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Everything posted by Sweetsoulxo

  1. I think there's a chance I may have given it to my SO sometime in the last 6 months. :( I had symptoms after our last "session" a few weeks ago and found out I have hsv1 and hsv2. I still haven't said anything. (He lives in another state). I'm not ready for his reaction. He will blame me, say I have been cheating and will most definitely be VERY angry. I'm at a loss for what to do.
  2. Dr. Jen Gunter on March 26, 2014 at 10:47 pm The level of IgG does not provide any information about when the disease was acquired as the levels can rise and fall. This test should be thought of as a positive or a negative.
  3. I read somewhere that a doctor said the igg levels don't say anything except negative or positive...that one time it could be >5 and the next something completely different...is that true? Or will it always get higher?
  4. Thank you for this encouragement!! You're right it's really hard to see it this way right now. Xoxo
  5. I'm praying that this is my situation as well!!! If you could send up a prayer for us too that would be amazing!!! Happy for you both!!!
  6. Trying to read stories of people telling their partners...I'm terrified to.
  7. Greaaaaat. I guess what I can do is actually go to the doctor and call him after. So far I've only gotten a blood test at a lab. I had a very mild "outbreak" if you'd even call it that.
  8. You're welcome. I know this is a really difficult time!
  9. Hi:) So sorry you're also in this situation. I just recently found out two weeks ago and have yet to tell my bf. I had some irritation after sex with him but I did an igg blood test and it looks like I've had it a while. Score was >5. We've only been together 6 months. (He lives thousands of miles away) I haven't had contact with him since I found out). Anyway, I know this is a very scary time! Be kind to yourself though. It sucks really really bad, I get that! But it's not the end of the world although I know it feels that way! Hang in there! And also know that 80-90% of people have no idea they have it and they don't test for it on regular std panels :( infuriating right? Xoxo
  10. Hi!:) I'm new too but I found this article interesting... https://thehairpin.com/how-i-found-out-i-didnt-have-the-herpes-i-d-been-living-with-for-four-years-5a30c2ac9efcHi! :) Don't take it completely to heart as this info could be misleading( talk to someone who knows more) but this may put you at ease...
  11. I love reading your uplifting words however that will not be the case in this situation. He gets angry over much less. And to make matters worse he struggles with severe eczema. :(
  12. I got > 5 for both as well & thought it was strange.
  13. I'm dealing with this very same thing, except idk who gave it to who...so scared I unknowingly gave it to him.
  14. I'm in a terrible situation. I have no idea if my boyfriend gave this to me or if I may have infected him. We are in a long distance relationship and I know when I talk to him about it he'll accuse me of cheating or knowing before hand and I'm fearful of what he will do to get back at me. I'm at a complete loss. I just had my first OB after sex with him but when I tested it was igg >5 which indicates an established infection but I had no symptoms and no knowledge my gyno wasn't testing for that. We have only been together 6 months. My fear is what if he tests negative and knows without a doubt I gave this to him?! I cannot live with that guilt. I'm SO devastated!
  15. DrNoLove, I share your feelings completely.
  16. Will I get to have the quality of life I had before this diagnosis? Right now I all I see is darkness.
  17. Very! I cannot believe stand std panels are not testing for this.
  18. I have lost so much weight...I have never felt so alone, isolated or depressed in my life.
  19. We have been having unprotected sex and I had no idea I had it...I had my first OB (very mild) after sex with him. But my igg levels indicate I had it before that incident.
  20. I'm a complete wreck over this whole situation! I feel betrayed by my healthcare provider. I feel like I have betrayed my boyfriend by putting his health at risk unknowingly. I'm just broken. :(
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