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Everything posted by 2Legit2Quit

  1. Yes, some of us do get leg pain. I myself had horrendous neuropathy during my primary and had to go on anticonvulsants for four months. I'm an extreme case, but if it's bothering you that much, request Neurontin from the doc to relieve the nerve pain.
  2. Yeah, the itching can be more intense than the pain if the OB. Soak in Epsom salt baths and spray Bactine spray on it, as it has a numbing agent. Epsom salt baths I lived in, as it was the only thing that gave me relief. It's OK, it is normal. This will pass. Things are just inflammaed, specifically your sensory nerves, so what you're experiencing is post herpetic itch. Hang in there and don't use stwroid cream on there either!
  3. Well sounds like HSV 1 OS an old infection. It's too soon for antibodies to show right now ajyway,. You have to wait 3-4 months for a blood test. There's a chance that it could be HSV 2 down there or HSV 1 and let's just say theoretically speaking, you did have ghsv1? Because you're already positive for HSV 1, you won't be able to tell where the infection is, if you don't get it typed by a swab. Right now it's probably best you have your partner tested and next OB, go in w in 48hrs of the obs to be swabbed.
  4. Well we all make mistakes.... Even worse mistakes than that and it doesn't make you a horrible person, . what makes someone a horrible person, is one who shows no remorse and continues to do the same destructive behavior, over and over. You did the right thing and you told him, even after the fact. It's harder to tell soneone after the fact, than before... So that is big of you to do so, as many would just hope and pray, they never get a call from the person that they have H. I'm not sure how long it has been since you slept w him, but he needs to wait a minimal of 3-4 months since last sexual contact, to get tested by blood. It takes time to build antibodies.
  5. You do what's right for you. If you're too embarrassed about telling him and need to refrain from sex, just make it all about him and say you want to take care of him. Candles. Full body massage. Erotic touching and finish him w your mouth! Lol... That or you can just say, I'd feel more comfortable and to be on the safe side and refrain right now. If he asks, just say you felt prodrome and just want to be sure.
  6. Funny... I had that same dream basically about my ex from almost 6yrs ago last week and had me crying off and on the rest of the day. I think that's your brain telling you to let it go. Back off completely . state you understand how you hurt him by not disclosing up-front and that this may be something he doesn't want to take a risk w and can respect that. Follow that w you're going to let things be and if he has any questions or wants to talk, you'll be there. Do this in knowing and prepare yourself in knowing you may never hear from him again. It's better than being in nomans land and chasing after him for the few scraps he throws you. I'm sure you realize you can't blame the guy, since you weren't upfront and sometimes, we have to deal w the negative consequences of our actions. Hang in there, there are plenty more fish in the sea. Let this be a lesson learned. We all make mistakes.
  7. Oh .. Cause they are consistent in the same spot. I also may have itching or tingling. Trust me, I know my body w H at this point and I'm someone who is constantly w symptoms, because of my autoimmune diseases. I almost always have the redness in my groin crease and it goes back and forth between sides... It's called down there a lot and doesn't last as long or doesn't get as angry red now... The bumps stukc around longer as well and if you literally just rub lightly over there for several seconds, it increases w size.. They also scab at some point, even when not picked at. That's how I know. The one almost in my crack, middle way down my cheek, w some fancy moves, a flash light and a hand held mirror, I could see that was one a blister. That spot is pretty consistent and can get itchy there.
  8. Oh I don't let H get to me anymore, despite the fact I am always symptomatic.
  9. Yup It's improved, but I'm a yr n half in and u found a couple bumps on my butt this morning. Worth a shot. Just journal daily your symptoms.
  10. I'd say about 90% or more w oral herpes doesn't have an idea that it can transmit down below. They also seem to think that it turns to 2 down there when passed through oral sex, so I wouldn't assume anything. If he knew so much, makes me question if he had 2 and knew it. Not sure what HELP is, never heard of it before. Did you try a planned parenthood? Don't feel bad, my giver tried to deny it too and then pulled the whole : you better not have given me anything and if I did get something, I'm going to hear from his lawyer and to never talk to him again. He was the first sex I've had in two yrs and I tested negative in blood and positive by swab. Clearly a new infection. Sometimes you just have to let it go, for the sake of your own healing. I stayed extremely angry at him, hated him, resented him, etc... Then probably around a yr or close, I started to take my role in contracting it. I knew better. I absolutely knew better, despite him kying when I asked. At the end of the day, I unlike most, knew that even skin to skin contact w no penetration could result in this. Once I let it go that that he gave it to me and let go of being the powerless victim in it and put it on me, is the day I felt like I gained my power back in all of this. I know it sounds corny and cliche as hell and trust me, I am not what my friends would call an optimist, so I'm not just blowing smoke up your ass. I am being serious on how much it helped me to heal and come to even better acceptance than I already had.
  11. You say there's no need to take it, because you don't have obs, but you worried about passing it, is a need IMHO. This is up to you and your partner. If this is a new infection for you, you shed A LOT and in high ounts the first yr. I just read a study last night on shedding. I don't think k anyone can anser this question for you, especially of he ends up getting it; you could come back and feel resentful for the advice given to you on that. If you don't feel comfortable, then why not take it? It's no different than taking your daily viatim.
  12. I have stopped twice... The first time 6 months after my primary, didn't work out so well. I stopped again a month ago and I'm probably breaking out as much or a tad less than when I was on it. I'd say I had slightly more paresthesia and itching off it. I had no itching really on it... Everyone's body is different and how ones body does, can't give you any insight on how yours will be. You'll just have to do trial and error.
  13. It can be very therapeutic to help other's. I question too if it's possible to ever get rid of lack of self worth issues. Wish I knew the answer. B
  14. Did you get any test taken? Holy fuck, I wish I had handled irtge way you are when I first got it and inwish others would be like you too. You're the first I've ever seen react this way after diagnosis. Damn....... I've had way worse happen to me as well, but that shit still tore me apart! Lol. Totally not shocked in the leas, oin what you said about men and sex.
  15. Well I wouldn't assume which one it is.... Most people don't look at cold sores as an STD.. Found him asking which one interesting as well. Doesn't hurt to have a blood test done.
  16. There is no black and white answer to that. H presents itself based on your immune system, which our immune systems are as unique as our thumbprints. Stress, aging, hormonal changes, etc... Can all cause it to suddenly show itself more. There's no telling. Mine has showed up everywhere, my entire anogenital region and is consistent for a few months and then changes again. Did you go and get tested? I'm amazed at how well you're handling this. Are you concerned w disclosure or notifying previous partners? I think it's great you're taking this all in stride.
  17. Ok. Well your test came up positive, because it was an older infection, you didn't get it from this guy. H can pop put whatever it wants in the nerves supplies by the ganglia in lives in, which would be your trimenglia ganglia. This is no different than before you had an OB on your lip. If you feel symptoms and/or see them, refrain. No. HSV 1 doesn't turn into HSV 2 based on location. They are two different simplexes, although share the same DNA at 50%. Yes, it is possible to spread HSV 1 to the genitals, via oral sex, but it would just be genital HSV 1.
  18. I'm so glad you're seeing things for what they are! Maybe H was the wake-up call you needed, go stop looking through rose tinted glasses . glad you're feeling better!
  19. I was an anomaly and a severe case w my symptoms and I explained that due to my autoimmune diseases is why it was like that. Then I followed up w the facts about how it is for 80% who don't have symptoms and then for the majority of the other 20%and then how I'm like 1% of the cases. You don't go into great detail. If you ask, you explain. At the same time, it's different and more painful for women, than it is for men. No need to get in great detail..
  20. We can't diagnose on here unfortunately . it sounds like it could be and it could also be something else. Since it's been so long, you can now go take a blood test. Make sure you request a type specific IgG Elisa blood test. Ideally, it's best to go and have something swabbed w in 48hrs of a blister appearing, but it's been long enough that you can test by blood. Did she perform oral? Have you ever had cold sores?
  21. Well, maybe give him and ultimatum sort of, but not really. Just stats that you feel there's something that's not allowing him to move things to the next level and you can respect that. At the same time, you have to protect yourself and do what's best for you; that maybe taking a break for Him to figure things out may be best. That should make him realize he can't keep you in limbo at this point and needs to make a decision. Don't let him talk you out of taking a break, w out him making a decision first..
  22. Have you asked him straight out, what makes him so uncomfortable, what you can do to address that and also add that you completely understand if this is too much for him and won't take it personally? I waited 3 months w my ex husband for us to be sexual and had us get tested first. He had been sleeping w someone before I came into the picture and she apparently passed genital warts on to him. I stated and I actually didn't sleep w him until a few more months after that.. I think I waited in total, like 8 months to actually sleep w him. I was very neurotic and young back then. We did use protection and it covered where his spots were and I never got it. For some, it can take a lot longer to come around to it. Ultimately, it's up to you if you're comfortable waiting it out. Him no longer talking sex, is to slow things down. I'm going to assume, he's trying to make sure this is going to be long term, before he takes the risk.
  23. Great article... I'm definitely guilty of the first few. Number 1 is probably my biggest problem.
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