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Everything posted by hippyherpy

  1. It would seem as if the US govt doesn't care if herpes gets spread because they are actually recommending against herpes screening. Either that or they don't understand that most herpes is probably transmitted asymptomatic by people who don't know they have it. http://www.m.webmd.com/genital-herpes/news/20160802/task-force-routine-genital-herpes-screening-not-recommended
  2. Everyone here will tell you to disclose.
  3. It depends.. last night I was with a girl I met the day before and I think we did three rounds. She's European and didn't really care about the H thing it seemed. We even did raw for a bit but got worried about preggerz more so we strapped on a big ole condom so there won't be any baby hippyherpes strutting around Europe any time soon. In general, as much as raw feels better, I'm very cautious about it for my own sex because I am not trying to HIV as it it is three times more likely to transmit if you got herpes. That said, I'm pretty sure none of the ladies I been hittin with got HIV. I got tested a few weeks ago and I don't have HIV.
  4. I disclose by bringing it up, but I also think that disclosure should work like this- The other person should have to be the one to bring it up, and if they do, then you tell them. If they don't bring it up, then it should be assumed that it's ok to move forward. Especially for casual sex. In this sense, you are still disclosing if they want want to know. That's not how I do it, but it makes the most sense. If people are really concerned about STDs, then it should be up to them to talk about it or just assume the risk. Obviously, the carrier should do everything in their power to reduce the risk of transmission.
  5. Get on some Valtrex and go suck some dick. Supposedly, you don't have to tell if you've got herpes in your mouth because something like 8/10 people have it. That said, this forum is about disclosure, so do that. I sometimes wonder how it's possible tha I didn't receive hsv1 on my cock after all of the oral sex I've had in my life. I still don't have it. That's why the numbers and stats are confusing. I don't have it in my mouth either, and after all the girls I've kissed, I should have it based on statistics. Have kissed probably a thousand or more girls by now.
  6. Just do what you would normally do during a relationship and if things are getting intimate and sex is about to happen, then tell them. The bigger a deal you make out it, the bigger a deal it becomes. Disclosure can be done more of as a simple courtesy than as some dramatic ritual.
  7. Getting into statistics and number isn't very sexy. There are other ways to communicate the risk without having to pull out a calculator.
  8. I've been tempted by girls - even a playboy falls in love sometimes. What I've proven with this is that the herpes can be minimized if you maximize other things. It's the age old story of adversity building character. I've yet to not disclose. Maybe I'll settle down with one of the hollywood actresses that already has herpes from Derek Jeter hahaha
  9. True. Many more people have than are aware already. More testing will lead to more acceptance which could mean less profits for pharmaceuticals. That could be the real reason why doctors don't test for it often: systematized dis-incentives planted by big pharma. The makers of herpes pills probably get more money from keeping the stigma going instead of normalizing herpes. Follow the money. I can't think of any other reason why it wouldn't get tested more often. The only real reason to disclose is to consider the tiny percent of people who might have a bad reaction to getting herpes. Add that to people having casual sex, and that really shows how much communication about herpes is very much the responsibility of not just the person who has it but the person who doesn't as well. I think that if you are having casual sex you shouldn't expect the other person to disclose and its up you to be cool with whatever happens.
  10. I would tell him because it sounds like you are feeling more and more alone in not sharing, which is the opposite of what you say you want.
  11. Is "safe"really the right word to use when discussing herpes transmission? Almost everyone has herpes. Are they in danger? Also, let's say, on the super rare possibility that you hsv2 oral, that you take suppressive less. From what I know, there are no recorded incidences of passing HSV2 from your mouth with suppressive therapy on play.
  12. He doesn't reciprocate anymore, I say fuck 'em and move on. There's not enough time to waste with people who don't get your vibe. If he's going to be illogical and side with the stigma over your friendship/loveship, than he's no use to you anymore. Truth is, most people are more similar than they are different, and what usually makes us fall in love with someone isn't something special about them, but the circumstances in which you met. There are other fish in the sea, so don't let this dead fish pull you down to the bottom of the ocean.
  13. I've been looking back at the last year since I've been diagnosed with H, and I realized that not only have I pretty much been able to continue having casual sex with disclosure, I've also had relationships with some of the most beautiful women in my life so far. Not just beauty but also making strong connections. Now, I don't know if this is related to having herpes, but if it is, than yes, herpes has presented a real opportunity for me. If the quality of my romantic experiences has increased due to getting herpes, I have one theory as to why.. Essentially it boils down to tightening up my presentation and getting a whole new level of confidence that has been built from going through the process of disclosing this thing that is considered so stigmatized in our culture. In essence, a more disciplined game and a somewhat phoenix like transition into a more disciplined approach to meeting, dating, loving, and fucking. I wanted to mention this because I know y'all might be getting the impression that I onlt due casual sex, but I've had a few "deeper" relationships this year as well. Maybe the increase in quality has nothing to do with herpes, but I'd bet that it does. I think it's affected me in a deep and meaningful way that other people can pick up on.
  14. The only way is to go and do it and not be controlled by stigma or anxiety of rejection. You get better and better at disclosing. Better at articulating the disclosure and also better at handling all outcomes of the disclosure.
  15. You might think that being in a relationship makes it better, but the chances of transmitting are the same, if not more, in a continuous relationship. Let's talk about ownership and herpes. Who really knows who is giving who herpes in a casual sex world? I disclose, but maybe it doesn't matter if you disclose during casual sex. The "dark" thing nobody here seems to want to recognize is that if more people had genital herpes, then there would most likely be less stigma (like cold sores). If anything, that's an incentive to just spread it and not disclose. As far as stigma goes, either way, disclose or not disclose, you might think you can change the general public opinion. I err on the side of disclosure for personal reasons as well as thinking about the other person, but I'm also very OCD. So far, this forum seems to attract threads from the small number of people who are having a really hard time with herpes, as well as people like me who want general info about it and are interested in the opportunity. Also, people have had herpes and didn't disclose or do any of the stuff we talk about here for thousands of years. It's just a part of being human. Animals get herpes and it doesn't stop them from doing what they do. It's older than civilization and I wouldn't be surprised if the dinosaurs had herpes. No animals disclose herpes and they happen just fine. Yet we make such a big deal about it because most people are living a perfect bubble of non-adversity. Yes, the rare few that get bad symptoms should be taken into account, but why should millions more suffer stigma for something that only really affects a minority of people in an uncomfortable way. Even paternity is more easy to prove than herpes.
  16. nah homie you are wrong. Most people who have it don't even know they got it because the symptoms don't show up. Also, the perceptions ain't that bad. Good look at my ladies' man thread and get your mind changed.
  17. Leep go on YouTube and find the Adam ruins herpes video. That's a good one to show our partner about herpes generally isn't a big deal. Also get on Valtrex and use condoms so you can bring the risk down to minuscule levels. You can tell him that you know people who have been married for years and never passed it on and that's even without condoms and Valtrex. Also, present as attractive as you can be. That might help sway his boner in your direction despite H.
  18. I have been taking lysine pills every day for the last half year, and that might have something to do with discomfort around my liver. Doctor said I don't need to if I'm taking Valtrex every day, so I quit lysine last week and, it might too early to tell, but my liver area does seem to be doing a little better. She is the one who suggested that I maybe get off Valtrex and instead use lysine but not both. I'd rather stay in Valtrex if it isn't messing up my liver. I did get my enzymes checked and they are fine but I had a sonogram recently that showed me liver grew recently. Hopefully Valrex isn't messing my liver up. Looking forward to the once a year herpes vaccine.
  19. Unlike you ladies, herpes doesn't wear me down. I take my vitamin V every day, so that probably helps. I'm thinking about weening off of it because of possible liver related problems. You can't die from herpes, but you can die from cirrhosis. We will see. I might cut my does in half or stop taking it on the reg and instead take it like once or twice a week. Truth is that when you disclose, the detail of the pill you take can make it more dramatic seeming than it needs to be. When you start talking about numbers and stats, you start framing herpes in a way similar to HIV. What I've learned so far is that disclosure pretty much boils down to letting them know that you don't have sex on outbreaks and using condoms.
  20. The haters don't know what's up. Stick with the positive (no pun intended). Life is too short not too.
  21. I take it for suppression to protect my partners. Maybe I'm going to chill on it for a while.
  22. Looked up the side effects of Valtrex today with my doctor and it said that Valtrex has an effect on liver enzyme levels. That mean that it does effect your liver. This site also says something similar http://justherpes.com/commercial-remedies/valtrex-side-effects-valocyclovir/ "The dosage for daily suppressive therapy is one gram per day. Two grams are taken only when there is an active outbreak. However, daily use is too much for some people who are concerned about the effect of such a heavy dose on the liver, since that is where Valtrex is processed. Therefore they only take it when they have an outbreak. Liver damage can show up as inflammation of the liver, abnormal enzymes, or hepatitis. (It’s generally agreed that no one should take Valtrex forever, especially not in high doses.)" What do y'all have to say about it?
  23. Crazy shit that now HIV can be controlled more than HSV: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/1433046/scientists-claim-hiv-positive-people-can-have-unprotected-sex-without-passing-on-virus/
  24. At least you are honest in your (potential) dishonesty hahaha
  25. Well if he gets it, you can blame him and say he was cheating and gave it to you hahahah JK I have a dark sense of humor.
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