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Low Dose Valtrex to Reduce Liver Damage

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Does Valtrex cause liver damage? Maybe not on it's own, but can it increase the potential when combined with alcohol consumption.


Also, is it possible to keep up preventative treatment with Valtrex by either halving your dose over time - taking a 500mg pill every other day or cutting the pills in half- 25omg every day. Is there a difference between those two? Is trying to take 500mg over two days futile to the achieve the desired effect?

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I can't really say on the liver damage, but since alcohol causes liver damage on its own I'm going to say yes haha. But the dosage is listed as is to be the most effective. If you do not take it as directed then it is not going to work as well as it is made to. I think your best bet is to either take the suppressive as directed or take it episodically and only take it when you're having an outbreak.


I believe I have seen some people say that they will take like one pill if they feel prodromes and it helps (rather than take it for a few days as suppressive) but its not like a regular thing. Are you concerned with long term usage of the drug? I worry about that sometimes too...

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I am sorry that i cant site my source, but i read recently that people with renal problems are often given 250mgs for daily suppressive therapy. I imagene it is considered not as good as 500 and better than nothing. Also, i would suggest taking 250 daily as opposed to 500 every other. It seems like its better to keep a consistent level.

I am not a doctor and am learning as i go, so its best to ask your doc.


I have bad side effects with valtrex and am starting an extremely low dose, 125mg daily, in the hopes of being able to build up. Im sure that is not a therapeutic level, but maybe i will get there eventually. (Fyi, i concocted this plan, not my doc, so i wouldnt say its actually medically condoned)

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When you don't take it as prescribed, your transmission risks increase. You can't use the number 98-99% chance of not passing it in your disclosure, if you do this. I drink alcohol on the regular and have no issues w taking daily meds.


If this drug was that Hugh risk for causing damage, they wouldn't give it to pregnant women their last trimester of pregnancy. They have found this to be a very safe drug to take. Anything you take, like supplements is processed through the liver. Obviously don't be an alcoholic. If you're that concerned, have a GP run a liver check in you.

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Ignorant runore and they're just that. Soneone who has pre-existing issues w their liver or kidney's would be a different story. I know what you mean though, cause I'm a drinker myself and I already take other meds and when my cycle comes or my endometriosis just gets really bad, I take about 2000 or more mlgs of advil a day to control pain. So I really do a beating on my liver.

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My doctor says it's one of the safest drugs on the market - people with bad cases of shingles take it four times a day for years and years with no ill effect.


All this discussion has me thirsty - need to drink some water!!


Came across this article. I think it's helpful, from a medical factual arena.




TLDR: liver effects are rare, and if they happen if you get off the meds the rare effects aren't permanent

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I worry about my kidneys. When I take Valtrex (or acyclovir), I can do about three days. Then I become so dehydrated that it is intolerable. This is despite drinking copious amounts of water. My lips get chapped and my mouth is dry, I start sucking on my cheeks and tongue (I do this when dehydrated) to the point of causing damage, my teeth begin to hurt, I wake up in the night with a burning throat.

This seems weird. I worry that there is some renal effect. When I mentioned this to my doc she seemed non-pulsed, but I had the distinct impression she wasn't listening to me since I had been prattling on about my concerns for some time at that point.


I really need to take the anitvirals due to vulvodynia.... but I cant tolerate them.

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Valtrex has been around since the 80's .... I have yet to hear of anyone having liver failure from it. The advice is is you have Pre-Existing liver issues, then the Dr will monitor your liver function more closely if you are on it. I'm in the Alternative Health field and I take VERY few drugs (If I take Advil 6 times a year it's been a bad year) and Valtrex is one of the drugs that I barely bat an eye at if I need to take it.


If you drink alcohol, I'd be FAR more concerned about your daily glass of wine or whatever than I would about Valtrex when it comes to your liver.




*Some* drugs have weird reactions (anti-depressants are often in this category) at first in a small amount of the population and it seems you are one of those people ... often times as the body adjusts to the medication, the symptoms lessen. Ask your DENTIST for something for the dry-mouth ... remember, PCP Dr's are GENERALISTS so when you have an issue in an area, you often need to go to the specialist.... and Dentists do deal with Dry Mouth as part of their scope of practice. I don't think this is a renal issue - sounds like localized symptoms. Perhaps try sucking on a candy/Ricola drop to see if that helps with the dryness....

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Oh - and no, don't cut the dose in half... ESPECIALLY given your lifestyle.


*IF* you were in a relationship and your body seemed to have the virus well under control, then *perhaps* you might consider taking a lower dose. I did that in my last relationship after the first year. But I rarely have OB's and usually they are triggered by sex. So I might take a double dose after sex and I don't remember having any OB's when I was on the meds in that relationship.... but at that time I was at 25+ yrs with the virus... post-menopausal (ie, no hormone fluctuations to trigger it) and I know my body REAL well now. And I only did that after the first year ... I wanted to take NO chances of passing to him if I could help it ... after a year of zero OB's, we felt I could cut back because we both were comfortable around the risk and my ability to read my body.

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  • 5 months later...

Looked up the side effects of Valtrex today with my doctor and it said that Valtrex has an effect on liver enzyme levels. That mean that it does effect your liver.


This site also says something similar



"The dosage for daily suppressive therapy is one gram per day. Two grams are taken only when there is an active outbreak. However, daily use is too much for some people who are concerned about the effect of such a heavy dose on the liver, since that is where Valtrex is processed. Therefore they only take it when they have an outbreak. Liver damage can show up as inflammation of the liver, abnormal enzymes, or hepatitis. (It’s generally agreed that no one should take Valtrex forever, especially not in high doses.)"


What do y'all have to say about it?

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I think long term use of any drug has the ability to cause damage and maybe even lessen the effect of the drug. I prefer (and this is just me) to only take them if I need them (meaning a really bad/unbearable outbreak, pregnancy, or if I was sleeping around).


I wouldn't take them if it wasn't necessary, but I wouldn't do that with any other type of meds either. I just think it gives the immune system a chance to fight it on its own, and makes the impact of the drug better for when you really need it. (Not based on any facts, just my opinion)





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@Stc curious about the vulvodynia / anti viral connection. Gyno was thinking I may have vulvodynia as out of the blue from a short stint on vagifem, I started having vulva pain and tingling. It was accompanied by glute pain and back pain. Started on valtrex same day as vagifem. Went off vagifem after 5 weeks, but remained on valtrex. Now thinking maybe valtrex might be culprit for the constant-prodrome-symptoms ie tingling in glutes and thighs.

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