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Everything posted by Flowerteacher55

  1. Hi!! ☺️ I hope you are doing well! Your question is a great one, and it really made me think!! I am not a medical professional, however I am a very active person. I cycle and run. Herpes sores and acne can occur in areas that have a lot of friction, whether from an activity (biking, for example) or clothing, especially tight non-breathable clothing. If you and the person who gave it to you did similar activities, that may be a hypothesis as to why you both had simultaneous butt acne. Also, the booty is a place where we sweat from. So, as much as we don't like having butt acne, it's normal. Also, for those who shave their booties, ingrown hairs and skin irritations can be a cause for bumps as well. In regards to relationships between herpes and acne, I haven't come across any studies that talk about it. However, if hormones are a trigger for someone's outbreaks, this may explain a correlation between herpes out reals and acne occuring simultaneously, as hormones can also cause increased acne. Or, if friction is a trigger for outbreaks, and a person experiences friction at a location where they also sweat a lot (lower back while using exercise machines or doing crunches, for example) this could be a hypothetical connection as to why acne and herpes sores would appear together or in the same area at different points in time. I hope this helps!! ☺️❤️ Again, I am not a doctor! If you have more questions I am sure a dermatologist or a medical professional would be able to provide more information! Sending blessings and happiness your way!! 🌄 -- Grace
  2. @gadamsgrega Hi!! Oh my gosh. That is such a moving and valuable piece! The body releases physical stress and change in so many ways, including through emotional response or by crying. It's interesting, in infants, infants cry for various reasons, many of which we don't know. The body is so smart, and the pathways to signal physical change or new stress on the body can include crying for sure!! Thank you for sharing this and projecting this person's voice to people on this forum who may be experiencing the same thing. I'm also sure that the person who wrote that would be so happy to know you found their words so powerful and relatable, and that their words show this prodromal symptom is real for many people. Blessings!!
  3. @timmy Hi!! I am so happy you got a doctor to be respectful and take you seriously! The skin sample being tested for resistance is a awesome, let us know what happens! I am praying for you ❤️☺️! @Ebelskiver Hi!! Thank you SO much for that priceless advice on resistance and information that we can bring to doctors who may not be familiar with how else to help in regard to resistance. You are such a blessing. Please know that you are so valued by this community ❤️. Thank you for answering questions, providing data and advice, and for being here for us. Thank you so so SO much!! I am sending you prayers and happy energy ☺️🌼🌄!!
  4. Hi, @RookieBex! I hope you are doing okay. Congratulations on having your first child! What a blessing ❤️ I am so sorry about your outbreak struggles. Please know you are not alone! We are here for you ❤️ The sudden outbreaks may be due to changes in hormones, which could have been brought on by the pregnancy and then childbirth. Pregnancy hormones for 9 months and then the change of suddenly not being pregnant after childbirth may have triggered some changes in your outbreak patterns. However, as you said, you gave birth a year ago and you are no longer breast feeding, so it is frustrating that these outbreaks are still occurring. Have you considered getting your hormone levels checked to make sure that everything is back to pre-pregnancy levels? That may help check off hormones as not being the potential cause. I love your positivity and outlook! Yes, this won't be your life forever! Good things are happening everyday, and progress is being made (even when we can't always see it)! Stay strong. We are all here for you! ❤️ Blessings, Grace
  5. Hi!! Those are great questions!! The odd thing is, pain is subjective. Some people have a much larger tolerance for pain than others, so what some may say is painful isn't for another. However, I have never met a person with a herpes sore who said "wow! This feels great and doesn't hurt at all!" So, I would say if someone has a sore, there is most likely at least some discomfort, if not pain, when someone has an active herpes lesion. Or, some people with a sore may feel the same feeling as when they have an ingrown hair; it may hurt if you like at it, as the skin is inflamed, but it may not cause them pain that distracts them from daily activities. Herpes sores can be cared for in a variety of ways. Here's some information about the most common and widely available treatments!! 🌼LYSINE CREAM: To soothe skin, Lysine cream/ointment can help the sores heal quicker, soothe pain, and it acts as a 'buffer' between the sores and clothing if someone's clothes irritate the sores. Lysine cream can be bought at drug stores, and even holistic wellness stores. 💧WATER: Cold water in a misting bottle helps cool down sores/skin and helps when someone is going to the bathroom, as acidic urine can cause extreme burning. Others pee in the shower because the burning is so bad. ❄️ICE/🔥HEAT:. Ice packs can helps soothe sores, as the body cannot feel temperature and pain simultaneously. Ice packs or heat can also reduce nerve pain, if it is coming from the lower spine or thighs. 💊ANTIVIRALS/MEDICINES: Of course, antivirals are helpful to take when experiencing prodrome symptoms, or when you see sores appear. Taking Tylenol while taking Acyclovir or another antiviral MAY be an option, but always consult a doctor before taking any pain medication while taking your antiviral. (You can read the information sheet for drug interactions, the sheet comes with the prescription!) 👕CLOTHING, 🍎FOOD, & ACTIVITY: Wearing loose, cotton clothing helps. Spandex and unbreathable materials aren't the most helpful. Many people with frequent outbreaks choose to avoid foods high in arginine (needed for herpes virus to replicate) and enjoy more foods high in lysine (slows/harbours the replication). If you need to take some days off work, school, or social outings, that's okay. Take time to heal, especially if being seated is super harmful and your work/school requires you to be seated for periods of time. Working out isn't the best idea if you have many sores, or if you have a fever as one of your symptoms when you have outbreaks. 🚿🧼CLEANING SORES: You can rinse your sores in the shower, and gently squeeze a soapy sponge/loofa over the sores (especially if placing the sponge on them hurts). It isn't a good idea to scrub the sores, as the sores may open or the scabs may fall off. Not touching the sores is very important during the primary outbreak since you can still infect yourself with the virus and spread it to other parts of your body, as you have t yet built up antibodies to protect yourself from contracting it elsewhere. Soaps that have mint or other 'tingly' or spicy herbs in them, or have scrubbing beads, aren't a great idea since they may cause burning or too much exfoliating of skin. A basic soap that is gentle is a great choice. Dove soap, for example, may be gentle enough. ❤️LOVE: A doctor wouldn't tell you this... But a great way to get through an outbreak is to be surrounded by love and things and people that support you. I hope this helps answer your question!! Please reach out with any more questions ☺️ Blessings, Grace
  6. Aw oh my gosh I am so sorry!! Yes, definitely get the blood work ☺️!! Stay well ❤️ We are here for you!!!
  7. Holy cow!! 🐄!!! That is so interesting. And it could even cause the horrible symptoms you had? Are you feeling any better today? Sending happy energy your way!! 🌄
  8. And oh gosh what kind of antibiotics?? And what the heck that's it? Keep it dry?!
  9. Hooray! 🥰 Yes, keep us updated. In the meantime, I hope you feel better 🌼. You are in my thoughts and prayers!! ❤️❤️
  10. Hi!! Oh my gosh. That would be A LOT of folliculitis. And would that cause all the extreme symptoms? Did the doctor give you anything to help with the fever, pain, and other symptoms? If the doctor doesn't think it's herpes, did they not give you any antivirals? See what the swab test says, but it may come back negative especially if the doctor swabs a healed or semi healed sore. Hang in there. I am praying for you. If it is herpes, you've already started mentally prepping for this which is good. If it isn't herpes, we will continue to support you regardless. ❤️ Also, you can get an antibody blood test twelve weeks from the date of exposure to double check if your swab comes back negative. We are here for you. Sending prayers and blessings your way ❤️❤️☀️🌄🌼!!
  11. Yes!! I am so sorry I did not mention the key fact above!! As said by @Ebelskiver, you can autoinfect yourself during the early, pre-antibody stage. That's why washing your hands after touching sores is so important! Wow, that is so interesting that radiation activated the virus. I hope the patient is doing okay ❤️. Honestly, there is still so much research to be done about this quite sassy virus! Thank you so much for helping us all, @Ebelskiver ❤️. It's so nice to feel heard and get help from a professional!! Blessings to you all!! ❤️
  12. Hi! Did you get to an urgent care or reach a medical professional for the symptoms? @Ebelskiver is a nurse practitioner, so her suggestion to get urgent help is certainly a sign that you need help and more medical care ❤️ The photo you submitted looks like very healed sores. Did the sores look like herpes sores? Herpes sores are usually dimpled in the middle, and eventually fill with fluid. This fluid then oozes, and eventually they crust over, and the scab falls off. The sores you posted look almost like dry skin lesions that are peeling, which is odd. Are they scaling or producing scales at all? Also, do the sores have a head (center point), and if so is it filled with anything? Sorry I can't tell from the photo! I hope you are doing better today ❤️ I am so sorry you are struggling! Prayers and blessings, Grace
  13. Hi, @HJewel2 I am so sorry that you've been suffering form this. It's great that you've been referred to an immunologist. Seeing doctor after doctor definitely wasn't helpful, and I am so sorry it has taken this long for you to finally be referred to see a specialist. Thank you for your wise advice to push for a specialist now, before things get worse. Thank you! If you need any support or need to vent, please feel free to direct message me or just post on the forum. We are all here for you! ❤️ Sending blessings and prayers your way for health and progress ❤️ Blessings, Grace
  14. Hi, @timmy! I am so sorry to hear about your struggles. You don't deserve that at all! You didn't hijack the thread at all! This is a space for all to vent and support one another, and you deserve support and a space to vent, too! ❤️ It's great that your doctor gave you famvir because it worked better for you. I am so shocked by the unwillingness of medical professionals in other countries not being willing to accommodate your health needs! That is so frustrating, and frankly it seems unethical, considering your body is accustomed to receiving a specific treatment that a new doctor is unwilling (or unable, depending on medical law in France) to provide you. It sounds like these new outbreak changes could be due to the switch from Famvir to the Acyclovir. Have you been able to contact your Primary doctor back in Australia? Also (and this may sound very odd) but since you are a citizen of Australia, do you think the Australian or New Zealand embassy would be able to provide you with support or advice on how to receive Famvir and similar medical treatment as you experienced previously, in France? I am not a doctor, but maybe the outbreaks have moved to a new location because it had an opportunity to migrate neurologically since there was a change in the medication, especially if you did not take any antiviral suppressants at any point in time during the transitional phase between medications. Since herpes lives in the root ganglia (ball of nerve at the base/tail of the spinal column) the nerve pain can shoot to the body parts that are near it, such as the thighs and buttocks, and this can also cause the outbreaks to migrate to those locations as well. I am so sorry you have been experiencing this! The audacity of the one medical person who said you should move back to New Zealand 😑 ... like excuse me but I came here to see you for medical help, not for travel and real estate advice, thank you very much! Moving to the UK sounds exciting! Many users on the site are based in the UK, and they can provide some advice on how having herpes in the UK is different than other places. From what I have heard, it is also difficult to receive antivirals unless a physical outbreak is showing, but definitely friends from the UK can verify this and answer other questions you may have! Another option I was just thinking about was getting your medication shipped to you from your doctor. I know that some college students who are abroad or live away at college get medications shipped to them, so perhaps there is a way you can get your medication shipped to you so have a safe supply and it is the medicine that works best for your body. In the meantime, be kind to yourself and take care. Ice packs may help with the nerve pain or to soothe the sores, and also try to avoid sunshine from reaching the sores on the thigh, as this can make them worse. I am sending you prayers and blessings! ❤️ Feel free to reach out or post questions if you need answers or support 🙂 We are here for you! You are not alone ❤️. -- Grace P.S.: Friends in the UK, any advice you have to prepare our friend here for life in SW London, please share! ❤️ 🙂 Thank you! 🙂
  15. Hello, I am so sorry that happened. Please know it isn't your fault. You are not dirty. You are not bad. You are not ugly. You are clean and pure. You are good. You are beautiful ❤️ . You didn't deserve this, you weren't being punished. Herpes is a common virus that most humans have, and so many people don't even know they have it, which is why it is so common. If someone did have it and omitted that information, I am so sorry. That is unethical. If someone didn't even know they had it, that's not good either, but they aren't at fault. You said you weren't in communication with these people afterwards, but if you wanted to you could reach out and let them know you contracted herpes, if they wanted to also get tested for their own health and well-being. Contracting this common virus is part of being a human for some humans, and it's nothing to be ashamed of. Did you take a blood test to confirm, or was it a swab test? Please know you are not alone ❤️. You are still worthy of love and happiness, and herpes doesn't change who you are; it doesn't define you. If you need to vent or ask questions, we are here for you! 🙂🌄 Sending blessings and joy your way, Grace
  16. Hello! I hope you are well. Having the next outbreak is always a little scary, since sometimes we aren't exactly familiar with how the outbreak will look and feel. Usually, the symptoms you had during the first outbreak are a good indicator of what the other outbreaks might be like. If your first outbreak consisted of burning, itching, tingling, tenderness, etc, that may be what the next outbreak would feel like, too. Tenderness can also be caused by intercourse, hormones, PMS/periods, and even physical activity like bike riding. Has the tenderness went away since you started taking the antivirals? Just to be clear, do you have HSV-2 in your genital region? (sometimes people call HSV-2 genital herpes and HSV-1 oral herpes but they can both occur in other places, so it can get confusing! I just wanted to clarify to best help you ❤️). If so, you have your herpes in the region of your genitals, and just because you have herpes in one region of the body, doesn't mean it is everywhere else on your body, too. For example, I have genital HSV-1 and I do not have oral herpes, but I can still kiss someone and not transmit the virus to them if I am having an outbreak of my genital HSV-1. Now, if I had oral herpes and was having an outbreak or suspected I was virally shedding, then I wouldn't want to kiss someone. So, it is safe to kiss your boyfriend if you are having an outbreak in your genital region and only are having an outbreak there. 🙂 Your whole body is not contagious when you have an outbreak, just the area(s) of skin that is is shedding or having an outbreak. Also, do you know if your boyfriend has the same strain of HSV (1 or 2) as you do? This can be discovered via an IgG blood test. Also, does he know which regions of the body he has it on? It is usually more difficult for someone who is totally asymptomatic to know where they contracted herpes, so it's okay if he doesn't know. An interesting fact is that if someone has the same strain of HSV as you do, it is unlikely they would contract the virus again since they already have developed antibodies for it. It's still possible, just unlikely. I hope this information helps you! 🙂 Blessings, Grace
  17. Hi!! Yes! Actually, there are many support groups for this. Planned Parenthood has been known to offer support groups for those with STIs. Many clinics also offer these support groups. If you would want help searching for support groups in your area, I'd be more than happy to help you! A member of this online community was thinking of creating an online weekly Zoom session for those who wanted to meet and talk and vent and know they weren't alone. If you are interested in this, maybe we could make this idea become a reality ☺️! Hang in there. You can do this. Tomorrow needs you. The world is a better place because you are in it. ❤️ Blessings and Hope, 🌄 Grace
  18. Hello, Yes, I agree. Your body is still having a severe response to the virus, and I reccomend going to the hospital or an urgent care ASAP. You may need IV antivirals or additional testing to see if maybe there is another factor that is causing such extreme symptoms and outbreak. Please head to the ER or emergency clinic ASAP! If you are unable to drive, phone a friend or neighbor, or if things gets really bad, calling 911 is always a backup. Let us know you are okay. I am praying for you. Stay strong 🌼🌻❤️
  19. Also, in regards to the shaving... Yes, for right now, don't even try to shave or do any hair removal. The bummer is, the growth of pubic hair may cause some pain, itching, and burning, since the follicles of hair are so thick, and the skin is already so inflamed. I am so sorry!! I was afraid to shave for a while down there after my first outbreak. Eventually, I was able to, but it definitely made me nervous. For right now, it's okay to be a little fluffier (yes, I said fluffier) than usual down there. No matter the hair, you are still a beautiful human!! It will get better ❤️ I promise ❤️
  20. I am so happy your fever had stopped. Staying hydrated is so important, especially with the fever and diarrhea. Ugh, I hope you doctor comes back from vacation soon! 🥺 That's such a bummer!! Since the sarcoidosis and erythema nodosum (which does sound like a Harry Potter spell!) are inflammatory illnesses, that would make sense that the HSV sent your body into an overdrive inflammatory response. But note, I'm not a doctor! Have any of the doctors you've been to explained how your three diagnoses would impact the HSV? If not, that's just wrong 😡! Also, what audacity they had to lecture you on safe sex practices while you were in such pain. We can't control if someone doesn't tell us they have an STI. I'm so sorry you had to experience all that in addition to your symptoms. Pharmacists are honestly such a great resource. I'm happy that they finally gave you the Valtrex after you had to show a photo (which honestly you shouldn't have had to do). Hang in there. We are here for you. Things will get better. There is hope! ❤️ Blessings and Health, Grace
  21. Hello! Oh my goodness, that is terrible 😢. I am so sorry! The physical symptoms you mentioned are very severe. Have they gotten better, worse, or have they stayed the same while taking the 10 day course of Valtrex? The swelling also sounds severe. Is the skin hot to the the touch? Is it throbbing at all? Or is the area just swollen and red? Being immunocompromised and having herpes can really affect the body and cause more extreme symptoms. Depending on the type of illness you have (you can keep it private, it's ok!! ☺️), The HSV could really cause some issues, or even could require IV antivirals to reduce the symptoms and help you heal. If you doctor knows you are immunocompromised, they DEFINITELY should have taken this matter much more seriously. That is just negligent! I am a huge fan of lavender and it's holistic properties! I grow some in my garden and it makes me very happy to even just look at. I'm glad it is soothing to your sores. If you think they would be more helpful (they probably would be!) You could go to Planned Parenthood and see a doctor or nurse there. They see STIs more regularly and would probably be much more sympathetic and helpful, and provide better guidance on what the best steps should be taken to help you. Yes, 74 sores is definitely a lot for a first outbreak. My first outbreak of Genital HSV-1 was probably about 12-24 sores, some externally on the outer labia and some internally in the vaginal cavity. It was weird, I woke up one morning and had like dozens of sores that were red and dimpled, then some went away and other started to go through the healing stages of oozing, crusting, scabbing, and eventually new skin growth. The factor of being immunocompromised probably has something to do with the high number of sores and terribly severe symptoms. Have you had a fever for over a few days? If so, definitely check back in with a doctor, as all this stress on the body isn't good and can be potentially fatal. I'm here for you! ❤️ Hang in there. I'm sending prayers and healing vibes your way 🌼!
  22. Hello, First, I am so sorry for the emotional and physical pain you've had to experience and are still experiencing. You don't deserve this at all. Please know this isn't your fault. You are not dirty. You are not bad. You are clean. You are pure. You are beautiful. You are good. It isn't okay that you had such negative interactions with the medical professional you encountered. No one ever should be mocked for asking questions and taking charge of their own health. The reason why your blood test came back negative is because you took the IgG test too soon. For the antibodies to show up in your blood you need to typically wait 12+ weeks. Swab tests only are super reliable if the sores are swabbed within 48 hours of appearing, and even then they are prone to produce false negatives, as if a doctor swabs too little of the virus or swabs an already healing/healed sore, the test comes back negative. It is great that you are on the vitamins, as they can help boost your immune system, and lysine helps with increasing the ability for the sores to heal. It's terrible that your sores increased in number at the degree which they did. You must be in such pain, I cannot even imagine. If it hurts to urinate, putting ice water in a spray bottle and listing it onto your skin can help. Ice packs also can help, as your body can't feel pain and temperature at the same time. Are you experiencing any other symptoms, such are neurological pain, tingling, fever, swollen lymph nodes, or headache? How many days have you been on Valtrex for? It does take a little bit for the sores to go away and start the healing process, especially when you couldn't start the medicine until the dozens of sores appeared. Usually, antivirals help suppress the virus when as out real strikes to prevent it from getting to the giant huge level yours is at. However, first outbreaks are usually the worst and most painful, since you body isn't used to it. Future herpes outbreaks are usually less severe and are smaller. Again, I am so sorry for your pain. Please feel free to vent on here and ask questions. We are all here to support you. I am sending blessings and prayers your way. You are not alone ❤️ -- Grace
  23. Hi! @Destroyerr! Please know that you are not alone. We are all here to support you however you need. I am so sorry about your recent medical struggles! That is a terrible combination to have- COVID and herpes! 😞 Please know that you are not bad. You are not dirty. You are not a mistake. You are good. You are clean and pure. You are a blessing! Right now, it sucks. Cry it out, snuggle with a blanket, and put on some tunes. However your feeling is valid. It's what we do with those feelings that is key! Don't take it out on you. This isn't your fault. Having this common virus doesn't change who you are. You are a human being with a common virus, and that is just a part of being a human. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them here. If you need to vent, go ahead! We are here to listen and/or offer advice, whatever you need. I am praying for you and sending blessings of health your way ❤️ -- Grace
  24. Hi! @Mr.IA!! I hope you are doing okay. I am so sorry that you've been struggling. Herpes definitely can cause internal distress, especially if the virus entered the internal parts (the parts we don't see) such as the rectum, vaginal cavity, and urethra. Herpes can cause anal fissures, and in this one case I read here https://www.hindawi.com/journals/cripe/2017/3547230/, herpes mimicked Inflammatory Bowel Disease in a 17 year old male. In regards to possible anal-related issues, there is a condition called Herpes Proctitis, which is basically when HSV affects the anal cavity. It can cause a variety of symptoms, including fever, tenesmus (the feeling like you need to pass stools but you don't actually need to), constipation, rectal bleeding, discharge, and anorectal pain. During the acute phase, difficulty with urination, sacral paresthesias, and temporary fecal incontinence may occur. The most severe cases can occur in the perianal area of the body (the soft patch of skin between the anus and the genitals) which is very harmful to that delicate skin. Interestingly enough, the ulcerations in the perianal area are often confused with a Candidal infection. In people who do not have an autoimmune disease, the condition rarely affects past 15 cm into the anal cavity. The information above is from this article: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4442722/. Just scroll down to where it says "Herpes Simplex Virus" and read from there. My first outbreak of GHSV-1 consisted of many sores, and internal ones inside the vaginal cavity as well. I noticed after my outbreak that it was difficult for me to hold in urine; it almost felt like an aching in my bladder if I had to hold in a lot of urine. When I would go, my bladder felt like it was being pinched. Even now, almost three years after my first outbreak, I still find it painful to hold in urine. When I need to go, I really need to go! Holding it in hurts so bad 😞 I don't know if I had sores in my urethra, (I don't think I did, but I don't know for sure!) and I am not sure if my potty issue has anything to do with my herpes, but part of my really thinks it does. All of the scarring and scabbing from the herpes may have just caused me some issues in there, and I just don't understand why else I would have these symptoms, as they started after my first outbreak. I hope this information helps! If you feel there is something going on, having the doctor do an internal exam with a endoscope or speculum to see if there are any sores or other possible things going on. Also, @jianq360, I hope that you have gotten better since you posted 3 years ago! Blessings to you both! ❤️ -- Grace
  25. Hi!! Of course, we are all here to help one another!! Yes, information overload can be so overwhelming. If you can, avoid going down the google rabbit hole. It feeds stress, and half the time the resources aren't accurate or verified. I totally reccomend checking out the CDC, WHO, and other medical platforms for information ☺️. Hang in there!!! I'm sending you positive energy!! 🌄 Blessings! 🌼
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