel happy and supported during this time. It is SO frustrating when doctors refuse testing. The audacity to say, "Go to another clinic for testing because I'm not doing it." Like... excuse me but you are my doctor, sir. What the heck. Regardless, yes, from your symptoms it does seem to be leaning towards herpes. I'm so sorry that the sores were painful! 😞 Did the medication help? If so, then it's likely herpes. It's great that he is being so understanding, and even asking his mother about when he had HSV! I hope you are feeling better! πŸ™‚ Blessings, Grace
  11. Hello! Yes, reading about how drugs work is REALLY difficult to understand. However, there is a great website called PubChem, which is accessible through the National Library of Medicine Database. The two articles/info on Famvir and Valacyclovir are from PubChem. Acyclovir: Here is an article online via The National Library of Medicine about Acyclovir. https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Acyclovir. Scroll down to subsection 8 to read about the Pharmacology of Acyclovir. Famvir: Here is an article online via The National Library of Medicine about Famvir. https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Famciclovir. Scroll down to subsection 8 to read about the Pharmacology of Famvir. Valacyclovir: Here is an article online via The National Library of Medicine about Valacyclovir. https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Valacyclovir. Scroll down to subsection 8 to read about the Pharmacology of Valacyclovir. You may need help "translating" these medical explanations of the biochemistry of how the drugs work. Calling your pharmacist actually can be really helpful. Pharmacists are SO knowledgeable and helpful, yet so many people forget they can ask questions to their pharmacists! I hope this helps! πŸ™‚ Blessings, Grace
  12. Definitely ask you doctor!! I know that you shouldn't combine the vaccine with certain things, but I don't know how it impacts HSV, especially HSV-2, as I have HSV-1. For example, a nurse told me I was not allowed to get my covid vaccine until 4 weeks after my Tiburculosis test that I had gotten (I work in a classroom), so you may want to consult with a doctor or nurse first to make sure your body will be okay with it, as you contracted HSV pretty recently. There no harm in double checking!! Your health matters ☺️ Blessings, Grace
  13. Hello! πŸ™‚ Great question. I received the two doses of the Pfizer vaccine in April and May, and I did not have any outbreak issues, although I did feel very tired and sore, as expected. Because the vaccine can trigger a stress response in the body (you may feel sick/sore/tired/etc.) it is possible the stress from that would trigger an outbreak. I hope this helps! Stay well! Blessings, Grace
  14. Hi! πŸ™‚ First, breathe. You are going to be okay! Please know you are not alone. We are here to help and support you! ❀️ In regards to the symptoms you had combined with the fact your new partner is positive for HSV-1 creates a pretty good indication you have contracted herpes. Have no fear! HSV is a common virus. That's all. It doesn't mean you are dirty or bad. It just means you have something in common with a majority of other humans! You said he has not had any oral visible outbreaks in two years, and he did not give oral sex, so it seems it is possible the virus passed via genital-to-genital contact if he also has it genitally. It is uncommon for people to have the same herpes in two different spots, unless they contracted it in both areas at the same point in time (before they built up antibodies). People can contract HSV-1 on their genitals, and although it is rare to pass HSV-1 by genital-to-genital contact, it is possible. If he has never had a visibly outbreak, it is possible he asymptomatically sheds the virus (meaning when he is having an outbreak/the the virus is active and shedding, he does not get sores or symptoms like tingling, burning, itching, redness or bumps, fever, etc. In terms of passing the virus through fingers, it is possible, but less likely unless the person is having an active outbreak. It seems he gets active sores, so the fact that he didn't means either he was asymptomatic shedding, touched his mouth, then touched you. But, as you said... wouldn't this then make sense for you to also have symptoms at your mouth, since you kissed him? Do you know the age of when he started getting cold sores? If he's had it since childhood, it seems unlikely he would also have genital HSV-1. Also, yes, waiting the 12 weeks for blood antibodies is the best choice for a more accurate result. Your reading of IgG .18 indicates that you have a very very slight count of antibodies. As time goes on for someone with HSV-1, the number typically increases and then typically remains at that number for their entire life (although I think if someone has no outbreaks for an extremely long time the antibody count decreases). Also, your doctor diagnosed via identification of the sores. Did he take a swab? If not, that is okay! Swab tests only are really accurate for the first 48 hours a sore appears, and even then they are prone to human error (if an area with less of the virus is swabbed, it can produce a false positive). Did the sores go through stages of healing; red and dimpled, form a head that then pops/oozes, then crusts over, scabs, and falls off, leaving new skin? Also, to help with the burning when you pee, you can put ice water in a spray bottle and mist it to help soothe the area. Other people pee while in the shower because the acid from urine burns the sores so badly. Lysine cream helps soothe sores and provide a buffer between the sores and clothing. Try to avoid tight clothes, and be kind to yourself. This is not your fault! It will be okay. Your life is not over. You are good. You are clean. You are worthy of love and happiness. You can do this! Sending blessings and prayers your way ❀️ Blessings, Grace
  15. That is such a great question! Since herpes seems to be affecting the DNA of the sperm, it is possible that antivirals may not help this. However, please know I am NOT a medical professional, and I could be totally wrong!! I am going to tag @Ebelskiver who is a nurse practitioner with experience in this area, and they may be able to provide some more insight into this!! In the meantime, I will try and see what solutions for infertility related to HSV exist.
  16. Hello, I am so sorry that you are struggling. Please know you are not alone and that we are here to support you! There are studies done on infertility and HSV, however HSV-2 is typically the more studied strain. Infertility causes are often diagnosed for so many people because the exact cause of the infertility is sometimes hard to figure out. I found this medical journal article from 2009 discussing how a variety of different viruses, including HSV-1 and HSV-2, impact semen and fertility for men. The article uses the semen samples of 172 men in Europe, who are experiencing infertility (specifically, I think the article uses men from Greece). Attached is the summary of findings/conclusions. Here is the link to the study: https://www.fertstert.org/article/S0015-0282(08)00749-8/pdf I hope this helps! If anyone can offer any advice or support, please do! πŸ™‚ Sending blessings of health and happiness to you and your family! πŸ™‚
  17. Hi!! Hooray! It's great that the symptoms have calmed down. Yes, testing at 12+ weeks is the minimum week amount for antibodies to be present. For some, it may take longer. So, if you wanted to wait an extra week or two (13 or 14 weeks) that would be fine, too. Good idea to abstain from physical intimacy. Not only is it a good idea because you haven't had the antibody test yet, but also because that area is sore and is still recovering. Allowing the body healing time is SO important!! Stay well!! Sending blessings and prayers your way πŸŒ»πŸŒ„!!
  18. Hello, It's great you tested negative for COVID! I am so sorry that you have these persistent symptoms. It's great that your friend got tested for HIV, and it's wonderful her results were negative. In regards to your symptoms, the painful lymph nodes and chronic fatigue, as well as the need to fall asleep at work, are major sings that your body is actively fighting an infection or virus of some kind, herpes or another or a combination of both. The aching back and legs sounds like it's herpes-related, but the fatigue, lymph nodes, and sleep urges sound like there's something else going on. Have you been tested for mononucleosis? They call it "sleeping sickness" because you are just exhausted and feel the need to sleep a lot. The fact that the topical steroid cream worsened your skin symptoms isn't good, either. Did you contact the prescribing doctor and tell them the cream seemed to make the symptoms worse? Also, have you told the/a doctor of the chronic fatigue, lymphatic pain, sleepiness and falling asleep at work, and other symptoms? Definitely you need some additional support here!! Sending you blessings and praying for your health!! β€οΈπŸŒ„ Blessings!
  19. Hi!! That's good! Hopefully the pills reduce the burning. If it is a yeast infection, staying away from sugars helps too, as sugar feeds the yeast overgrowth. A tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar before bed also helps! (It's literally horrid but it does the trick!) Also, did you notice any odd odor simultaneous to the discharge? Pain is subjective, so definitely pain can be confusing and a high pain tolerance can make us doubt if we are actually having something going on! Regardless, it is good that you are aware of your body and if something seems out of the ordinary. I hope you feel better!! ☺️ If things get worse or the discharge comes back after your period, a call to the OBGYN may be of use. Sending blessings and happy healthy energy your way!! β˜ΊοΈβ€οΈπŸŒ„
  20. Hi!! πŸ™‚ It's totally okay to ask other questions here! So much is connected, especially when it comes to health and the body. By white balls do you mean the discharge was little white ball clumps? Or do you mean you had white balls on your skin (bumps)? If you are referring to discharge, it sounds like it could be a yeast infection. Also, during different times of your menstrual cycle, discharge changes. Gooey white clumps (sort of 'egg white' looking) can be a sign of ovulation, for example. However, you mentioned that your discharge was accompanied by an itching and a slight burning with urination, which indicates it could be a yeast infection. Since you just got your period, yeast infection cream might not be very fun to apply/deal with while managing tampons and pads and such. If you wanted, you could get a yeast infection urine test at a clinic or at your doctors, and they can screen it for a UTI, yeast infection, or other bacterial infections. This is helpful because an untreated bacterial infection can cause a lot of issues, such as a UTI, which can impact kidney function and your bladder, etc. I hope this helps! πŸ™‚β€οΈ Feel better! Blessings, Grace
  21. Hi!! So it seems you tested positive for HSV-1, which makes sense because your wife has HSV-1, and HSV-1 is very very common. It says your HSV-2 IgG was less than .90, which means negative. So it seems you are negative for HSV-2. Did you ask a nurse/doctor to verify the meanings of the results? That might help clarify things!!! ☺️
  22. I totally understand. Please know that even with herpes, you can still have intimacy and beautiful relationships. Yes, that is a good point about your immune system being under stress already, and how that could influence the severity and presentation of symptoms in general. Hang in there. We are here for you!! πŸŒ„
  23. Hi, I am so sorry. That's very rough. Although she isn't worried about things, someone can have HSV-2 and not know it, as many people are asymptomatic. I'm so sorry about everything you are going through. I hope your children are okay and that everything can be handled amicably. Stay strong! Blessings! πŸŒ„
  24. Hi, I'm so sorry for your struggles. You don't deserve this at all! Yes, herpes tests are NOT part of a routine STI check. They have to be specifically asked for, and even then doctors are often hesitant to write a slip for bloodwork for HSV testing unless symptoms are present. It's very frustrating! Some blood test information: there are two main antibodies tested for herpes: IgG and IgM. It takes 12 or more weeks for IgG antibodies to show up in someone's blood. IgG antibodies stay in your system for lofe. IgM antibodies are the first to show up in blood, but they disappear in number as time passes. This is why waiting for an IgG test is preferred, as IgG antibodies stay with you forever, even though it takes 12+ weeks for the antibodies to build to a detectable number. And, remember, with both tests, false positives and negatives are of course possible. Is it possible your wife got it from the person in February? And then she passed it to you? Obviously, that's just a hypothesis. Don't accuse or blame right now, as it doesn't help anyone at all. However, you could ask her if she could get an IgG blood test to verify she doesn't have HSV-2, and/or she could reach out to the person from February and ask them if they have ever shown HSV symptoms. It's uncomfortable to talk to her about this, I'm sure, but if you treat it as an adult, medical-based conversation, it should be okay. Plus, your health matters. You have had surgeries and are on antibiotics. If things get heated, explain that you are worried about your health and need to figure it out for your own mental and physical wellbeing. ❀️ Please know you are not alone, and even if you do have HSV, your life isn't over. It doesn't define you! It is a common virus. Stay strong! Feel free to vent on this forum! We are here to listen and support you. πŸŒ„
  25. Hello!! First, I hope you are doing well physically and have been recovering well. I am so sorry to hear that you are getting a divorce. That is very difficult. I am sorry that your wife cheated on you, too. My own mom has been divorced, and it can be hard on the children. I am not a medical professional, so honestly I am unsure if antibiotics would have an affect on the antibody count for HSV antibodies. However, I will do some scholarly research and get back to you!! ☺️ If a virologist who is your friend said it is due to the antibiotics, that is a good sign, and considering herpes is a virus, I'm sure the virologist has a good idea of what can affect it! The PA most likely sent in the script because it's protocol, however did she say you should take them as a suppressent? You aren't having an active outbreak right now (not have you ever, which it sounds like you're saying), so it wouldn't make sense for her to send a script for just a week's worth of antivirals, as that would be used for an outbreak. Has your wife ever been tested for HSV-2? Also, Which type of test did you get? An IgG? You could also retest when you are finished the antibiotics, too. I am so sorry that you are under such stress. Please know we are all here for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers! ❀️ Blessings, Grace
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