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Everything posted by 2Legit2Quit

  1. I've seen people in my life have it in different places. I was shocked to see ona cold sore on my neighbors bottom lip the other day, as it's always been on her top lip in all the 8yrs I've known her. My genital herpes jumps around.. One of those wellness or DO docs are great about finding out what's missing in your body and treating premenopausal symptoms.
  2. This stuff is just as safe as latex and actually is less likely to break I think. Most docs use them now, because of people w latex allergies. These are what I have Always used, after u found out I'm allergic to latex, by constant irritation and infections from it. http://www.walgreens.com/q/non-latex-condoms Yeah, but you have HSV 2. Has she had an oral OB and swabbed h 2? So is she asymptomatic?
  3. Are you on birth control ? Could be hormonal related. Many women these days seem to be hitting pperi menopause in late 30s, early 40s. Two people I know did and their blood comes back normal, but they have all the symptoms of it.
  4. @sil88 I call SOME men that and I'm referring to the ones who cheat and lie. This is know where similar to a situation like that. It's not my fault so many men are lying to women and they're coming on here devastated. It's me empathizing w them. Anyeho, I am not going to take away from thumpers post. Sorry if my post's trigger you.
  5. So your test was a type specific Elisa test and not a combined test correct? If it was type specific and it came up that high in blood, that infection would be an older infection.. Older than 4 months and sex likely triggered it for you. It takes just 3-4months to be detectable, which is .90-.110 . It is in my personal opinion and from what I've seen is, the primary OB doesn't have prodrome symptoms like tingling. Tingling tends to be something w recurrents, because it's traveling back up the nerve to the skin to make that sensation. I'm inclined to believe the sex triggered an existing infection. Did you drink alcohol that night too?
  6. Yeah I understand. I coukd read in your word's, you were going into analysis paralysis, and letting anxiety get the best of you; as we've had those personal discussions w one another. :-)
  7. Ones that are non Latex and no spermicide are good. Sometimes just the friction of sex can cause it. Use lots of lube. What about birth control? Spermicide ones are just not good for our pH balance period and yes, it can trigger an OB. .for educational purposes, may I ask if you knew he had it? Had you guys always used condoms and you got it? Is he on antivirals?
  8. Well didn't you say a girl he slept w called him from the ER and told him he gave her herpes? I dunno, it's hard to say in this situation, because who knows where his infection is at. Start taking a probiotic, that will help w the constipation. That can be one if the side effects of it. You should not feel as fatigue by week 3... Some it makes them fatigue longer. Hang in there z all will be OK. Doesn't him drinking ever make you feel like you want a drink?
  9. If you tested by blood earlier than 3-4 months after exposure, then it is too soon. It takes 3-4 months to build antibodies up. That's probably why you were negative. Make GPs are the worst, I swear to god. What a dick. I feel you girl. I have been struggling w severe depression for 6yrs now. I too have stage four endometriosis and have had two surgeries for it. I even lost my right ovary. To it, so I totally feel your pain right now. It's totally normal to feel the way you do. I went two yrs no sex and first time I did, I got it. It's totally noto feel the way you do right now we all do. I saw a woman in another forum married for 30yrs and 50 something and got ghsv 1 from her husband after all that time. All humans are going to pick up viruses.. Any living being is. Don't feed yourself the stigma and I k ow it's hard to stop obsessing, cause I looked constantly too, but that will calm down after time. I actually put bullets of my symptoms on my phone on my calendar memo. Don't do your mirror, cause you may want to revert back to dates and symptoms, to look for chnage and progress. I had that crawling in my entire anogenital region for like 9 months daily, all day. It for me was worse than having an actual OB, cause it feels like a bug crawling under your skin. I think at almost a yr, that stopped. Now I only get a tingle at the bottom inner crease of my butt cheek fkr a fee seconds, itch here and there, despite that I have constant very mild obs.. I don't have much paresthesia anymore. My nerves have never been the same. I don't do well sitting on hard surfaces. . I hate when doc's or anyone tells anyone this, because it sets people up for the wrong expectations and then they feel something is wrong w them, if they have obs w ghsv 1. The. People w HSV 2, are praying and hoping it's HSV 1 and get even more upset when they find out it's HSV 2 and not 1. I personally feel the typing needs to just stop. It's the only way to get rid of the stigma of herpes period and people start seeing it no differently than cold sores.
  10. If it makes you feel better for the time being, use condoms. I wouldn't stop trying to find out what's going on though. Don't give up and hang in there. You sound like you guys are a strong couple.
  11. Well you say you have symptoms regarding your thyroid and how you feel bad when you don't take the thyroid support. That's a symptom right there. Seeing an endocrinologist may be the route to go to have tests done, to explain that you feel something may be going on, because your immune system is having a hard time controlling H. The only negative symptom I have w prystiq and this will shock you, was breast pain and tenderness... Specifically my nipples. They became more sensitive and when I'm hormonal, it intensifies the tenderness I have before my cycle. It's a recorded side effect too, but not a common one.
  12. @makepacewithit we often think the choice of suppressive therapy is the choice of the doctor and they themselves think such at time, when it's actually our choice. It's irrelevant whether you have symptoms or not, it's to be taken to minimize transmission risk in your situation, down to 2% risk w your partner. I would go to planned parenthood and get some meds. Just lie and say you have obs once a month and want to protect your partner. This should help w your paresthesia and put both of you at ease.
  13. Well the full STD panel actually doesn't include herpes. If he didn't specifically request for a herpes test, he would not have been out in for it. I'd ask him to review his tests and see if H was in there. Not everyone will obvious menopausal symptoms, but it doesn't mean the hormones aren't changing in your body and possibly be the trigger for your OB. That's not true that it's not worth him being tested. He can't be sure he wasn't the carrier. He should be tested now. Especially being that he may bolt if he's negative, it's better that you know now, before you get more emotionally invested 4 mo ths down the line. Did you have him read that article about HSV 1 and how it is no different than HSV 2? It really bothers me when people are audacious enough, to think and feel that their oral infection, is any different than someone who has it down there. Herpes is herpes and his HSV 1 is a lot more versatile in where it can spread than HSV 2. Sounds like he needs a reality check. If it would help and you don't want him in this site to read this, I can om you my personal email for him to ask me questions. If he's worried about identity, tell him to make another email account, w a fake name to put him at ease. Check your inbox for my email.
  14. I totally understand how you feel, becati had a bad reaction to herpes and was unable to control it, dye to autoimmune diseases. I had constant paresthesia my first 7 months after diagnosis. The best thing you can do is, start journaling your symptoms daily, locations, sensations and possible triggers like food, sex, stress, alcohol, etc. That was the only way I was able to learn and get comfortable w my body post H. A yr n half later, I still journal, because my symptoms change every few months. It will help you to get comfortable again w your body and feel like you have some control in such a powerless situation. Right now, your infection is very new, so be patient w yourself. It sounds like maybe it may be a good idea to get on suppressive therapy the first yr, since your recurrent was so bad. It takes time to stop obsessing over every little thing. I think k I was done there w a mirror every day for like 4-5 months and then by month 6-, I stopped feeling the need to look as much, as I was learning my symptoms. Be patient w yourself. I too and am a worry wart by nature and am necrotic as fuck.if I can get to this place of peace, so can you. Even when I had back to back obs for five months, after my 1yr anniversary. Did you get very stressed or drink alcohol before that second ob? Was it that time if the month? Are you on birth control? I know liquor was a trigger for me, the first yr or more after I got H, but wine and beer was fine. Hang in there, it won't stay like this.
  15. Girl, we all are humans and respond from emotion at times. I am no stranger to it myself. I think I've gotten into it w like 3 people on here, because I ALLOWED MYSELF, to be triggered by them. It was all me. Ironically though, it has brought me closer to those 3 people, two of which, we private msg each other almost daily now, huh @ihaveittoo and @bambina03 !? It's allowed me to grow, especially when @wcadancer2010 drops some knowledge bombs on me. Sometimes I will feel justified at first and then her and I go back and forth, until she gets me to remove myself from being in my feelings and try to stand in their shoes. Now she almost never has to school me and I will see where I did wrong immediately and go to her and tell her. Before she had to coach me a lot more. Although one we don't pm one another, it made me learn to accept him for who he is and not EXPECT him to respond or be who I THINK he should respond or be. That would be @hippyherpy. . him and I have come a long way as well. Just my building a relationship w bambina03 and Ihaveittoo, has really been meaningful for me and helps me to learn about myself, just by talking w them and it's therapeutic. You say you don't need friends from this community, but I'm here to tell you, the best part of getting H for me, has been some of the friends I've made inhere and the support we get from one another. I'm friends w about 5 people on fb from this forum. Two of them, we talk every day on WhatsApp, all through out the day. I have more friends now than I did prior to herpes and the one thing I love most about it, this vulnerable and scary experience makes people let their walls down more, and makes it easier to connect on a deeper level. We after 30 especially, tend to be very guarded w people, especially w new friends, which hinders actually building a true connection and friendship. H has really ended up giving me what I needed most, during some of my darkest moments of my battle w depression. A support system. A mentor said something very wise to me once, because I am so emotional and reactive to people and that is basically the only tool I was given in life, because I grew up in a very unpredictable - volatile abusive home. My mother had no boundaries and no control over managing her emotions and that's been hard for me to learn myself. So w that little back story, what my mentor said to me that was so profound for me was this: "If the only tool in life you've ever been given is a hammer everything will look like a nail." He is so right! I always was searching to see if someone is ill intended, going to hurt me, trying to screw me over, trying to put me down, etc.. So my first instinct is to use the tool I was only ever given and pound that nail w all I've got. If f'ing sucks. I hate that I have to undo many years of being conditioned like this, but irsrnever tok late to start. If you're always looking for the bad, you're gonna find it and the same can be said if you're always looking for the good in everything, it too can be found. Silver linings can be found in almost everything, it can just be hard to see sometimes. Hugs!
  16. I hate what people find about herpes online, because there's soooo much misinformation out there. We even had someone on here recently that didn't have an OB, until a yr n half later I believe. He thought he got it from his ex gf who did have it, as he got flu like symptoms, but never had an OB. Then when he had sex for the first time after all this time, he had an OB. Condoms, friction and alcohol, can be a trigger for it to come out more aggressive. You can always try a Urgent care facility or planned parenthood to get in quickly. PP is preferred, as GPs tend to not know much. 80% of people w herpes are asymptomatic or so mild, they don't realize it is H. Everyone assumes it's going to be like the text book classic symptoms, but it's only like that for a small percentage of us. One of my gfs, onky ever got bumps. She never had ulcers, fissures or blisters. Not even on her primary, nor did she get sick. Start journaling your symptoms daily, location. Sensations and possible triggers, alcohol, sex, stress, lack of sleep. I suggest holding off on drinking any alcohol as this is going on, because it will lower your immune system and rear it's ugly head even worse possibly. I'm a primse example of that. I drank my sorrows away after diagnosis and that night, I got worse after it seemed I had hit the worst and nothing else was coming up.
  17. I'm sorry honey. Men (no offense herpdudes here) can be really shitty self serving pigs sometimes. H has helped me vet guys better for sure, that are just trying to hit it and quit it.
  18. Yeah, right now unless he can be swabbed, biopsied, etc.. There is no telling where it's at... But yes, more likely to catch it from his mouth than his genitals, but not possible. He could have it both places. W that said, his other comments are still strange. So remember I said the first week I got the fissures and then ulcers and pain, then the second week I broke out in bumps, that itched worse than the pain in the ulcers (not the neuropathy though). So yeah. My second week was bumps and tons of itching. Your nerves are a bit mangled right now, so post herpetic itching can be expected. Keep taking the Epsom salt baths, as that's the only thing that relieved my itch and continue w the bactine. Some people do get a second wave, but it's usually bumps and itching. This is why we recommend journaling daily the first 6 months w symptoms. I still journal a yr n half later, because my symptoms change every few months. Journal daily symptoms, location, sensations, number of times a day you felt paresthesia and possible triggers. This will help you learn your body post H. On too of that, it seems to help feeling like you're taking some control of something you don't have much control over, by journaling it and learning your body. I know, I thought the same thing. When it seemed like it had all stopped on that Friday and u had just the ulcers, I remember waking to itching and feeling a shit load more popped up in hrs! almost threw up and passed out, because of not feeling well, but out of sheer shock and horror, that it would never end and it continued popping out more for like two or three more night's. Don't worry, it does stop. What week are you on now?
  19. @adrial we have a spammer on here @wcsdancer2010
  20. Well your doctor is incorrect, your contagious during times called asymptomatic shedding. This is actually when most people spread the virus. Yes, there coukd be a chance he has it on his genitals too, but that's an assumption w out a swab. It would be MORE likely, you got it from oral sex, than through regular sex; albeit it still happens. Hahaha! I don't man to laugh, but it was funny that you said ass hat and asked would u believe he asked if he could get rid of it! Lol.... You know, because it's HSV 1, it's not as cut and dry, as if it'd been having 2. He very well could have HSV 1 orally only and that other stuff could be from something else, then again what a strange coincidence about the Chic from the hospital and how he's wonders if he's had it in the past. I dunno, stranger shit has happened in life, right!? He may not have anything to swab, but if a rash comes up again, have him go w in 48hrs, they coukd try a swab and a biopsy. Lol.... You make me laugh, even when going through this. You're dealing so much better than I did... Hahahah.. Yeah, I knew I had it too, 2 days before I was diagnosed and I was impressed w how I was handling it. I didn't cry and I think reality hadn't sat in yetand despite the ulcers, I still worked out and didn't have much pain, unless touched. Then when on the table w the feet in the air and she was like yuo, I started balling my eyes out. Then I met my friend at the bar after and had drinks, that's when I suddenly felt fatigue... That would be 5 days now after infection. That alcohol was a bad idea, because it seemed done and I didn't think it was a big deal as much as I had heard. Well I woke that Friday night w itching like nobody's f'ing business and felt like a shit load of bumps cane up and it continued like that for like two or 3 more days, but they never ulcerated, they just stayed bumps, but the itch was insane! It was worse than the pain of the ulcers! Then bumps stopped coming out and the nerve shit started... I was like, "my body hates me"... Lol. Let's just out it this way, I could barely get out of bed from pain, depression, self loathing..I cried constantly the first few weeks, all day, through out the day and it was the only thing on my mind. I cried a lot the first two months after that.... I was totally overly dramatic, but mainly because my fear was that ths pain would never go away and that all my future obs would be like that. I feared permanent nerve damage. So while everyone fears being rejected by these hypothetical rejections in the future, from the figment of their imaginations; I was worried about how I could live life w this debilitating pain. Once I got that taken care of w Neurontin, then it came to me grieving all the sex I never had. I'd tell my friends that I should have "whored" it up like many, instead of being so standoffish to casual sex all this time! Lol.... I feel your pain! I really do. Hang in there and just remember, he may not have it down there and it may have been from oral sex.. Tough call, just because of the other stuff w that girl. Congrats on sobriety! That's awesome! You should be proud of yourself!
  21. I think your wife believes you, so stop worrying to much. I you're just going to have to try and get swabbed. If you can't, then you're just going to hawv to let it go and because you are husband and wife z it is through sickness and health. That is what you do when you're married. You just deal w what you have in front of you. What other choice do you got? Are you saying yes, you did cheat in her and that's why you're afraid she's going to think that?
  22. Well did she ask if you cheated or are you assuming she will think that? People have had H pop up out of the blue too, that's been dormant. Didn't you say you had oral bump's in the past? I've seen like once or twice, soneone give it to themselves, because they kicked thwir finger w an active cold sore and rubbed on their wanker. One poor kid was 17. A virgin and absolutely devastated by it. He was scared who would want him when he went away to college. Did you kiss someone else thought?
  23. Yes, that's normal for cold sores. Go to planned parenthood to get tested.
  24. Well, in all honesty, people don't disclose orak herpes, because its so common and considered the norm. Much ignorance has to do w it too, as many don't realize it believe cold sores are H. 1. Sound's like that happened from a making out injury, not H. You know what caught my attention in all this? This woman is not reacting this strongly or obsessing about your status as you are. How would it make you feel if she was thinking the same thing about you? I mean, would you have rejected her had she told you she had oral H? I think you should really let those questions and answers ferment for a bit and then reevaluate the situation. People make out w strangers all the time in bars, do you think anyone discloses that? Not saying its right, but it's the societal norm. 2. The antivirals help. HSV 2 only gives immunity from ghsv 1 if I remember correctly. I'm not positive if that applies to the mouth as well. 3. Nope, you're pretty much set w immunity done there from. HSV 2 4. Most people have oral HSV 1... Trust me, you've messed around w plenty girls w it and didn't catch it. There's no way to fully protect from getting it. I got oral HSV 1 from my ex husband and then HSV 2 13yrs later. 5. Some people and I did w my ex, who had warts; wear a condom and keep his boxer briefs on and I never got it... I'm sure it's one reason he cheated on me though... Lol...
  25. There is no telling how long you've had H. The only timeline one has, is if they have an OB, test positive w a swab and negative in blood it means it's a new infection. If you test positive in blood, then it means it's 3-4 months old AT A MINIMUM. But a very high count, like 20 and higgwrz is indicative of having it likely for yrs, but again... There's no telling. Soreness and redness doesn't necessarily mean its H. You have to get diagnosed first. Have your wife test for HSV and if she's positive, it may give you insight to this being H possibly. If she's negative, well it may not be H. I would suspect your wife may be an asymptomatic carrier. No, it doesn't travel from one location to the other, but it's possible to spread it to both places at the same time during during sex and kissing. Yes it's hard to pass ghsv 1 to the genitals, bug it has happened. But very small chance. Have you spoken to your wife about this, because you seem anxious, like it's a secret?
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