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first day back to work

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Today is my first day going back to work since my ob and UTI. I was off all.last week because of the excruciating pain. Im really nervous kike how do I act, will my co workers be able to tell. All kinds of things are running through my head... will it be okay

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I found out that I was positive for HSV2 30 minutes before walking into the first afternoon of a class I taught last semester! Ugh, nothing like having 35 students stare you down as you give them a pile of work for the coming months, while mentally processing that you've just been diagnosed with an incurable virus. BUT - they can't tell, and if you aren't quite yourself, hey we all feel rundown or sick at times. Be yourself, as much as you can. As one of my prior coworkers used to tell me - fake it until you make it! Today is a tough day, but you got it!!! And each day that passes will be a bit easier :)

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If "everyone could tell" then you would "know" a whole pile of people around you who have been diagnosed ... even tho only 20% of people with H have been diagnosed (because 80% don't know they have it)... that's still a bunch of people who you work and live around...


Sure, they may pick up that you are not well and/or that you are having a rough day, but that's "normal" for everyone here and there ...


And remember ... even though most don't know they have it... one in about every 5 or 6 adults around you also has it ... so you are FAR from alone!



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@beebee I remember feeling the exact same way when I went back to work after my first ob...I actually faked a knee injury because I was so sore down there I couldn't walk properly haha! But it went fine and each day I started to feel better and less paranoid about everyone being able to tell I had H. Hope your first day went well :) x

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Sometimes I enjoyed the focus of work. Kept my mind from wandering. I took some time off work when I first found out. Actually my first disclosure was to a female co-worker who I had a crush on. Sometimes its good sometimes it bad...Kind of like work. Just remember that you are still you. People get sick. People get mentally zapped for all sorts of things. At the end of the day remember not all is lost and you have a heck of a lot of people on here willing to hold you up when you need a place to lean.

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