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Everything posted by willow

  1. I really wanted to just say thank you to Adrial for creating such a beautiful, life changing experince by having this forum readily available to anyone and everyone! I also want to thank everyone on this site for sharing their stories, real life situations and understanding. I can't believe that i almost ended my life 4months ago over something so non dramatic... And thanks to everyone here, i am still here, braver than a lion on his first roar! as ive said in a couple post before, im still waiting for an accurate result on wether or not i have hsv2, but im not scared, im just so happy to know what i know now! So thank you, all of you! P.S. ... i spoke to a friend last night who was curious about my current status bevause he said and i quote "so you seem alot happier, what changed?" I explained how i joined this site and learned so much from everyone here.. then he asked about the youtube video, hes hsv-, but was soo intrested in learning! As dancer always says..... one step at a time! Yay for killing the stigma! xox
  2. Thats awesome! Good to know this actually helps people, and one doesnt always have to take valtrex etc.. i personally use it for canker sores and it works!!
  3. Ok so same prob as @aimee, why cant Canadian's sign!!!??? it cant track my zip code, probably because i have a postal code not a zip... is it wrong of me to find a us zip cod so i can sign it????
  4. Hello @HerryTheHerp! I think your idea is amazing!!! I personally dont know if i can help as i need to get an accurate blood test done in a couple of months, but i know i would buy your book anyday, and do my part to bring it to canada bc especially!!! Awesome! Can i get a hell yaa???!!!
  5. http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/3183/new-video-herpes-facts#Item_7 @jded_jada ! First... valtrex is isnt just used to treat herpes, its also used to treat chicken pocks and shingles (herpes zortex) the pharmasist doesnt always know exactly what its for, for u personally, they do know its to help treat viruses. Dont feel embarrased! 2nd - have you seen @Adrial 's video? Very helpfull for me, and it lifted my spirits...
  6. No u dont its just a vit supplement, i go to places like pharmasave, shoppers etc... but im in canada i dont know which stores u guys have, and drug store tho i think its about 10 bucks a bottle maybe?
  7. When i spoke to a nurse at a sex clinic she said it would be good to take for hsv2, the dose on the bottle i have says 1 capsule 3 times a day for no longer than 6 months of (500geach). i take 1 pill (500g) daily for canker sores.... i actually have a canker right now but ive been a lil stressd and forgot to take it
  8. Dont hate urself! Its deffinatly one thing ive learned from the most amazing ppl whome ive never met on h opp! Have you or ur partner seen @Adial 's video? It changed my life and perspective!! http://herpeslife.com/video-herpes-facts/
  9. Take it all in baby! Taker nice and slow, go with your gut, if he isnt bothered by h, then u know he's into YOU! Not just sex! So happy to hear you're on a better mind set! And good luck! xox
  10. Please note that i got this info off the web, from http://www.emedicinehealth.com/script/main/mobileart-emh.asp?articlekey=103190&page=1 as well as http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lysine
  11. What is lysine ()? Lysine is an essential amino acid. Essential means that it is not produced by the body and therefore it must be taken in either by diet or by taking supplements. Lysine is found in foods such as yogurt, fish, cheese, brewer's yeast, wheat germ, pork, and other meats. Lysine has been used to treat or prevent herpes infections (genital herpes and cold sores) andcanker sores. It has also been used to treat symptoms of Bell's palsy, and to improve calcium use in the body. Lysine has not been approved by the FDA to treat any disease, and it should not be substituted forprescription medications. Lysine may also have uses other than those listed in this product guide. What other drugs will affect lysine ()? The following drugs may become toxic if you take them together with lysine. Tell your healthcare provider if you are using any of these: gentamicin (Garamycin);tobramycin (Nebcin, TOBI);neomycin (Mycifradin, Neo-Fradin, Neo-Tab);streptomycin; ortobramycin (Nebcin, Tobi). If you are using any of these drugs, you may not be able to take lysine, or you may need dosage adjustments or special tests during treatment. This list is not complete and there may be other drugs that can interact with lysine. Tell your doctor about all your prescription and over-the-counter medications, vitamins, minerals, herbal products, and drugs prescribed by other doctors. Do not start a new medication without telling your doctor. (Emedicehealth) Before taking lysine, talk to your doctor, pharmacist, herbalist, or other healthcare provider. You may not be able to use this product if you have liver or kidney disease, or certain other medical conditions or allergies.(emedicinehealth) Some studies have found that lysine may be beneficial for those with herpes simplex infections.[34] One small randomized, controlled study found that it reduced outbreaks by 2.4 per year.[35] (wikipedia). Hope this helps!!! xox
  12. Hi lost! Im so sorry to hear what you are going through! Must have been difficult for you! But im proud that u said your piece! Good for you! Imo... i think u and your mom are right, that he either has it too, or had a scare... but i personnally dont believe the ol story hes tellin ya, with my experience so far, its just a perfect excuse for the person to walk out and say "my ex n i r giving it a shot". B.S.!! I think you are brave and strong for doing the right thing even though he hurt you. dont give up though, plenty of cuties out there waiting to be cast a line! best of luck!!! xox
  13. Imp id say its very possible to be a yeast infection, those dang things are super itchy! And uncomfortable..but im no doc! if it is try eating plain yogurt high in probiotics? Hope things get better soon xox
  14. Hi @Fluffy! First step, breathe.... everyone WILL be ok! .... breathe again.. You have plenty of reasons to stay possitive right now! Schooling, a place of your own, knowledge about the virus, and a supoortive bf! Which btw, your sex life wont change that much even if it is herpes,! You just have to be carefull to not have sex while an outbreak is occuring, or if you feel the prodomes comming on. It helps to talk about h, and if your bf is "getting tired" of you talking about it just message people here!. Thats what the site is all about! Here's a link @Adrial posted its very informative!
  15. @WCSDancer2010 and @Silliness.. im so sorry! I didnt mean to give fallse info! I wasnt aware that coldsore free on the mouth could still pass! Thanks for setting me straight xox
  16. Hi @lasko! Try to Keep your body healthy, take lysine, i take 1 supplement a day (500g), and one zinc a day (50g), epsom salt baths can help with the itch, with the time inbetween ob it depends on the person really, but uf it is often ask your dr about suppressive thererapy?
  17. Hi @Silliness ive had a very similar experience with the testing, and am still confused since january! But anywho.. If you have hsv2 genitally you cant pass it by giving oral, if its not in your mouth, hsv1 is super common, but unlikly to transmit to the vagina unless a coldsore is pressent. If you notice a coldsore on your mouth, and want to perform oral, your best bet is to wait, or at least use a dental damn, you can even buy regualr male condoms, take it out of the package, dont untoll it, then with scissors cut half way in, then unfold! Easy makeshift damn to protect ur gal! As for someone performing oral on you.. HIGHLY unlikely you can pass it to them, its still possible but the chances are really low of transmitting hsv2 from gennital to oral. (I know theees statistics somewhere... maybe some one else coould post them????) a sex specialist i saw told me to use the female condome if i wanted to have sex with a male just because then all the areas are protected inside and out! hope this helps! xox
  18. Harley_Q... i know exactly what u are going thru, i had a swab test positive for hsv2 in jan, a blood test type specific done 2 weeks ago negative for both, yet having symptoms, just not sure if it is herpes or i dont even know! Been tested for all other vaginal infections and stds all came back negative. The only thing that help with the agony for me was naproxin, and i had epsom salt baths everyday, 2 times the one day i was super itchy, i missed an entire week of work. Hope u figure out this hassel you're going through! keep me posted! xox
  19. Hang in there prettycute77! Acceptance stories imo are determined by the acceptance of ones self first. If you can accept the term skin condition, rather than std, it truly does help! What ever you do though, dont take the rejected relationship too hard to heart, it could lead to a better friendship... sometimes you have to understand that maybe the person isnt ready to take the risk just due to their own health factors. I mean h wont kill u, its just annoying.. But something like hiv, or aids can.. so the people they end up dating have a HUGE decision because the risk is deffinatly higher. for me im also a smoker and ive been rejected by guys in the past just because they dont want to be around ciggaretts.. i wont date anyone if they do hard drugs... its not them, at that point its all just about health! xox
  20. Hi jean! Chances are u or ur hubby had it from before... or maybe he himself has been unfaithfull? U can go years without any symptons... u should read Adrial's posts on the faq's and his recent videos... if u performed oral on this guy.. there is NO way u contracted it genitally. Its skin to skin contact, the only other way of contracting hsv would be if u were born with it.. hope this helps a bit? xox
  21. I was finally over a 4 yr relationship, i thought to myself... "ok, its been a yr and a half, i can start dating again.." so i did, im 24, started seeing a 42 yr old. We dated for about 4 or 5 months, It was good while it lasted but living and hour away from eachother wasnt working. So after not seeing this man for almost 3 months, i felt lonely, my friend (and neighbor) invited me over dec 23, for drinks and a game of pool, one thing lead to another and next thing i know i woke up thinking "wow, i just had a stupid one night stand just because i was lonely!?" I mean how low could i get? The 2 minuite walk home made me reflect on how i wasnt going to let that happwn again, lonely at christmas or not. On dec 27th i noticed a tiny little bump, instead of ignoring it i made an apt with my doc that morning, in all honesty thinking maybe it was a wart( which i had recieved 7 yrs ago thanks to an old bf cheating) my doctor's sub took a look and told me not to worry, but swabbed me anyways, then the bump dissapeard a couple days later. on jan 3rd, i was on my lunch break from work when my doc called.. i was just pulling into the driveway. " hi ******, its your doctor, i have your swab results back and uve been tested positive for herpes symplex 2." I cried, i was shocked, i screamed "NOOO! WHY??!!" So loud that my dad heard me, i shook my head and ran to my room, balled my eyes out, i was in so much disbelief, i callesd my one night stand and said what i had just found out and he kept ensuring me he was clean ... " i dont care if youre clean! Im not! Get tested!" Needless to say he was an asshole about it, found out hewas sleeping with another girl already, a close aquaitence of mine, i felt obligated to inform her. when i called my very much older ex, he was fine with the news! " well youre not on youre death bed, and neither am i, ill makw an apt tomorrow , cheer up girl, its not the end of he world" I called a sex opt line a couple weeks later, they gave me a lot of info on the virus which is how i found this amazing (h) opportunity site. asking questions here gave me bravery to find a new doc ( mine was very judgemental and not supportive). This new doc helped me to get a blood test type specific, both of wich have come back hsv 1- and hsv2-. Confusing right??.. I just saw him again this morning, we've decided to do another blood test around june or july, he figured with all the uncertainty im going through, that a propper result will help me in my future, the blood test results should be very clear in the next few months, because it takes time for antibodies to show up. so for now im assuming i have hsv2, and thanks to (h) opportunity, i am more than ok with it. if it turns out to be negative again, i feel almost as though im going to miss having it so to speak haha. Weird i know, but ive learned sooo much from everyone here im not scared, and if i finally meet someone im almost excited to share my story with them just because its an amazing feeling to have knowledge under my belt! I no longer think of herpes to be grose, dirty, disgusting or awefull, i think of it as any ol life long "thing" that makes us who we are, for example im going to have green eyes for life, celiac disease for life, my freckles on my arms, and so forth... sorry this post is so dang long, just wanted to share, get it off my chest, and let others know... we can ALL get our sexy back as long as we dont let the "dark side" take hold of our souls! xox
  22. You're welcome! And Good luck with everything! Dont give up on yourself... it takes time to heal emotionally, sorry u are going thru such trying times xox
  23. I think the best advise i can give u is.. learn what u can on herpes, adrial has posted a video on the facts here on the website, i saw it for the first time last night and it helped me understand so much more! Once u know and learn about the virus... then you and your man can talk together about the frustrations ur having. its hard to skip if you if you havent learned how to walk.... 8 years is a long time to go without support... maybe ask him to join the site as well! Then BOTH of you will have have the knowledge and power to love each other unconditionally! xox
  24. Hi snowy123! i totally understand your struggles! I had an experience almost similar.... 8 years ago i was dating this guy who i swore up and down had to be the one, i was young and imressionable,, and believed everything this guy told me. i had a strange discomfort going on and went to the doc. She exxaamined me and declared i have warts! I was terreified! She wasnt nice about it either..... long story short.. the guy broke up with ME! because of the std. I did all the research i could on that virus and realized he had given me the std, 1 because he had cheated and i found that out from his friends 1 month later.. and2 i was (and still am) monogamous and 3 the guy before him was about 5 months prior to that relationship, and i found out about he std 6 months into the relationship. Dumb is what dumb does... cant change people, can only change yourself, learn from this experience! Let your man know how much u love him, ask why he didnt tell u before? Knowlwdge is power, the more you know the less afraid and sad you will be! Let him know how u feel, but remember to listen to how he feels, or you'll just be mad for the rest of your life! xox
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