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Everything posted by gorgeoustechie

  1. Have you been tested? If not, when are you getting tested? No acne issues outside the norm. I did get two whiteheads since and they went away after making dietary changes. My tinnitus also went away after making changes, came back for two days but it was not as annoying as when it first happened and then it went away again. First outbreak happened on December 26th and the symptoms that followed didn't start happening until AFTER the first outbreak. Read up on leaky gut syndrome and see if it resonates with you and go from there. If your immune system was compromised before you caught herpes, herpes will likely make things really bad for you. My doc says once you're infected with a virus the immune system becomes very sensitive. It's not the herpes that is causing those symptoms, it's your immune system asking you to give it a moment to let it heal. She said herpes is a virus that works to supress the immune system and it's not that I became allergic to foods all the sudden, it's my immune system being sensitive and responding with inflammation. Food sensitivity is a sign that something's going on your gut. If you do have herpes, don't worry. You'll be fine, really.
  2. I don't take the usual regimen of vitamins that most recommend. Currently I'm focused on healing my immune system and putting the virus in remission. I am however taking vitamin C and Zinc. And also take probiotic supplements. I'm seeing a functional medicine doctor next week. She's also a board certified MD. Had an e-visit with her and she knew her shit. Pretty excited about that. If you're not a DIY type, i say see a functional medicine doctor. They seem to be generally more open-minded too. I haven't bought any books on anti-inflammatory diets. I probably would toss it to the side and forgot I bought it. Just google some recipes and pay close attention to what you're eating.
  3. ...and stop googling. It'll diagnose you with everything from HIV to MS.
  4. Breathe. Stressing out alone can cause swollen lymph nodes but yes something is definitely up. That first doctor that told you it was a muscle...wtf? The incompetence of these doctors never cease to amaze me. Can you afford to see a naturopath? I'm planning on seeing one soon.
  5. I told myself that I would take the holistic approach to this thing. Lysine, vitamin c..etc Little did I know I was in for one hell of a ride. My first outbreak lasted a whole three weeks and then I got another and another. The second and third outbreak was so minimal I didn't even care BUT the neurological symptoms I experienced was what drove me nuts. With each outbreak (with exception of the first), I experienced rapid heartbeat, tinnitus, blurry vision, tingling in my arms, muscle spasms, what seemed like sinus headache, tension headaches, dry eyes, muscle weakness in my legs, burning sensations on my back...etc. I also noticed I developed a food sensitivity of some sort - could no longer eat bread, wheat..etc? Every time i did my mouth would start tingling and my throat would get itchy. Sensations I've never experience before contracting herpes. That was my wakeup call. I started scouring the internet and came across some videos on anti-inflammatory diets. The next day, I got rid of all the junk foods in my pantry and went shopping for whole foods - fruits, veggies, legumes..etc and pretty much changed my diet. Yup, overnight. I also was sure to grab some probiotics, vitamins, l-gluatmine pills (for gut health)..etc. I'm 5'7, 188 lbs and figured since i can't cure herpes, I can at least help my immune system fight this thing and lose some weight in the process. A few days into my diet, I noticed very little difference in my symptoms but I felt "lighter" and the pimples I had on my skin were clearing up. On the 28th, i woke up with a tension headache still and called my doctor. She said my symptoms were "very normal" and that the virus works to suppress the immune system and that I should consider getting on antivirals for at least the first year. I started Valtrex on the same day and guys my symptoms are mostly gone. I still have the tinnitus but it's so subtle. Ohh and it's been a week since I changed my diet and not only does my skin look amazing, i'm FINALLY losing weight! Just wanted to say if you're experiencing weird neurological symptoms, consider an anti-inflammatory diet for a few months and antivirals. You may not get rid of all your symptoms but it's already made a HUGE difference.
  6. The next one will be a breeze. Just had my first last month and it lasted for THREE weeks. It hurt SO bad. Trust me, you'll be fine. Make sure that multivitamin doesn't have arginine in it.
  7. There are lots. For me, it's stress, gluten..etc
  8. Can you get lysine? It's a cheaper alternative and helped me A LOT. Won't help with transmission but it'll help you feel A LOT better. Also use ice packs down there.
  9. As Pharell said, the truth will set you free but first it'll piss you off. Most people don't disclose, period. If they did most of us wouldn't be here. They (our giver) didn't give a rats ass about our well-being and didn't take the necessary steps to take care of themselves. On top of that, we did not bother to use protection (i'd guess a good majority of us didn't). You're on a site called herpes opportunity. A lot of folks here are pissed they're here in the first place but fail to acknowledge the role they played in contracting H (not thinking clearly, choosing a shitty partner, not using condoms,..etc) This really is a personal decision YOU have to make. The answer you seek is already within you. Something tells me you'd be better off disclosing only because you continue to rationalize and justify. You have to make a conscious decision and OWN it for your own well-being. Having said that, I know women that tell everyone that will listen they have herpes. There was that one uni student that wrote a whole OP-ed about how it made her feel liberated being able to scream it from the rooftops. A lot of people can't cope with carrying around this "big, bad secret" around so they blab to everyone. There was one guy on another forum that told his wife's parents he had H because he convinced himself it was the reason they couldn't conceive. I get it. A contagious skin infection is scary but it's not the end of the fucking world people want to make it out to be. I say get on antivirals, use condoms and take care of your mind-body and enjoy your life. At least you're here asking questions and trying to find answers. I still think you live in a shitty town and need to move at some point but I do not think it's wise to go around telling people you have herpes just because it's the "right thing to do". It's also how you go about it. If a guy told me he had herpes on the 2 or 3rd date, I'd be really creeped out and think ok what else does he have and probably wouldn't call him ever again. It isn't the herpes that would scare me but the fact that he would disclose so early considering the stigma. I'd also think he was jobless and didn't have much of a rep to save and that would be unsettling in itself. Sorry, but it's true. If we took the time to get to know each other and he told me a month or two in before we were intimate, I'd really really appreciate it. Also he'd have to be chill about it and not talk about it as if it's cancer or HIV. Attitude is important. I've dated men that suffered from cold sores that didn't even bother disclosing that they had cold sores even with a big bubbly cold sore on their face. The fact is most aren't disclosing or even considering the well-being of their partner. My only issue is the false sense of security from not having outbreaks. I really hope you get on antivirals before seeing anyone.
  10. ...And i bet more than half of the people on this thread didn't use condoms and were with people who didn't bother to take suppressive therapy. This is more care than most of us were shown. OP, Just don't expect any long term potentials to be ok with you disclosing AFTER sex.
  11. I'm a little confused here. If he's taking care of himself, using condoms and taking daily suppressives and not experiencing an outbreak, I don't see anything wrong with NOT saying anything if it's just a sex thing. Anyone that says otherwise is a drama queen. Like no one is on tinder or whatever other shitty dating site there is and saying "oh btw i have herpes on their profile". I understand why someone wouldn't want to be "that girl/guy with herpes". Didn't say I'd be one of those people but I totally understand why the majority do not disclose. We live in a social-media age where your reputation can be ruined in 0.5 seconds with just a click of the mouse for crying out loud. If it's an LTR, i'd hope you wouldn't be wanting to spend your life with someone you didn't trust so it should be easier to disclose. If the town is that small to where you'd be embarrassed if anything like this got out then i suggest you pack your shit and leave. If the person we contracted herpes from used a condom, took care of himself (wasn't experiencing a current outbreak) and was on antivirals, none of us would be here. So, whatever. The holier than thou attitude on this thread is ridiculous.
  12. I can't believe you haven't told your husband. You've been married how long? How are you able to keep this a secret? it would eat me alive. There are lots of posts here on disclosure. Just use the search bar. I hope everything works out for you. Good luck!
  13. Did you get a blood test? If a blood test says it's negative four years later then it's not herpes.
  14. Self love is more than just gym night and hot baths. It's soul surgery. And you seem to be in a constant state of self-sabotage. First you had unprotected sex without telling him you were h+ then you lied and told him you were STD free and allowed him to suffer on his own then the guy says ok let's still date and now you're disgusted because "there's no way a relationship can be built on such weak foundations". You're in a cycle of emotional suffering. Stop beating yourself up and start taking responsibility for your actions. Making excuses like this helps no one. If you want to fuck all willy nilly without disclosing, sure. Just take antivirals and use condoms each and every time. You can no longer afford to "forget".
  15. That's ok. I've decided not to take antivirals until I decide to start seeing someone. Are you taking supplements? What have you been doing to keep it away? Have you tried cleaning your diet?
  16. Is this your first OB, just an OB or are these ongoing symptoms? Are you on antivirals?
  17. Then you must ask yourself if he was ever worth it in the first place and stop punishing yourself. Sure, yes I understand you're embarrassed by it but anyone worth your time most likely wouldn't give a shit. Someone said this to me when i was diagnosed and I thought it was bullshit until I told my ex (not the person who gave it to me) and he was like really that's it? I thought you were going to tell me you had cancer or something. You're making this a big deal and the guy you're with sounds like a douche. Maybe use this "opportunity" to get rid of the negative / toxic influences in your life and find a new OB. If you ever want to talk, i'm here.
  18. Excuse me? Which front desk - to where? Where did this happen? Is this the only person that could have known? if this was at a hospital/clinic, highly doubt anyone would risk their job this way. Why did you think he wouldn't want you after finding out? Most people already have herpes. Having 2 isn't that big of a deal people want to make it out to be. It's more of a pain in the ass than anything else. Be careful not to ban yourself from having a life.
  19. Here Here! I'd drink poison before I told any one of my friends. Glad I found this forum.
  20. I'm 29 in Charlotte NC w/ HSV2. I do have a 10 year old. Someone with kids preferred. Location doesn't really matter but would prefer a local. Preferably in the same age range. Gender doesn't matter. Just would like someone to talk to/support..etc
  21. Does anyone get a burning sensation in their back/groin? One that comes and goes? It's not as bad as it was the first time. Hopefully this is a good sign. LOL.
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