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Everything posted by hippyherpy

  1. I don't give a fuck what they tell their friends. I don't usually hook up with a girl's friends. That said, I still haven't haven't done a threesome with disclosure yet. Maybe that's the next step hahaha Last night I got rejected by a new girl but it was entertaining. We right about to have sex and I told her. Gave my entire spiel and even showed her the Adam Ruins Herpes video. She gone from horny and turned on to almost mad at me or very serious. Meanwhile I was having a good time with it because it don't make a difference to me either way. I consider it a success because even though we don't have sex, I felt almost completely normal and confident about the whole thing. She's a little bit older than types of girls I usually go for, so maybe that had something to do with it. The minute I told her she was all like "I should go" and has a worried look on her face. It was actually kind of funny. C'est la vie ;) Tonight I have another girl lined up who I had already disclosed to over text. Pretty much a done deal.
  2. ONE YEAR LATER It's been a year since my first breakout, and I got about half a month until my anniversary of getting diagnosed. Since then, I've had sex with around thirty two girls to whom I've disclosed. The majority of these girls I had never met before. There were a few that I had been sleeping with before and I disclosed to them and we kept sleeping with each other. Several of these girls even agreed to having unprotected sex. I didn't know what to think when I first got diagnosed, and, at the time, definitely wouldn't have bet that disclosure was going to be this successful in general. History can't be erased, I've proven beyond a doubt that it is possible to disclose and have a sexy life of variety. I've learned that the stigma isn't anywhere near as powerful as I thought it might be before, and that if you explain things to people in a particular way, the stigma doesn't really stand a chance. I've had two breakouts since my initial breakout a year ago. Taking Valtrex everyday. Stopped taking lysine pills, but I was doing that for half the year. Just today I disclosed via text to a girl who said she wants to have sex with me and she still does. Maybe we will do that tomorrow. Don't let anyone tell you it's not possible. The opposite is true. I've been with some beautiful women this year with whom I've felt a strong connection.
  3. There's also a chance that he might have it already but doesn't have symptoms. If he hasn't gotten the igg blood test, have him go do that.
  4. I wonder why valtrex is not sold cheaply over the counter considering how many people have herpes. It's like taking vitamins or supplements for me. I do it every day.
  5. I'm thinking about oral sex and HSV 2 disclosure. Is it even necessary? For example, if a girl wants to give me a blow job, do I really have to mention that I have HSV2 genital? The thinking is people kiss all the time and are much more likely to be passing HSV 1 orally, but they don't disclose. HSV2 is much harder to pass on to the mouth, and oral HSV2 is almost completely inactive compared to HSV1.
  6. It seems like almost impossible to get, and if I remember correctly, there aren't any recorded cases of it. Does anyone here have it?
  7. Disclose on a need to know basis. I usually don't disclose until sex is immanent. Check out my ladies man disclosure thread.
  8. Yes- any of the major dating apps work fine like OkCupid or Tinder. I've been with more girls off of those apps in the past year, post herpes diagnosis, than most men will in their lifetimes, regardless of herpes.
  9. yeah man I've got a growing list of girls who said "ok" and it's only half way through 2016. Get your game together homie and you will be fine.
  10. Dress sexy as you can. You will have to tell him sooner or later. Also, don't build him up so much in your mind. Most people are more a like than they are different and you can probably find another man if he rejects you. Remember that most herpes rejection is rejection of misinformation about herpes. Tell him what he needs to know and reassure him that you are doing everything possible to minimize any glance he'd get it first off. Also if her wants to talk about it more, explain that so many people have it, and it really hasn't been a big deal for you. Go check out my herpes ladies man disclosure thread for a breakdown on how I disclose.
  11. If you haven't tried Valtrex, give it a shot. Vitamin V
  12. With a negative attitude don't expect to have any success, herpes or not. Change that up and don't take my word for it go try it out for yourself because I can't change your attitude for you.
  13. I'll just say this about having herpes. Aside frfrom getting HIV, now I have the "big bad" std that everyone is a fraud of and it isn't scary for me at all. I now have a great sense of relief because I'm no longer worried about getting some std that I don't know anything about. I think there is a much lower likely hood of me catching HIV, and after herpes, the other stds aren't really considered much of a big deal. They should just make an online register for people with herpes and give the other person the option to look their potential partner up. That would put all the responsibility in the hands of the uninflected person. If they don't care to look up their partners' status than that is their problem. That being said, most people don't know enough about herpes for that to work in our favor. For now, I'm better at disclosing than something like that.
  14. I used to use gold standard, but it has a lot of arginine as well. I stopped using it because I think it was making me breakout. Instead you eat non fat Greek yogurt which has a lot of protein and is also actual food. Be careful taking lysine supplements because I think they might not be the best for your liver. Ask you doctor about it though..
  15. If it's such a no big deal isn't it better just to take Valtrex, insist on using condoms and put it out of your mind completely? I mean, how could you possibly say to a person, "I have herpes, now let's have sex (and you might get it)"? It's a nightmare. I do it all the time. Go check out my ladies mans disclosure thread. Point is that if people are so concerned about STDs, then at the very least they should ask their potential partner about it, and maybe lay off sex all together, because most people don't even know they have herpes. If they really care they should demand that all their potential partners show recent proof in the form of blood tests for that reason as well. Even with a recent blood test, you can't really be sure because the person might have had sex in the time between the blood test (like if it was last week), and now. Instead of assuming everyone is clean. I disclose, unprompted, but I'd be in favor of a disclosure that works like this: don't bring it up if the other person doesn't ask and if they do ask then you tell them. This way you still disclose and it makes everyone more responsible for knowing the facts instead of living in a bubble.
  16. I don't think it's a fate worse than death otherwise they wouldn't be having sex casually or they'd make all of their partners show them recent test results. Considering how many people carry herpes and don't even know it, anyone who is terrified of getting it probably shouldn't be having sex at all. People have to take responsibility for their lifestyles and either recognize that every time they have sex with someone, they are rolling the dice, or if they are terrified of herpes than don't have sex. In a certain light, since both you and the person don't know how they would react if they got herpes, then neither you or they are in a real position to decide. I think in America everyone wants to live in a perfect bubble, and in Europe they don't seem to care so much about herpes. I could be wrong but I can't imagine a forum like this existing in Europe.
  17. There's something about using the word risk with herpes that bothers me. So many people have it that I'm really not sure what the real risk is. A risk is when you put something significant on the line. For the majority of people, herpes has been a non-issue.
  18. Very interesting points. In someways maybe it's easier to hook-up with the disclosure than it is too have any LTR. That said, it could go the reverse where they get even more comfortable with the fact that you had it as you hang out with them more and more. And, there might definitely be a difference in how the sexes feel about their partner having herpes for and LTR or hook up. That would be an interesting study- the difference in men and women handle how stigma and herpes affects their relationship choices. I think you are right that guys might be more afraid, in general.
  19. I think if you max out other areas of your life or things that make you attractive, herpes will seem less and less important, assuming you are talking about sexual worth. There are many many famous "worthy" people with herpes, so don't don't buy into the stigma. At hats all it is in the end, isn't it.. a marketing campaign. We are fighting against those who are trying to make profit off of us- the pharmaceutical companies that started this whole stigma bullshit. A lot of animals got herpes and it's not like they let it get in the way of what they are doing. Hell, animals will sometimes chew there leg off to escape a trap. Be like an animal and take a not-give-a-fuck attitude about what other people think about you. Your sex life isn't over and it might actually get better than it would have potentially gotten without herpes. That's been my experience so far. I think herpes has motivated me to up my game more and I've been bedding some of the most beautiful girls of my life this last year. Could be a coincidence, but I'd bet not. Hence the whole "opportunity" in this. Look for the silver lining. Go to the gym if you don't do that already.
  20. Interesting thing you say about how the person deals with H will tell you a lot about them. Most people aren't "dealing" with reality based H and instead are going off stigma based H. Herpes is one of those things where how it is framed can change the actual reality of it. The stigma becomes and continues to be a reality because it is a stigma. It is a self perpetuating lie. The ignorant people need to the reality of herpes before they can have freedom to think about it clearly. Otherwise, they are being lied to or mislead by the stigma, so there thoughts on herpes aren't even about actual herpes.
  21. Those people are just ignorant of the facts of herpes, like I was before I got it. Hell, a bunch of them probably already have it either on their lips or genitals but might not even know it. They should get tested. Don't worry about them. I have known about my herpes for about a year, and in that time I've disclosed and had sex with something like thirty different girls, so it's definitely possible to have sex and host the h.
  22. Ok then why do people have to disclose herpes by law in some states? I say that if the federal government is not only not asking people to be screened, but telling doctors not to screen for her herpes, then that should be legal license for people to not to have to disclose.
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