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Everything posted by hippyherpy

  1. I've read that spicy food can aggravate herpes but I wasn't sure if it's oral, genital, or both. I assume that the spicy food would irritate the mouth but perhaps it can get into the blood and effect hsv2 genital.
  2. Falling for or not I disclose to all the ladies who reach for my cock.
  3. Disclosing does take extra energy, there is no doubt about that. There have been times when I was feeling like I want to go out and meet someone new that night and then in the back of my head I'm carrying that extra weight of "got to remember the whole time that I'm going to be disclosing to this girl later." It can get tiring, but you do it. Also, once you get the hang of it, you don't have to think about it too much. I just operate as normal now like a did before I found out I had herpes and when it comes time for sex, I tell the girl. That's it pretty much. I'm not thinking about it all night before I have sex. I just enjoy my time meeting a new person like anyone else would. And then the disclosure has had positive effects for me like slowing things down a little and being more responsible in general. I think that has been generally good for my sex life (although there have been turns when I could tell the girl wanted to move things along faster). Yeah, it's an extra thing that takes a little more energy, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Just another thing in life and really not a big deal. Keep in mind that the younger generation that's coming up now is having a lot of unprotected sex because they didn't grow up with he fear of getting an HIV death sentence like people from older generations. Now that HIV is a chronic disease and not a definite death sentence, they younger generation is relaxed about all sorts of stds I think in a way. They also didn't have as much stigma of herpes now I think.
  4. Your job is to make it as easy as possible for him to understand/handle it. The reality is that herpes isn't anything that most people should be worried about, they just tend to not know that yet though.
  5. Did you get herpes from one of the affairs? Why stay married if you are going to cheat on your husband, and potentially give him herpes you got from an affair? That just seems cruel to me.
  6. 9/10 people have what you have so don't worry about it too much.
  7. If he likes that much and keep a rational mind, understanding clearly the risks, then he might say yes. That said, you shouldn't be focussed on whether or not this one guy accepts you. A there are many men out there. Focus on enjoying your life and don't let herpes become something that gets in the way of that. If you are confident about the condition, then he can learn from that as well. Your confidence might allow him to recognize then general reality of herpes not being a big deal. If says know, forget him and move on because like is too short to dwell on dead ends. Either way you will be fine.
  8. Wow that's intense. It's possible that you might have gotten HSV2 genital and then somehow infected your mouth. Also, you and your son might have some predisposition to receiving HsV2 in the mouth because the stats say you are an extreme outlier.
  9. Your primary doc can write you a script for Valtrex. Get on that and go get some pussy. Most people don't disclose. I'm not like lost people.
  10. First of all, some of the guys with most successful sex lives I know aren't tall, and a lot of men don't hit their stride until their thirties. Secondly, you can't get down on yourself because you have control over your weight. Get to a gym and change your eating habits. Give your self a chance to explore things to find what makes you feel passionate about life. That might help you discover a career. Do what you can to move out of your parents house. That stuff has nothing to do with herpes. Keep in mind that it can take a while to implement those changes. Also, herpes is not a sexual death sentence. I'm living proof of that. Go check out my ladies man herpes success thread. Work on improving your lifestyle and your game. It's going to take a lot of effort probably, but you will realize that you can this seemingly low point as an opportunity to get your life together in a way that you probably can't even understand yet. Trust me, do these things and you will flip the current script that you are living and not only increase you odds of success, but possibly find much greater success than you thought possible.
  11. Yes I've had the most success that way. Often, if you are a guy, and you start talking with a girl about how you are going to have sex with her way ahead of time, it brings up other weirdness than herpes. There is an assumption that you are going to have sex in the first place. Girls don't like it when guys expect sex like that or put them on the spot. I wait until it's abundant clear that she wants the D. When she's reaching to unzip my pants That's when I disclose because then it is the most obvious and explicit that she wants to it. A lot of girls are ok with it and so then I don't need to go into a big discussion on it. The beast gets unleashed and throw a condom on him and get to it. If she needs more info, I've got the whole rap outlined in my ladies man herpes discussion. Some quick tips - focus more on analogies than numbers. Having to do math can kill the vibe real fast, and most girls aren't all that good with numbers and percentages. - assume the sale and be cool no matter what the outcome seems like. Usually the chicks who want more info will go into mental overdrive. They need some time to cool their brains down a bit before you reengage any physical escalation. - remember, I've been with over thirty chicks in the last year to whom I've disclosed successfully. You can use that info to boost your own confidence.
  12. Female condom doesn't makes sense for the mechanics of sex.
  13. http://www.bustle.com/articles/181410-9-facts-about-genital-herpes-any-sexually-active-human-should-know According to a study in the Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases Supplement back in 1990, almost 100 percent of HSV-2 occurs in the genitals. Part of the reason may be that many people also have HSV-1 from childhood; Dr. Peter Leone at the New York Times says that having HSV-1 "offers only partial immunity" to HSV-2. We're not entirely sure how much, but that might be enough to make oral transmission very rare. But here's the thing: a study in 2004 found that viral "reactivation" of HSV-2 in the mouth (reactivation means shedding) was very, very rare, showing up in about 0.08 percent of patients. So you may get HSV-2 in your mouth, but you're very unlikely to show symptoms or spread it anywhere else. .08%
  14. I don't think about it so much now. Been disclosing and banging for a year. Get rejected every once in a while but get greenlights much more often. Stick it to the stigma.
  15. Have you ever had pimples or any other skin condition? Ever had a cold sore? Watch this: I know people that have been married for a long time, one partner has it the other doesn't. Didn't get passed on and they were going raw. Before you freak about herpes, take some time here to learn more about it, and then make a decision.
  16. Most people are too ignorant to be vigil about it. It's really not a big deal for the majority of people, symptoms wise.
  17. I'm very surprised that I don't have oral HSV1 at this point. I've kissed many many girls, even girls who admitted to having it, and I never got it. Don't know how that squares with the stats of so many people getting it.
  18. It's true. If I don't get enough sleep or go out denying several nights in a row, or get emotional over something, outbreak are more likely to happen even with suppressive therapy. I just double up my dosage and try to rest. Herpes is an extension of your psyche now. It reacts to tough times and you can use it as a litmus test to organize your life to be less stressful.
  19. It gets much easier to disclose once you start doing it regularly. Just like jumping into a pool- you got to hop in there and it feels cold at first but you quickly get used to it. I've had many successes with herpes disclosure, about thirty in the last year alone.
  20. First outbreak is usually the worst so keep that in mind. It pretty much only gets better from where you are.
  21. Also was your giver on suppressive meds? It seems like a rare thing to pass to the mouth. Was he having an outbreak?
  22. Experts please weigh in on this theory I have: HSV 2 is more difficult to catch in the mouth if HSV 1 is already there, and since HSV 1 is so common, HSV 2 is going to be very rare in the mouth. Is that what accounts for the lack of transmission or is it just HSV2 doesn't like the mouth?
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