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Everything posted by Flowerteacher55

  1. Hello!! I am so sorry. That is just terrible. Meeting your child and then ending things over text is just wrong!! Please know you didn't deserve that and this shows who she is, not who you are. The way people treat us I a reflection of THEM. It seems that maybe her friends pressured her to end things and we're being judgemental. But the thing is, even if some people don't understand HSV, it shouldn't influence someone to end things. Peer pressure can be uncomfortable, but the right person would stand their ground and not waver just because their friends disagree with their choices of a romantic partner just because they have HSV. Stay strong!! You deserve someone way better than that person. Hold you head high and be kind to yourself. It will be okay!! πŸŒ„ Blessings, Grace
  2. Hello! I am so sorry to hear about your adverse reaction to the Valtrex. That is terrible!! Your body may be allergic to something in the Valtrex, or it could even be reacting with a medication you take. Do you take anything else? For the mean time, if you haven't already, it's probably a good idea to stop taking the Valtrex. Also, give your doctor a call and let them know the reaction you had to the medication. There is a third antiviral called Famciclovor. Have you looked into that? I honestly am not sure if it is similar to the Valtrex and Acyclovir, but a medical professional such as a pharmacist could let you know. A pharmacist would know the difference between all three, since they understand the biochemical differences of the medications that may be causing your adverse reaction. Pharmacists are awesome!! Trust me, they are great. Here is a link to the American Sexual Health Association regarding HSV treatment options. I hope it helps!! https://www.ashasexualhealth.org/herpes-treatment/ In addition, I reccomend going to back to or calling the doctor who prescribed the Valtrex and inform them of the adverse reaction. Then, they hopefully can see what is causing the reaction (something in the medication) and help get the ball rolling with alternative methods of antivirals and nerve care. Sending blessings of health and wellness your way!! ❀️ Grace
  3. Hello! Hmm. It sounds like it could be thrush, which causes papercut-like cuts that are irritated, but granted I am not a medical professional!! If it persists I would make a doctor's appointment just to get a clear diagnosis and treatment if needed. Stay well!! Sending blessings your way πŸŒ„ -- Grace
  4. Of course!!! If high stress is a trigger for you, totally try to put some tools in your stress management toolbox. When we feel stress, we can either hold it and manifest it in the body or brain (or both) or expel it in a healthy way! Art, meditation, prayer, reading, or taking a walk are great tools for the tool box! Stay well and let go of your worries! ☺️ Thank you for your kindness towards my recovery! Blessings, Grace
  5. Hi! Yes, 100%!! God is stronger than anything we face. Something that has helped me is letting go and giving my worries to God. My therapist is actually a Christian-based therapist and something she told me to do is imagine you putting all your worries or fears into a bag, and then handing it to Jesus. Another thing my therapist told me that helps me when I think of bad memories is to say this little mantra: "That was then, this is now. That's not happening now. It's over, and I'm okay." Stay strong!! We are all here for you. Blessings, Grace
  6. Hello! Great questions!! So, outbreak trigger vary for everyone. However, generally speaking, GHSV-1 has less outbreaks, and less severe outbreaks, then GHSV-2. Being sick could place stress on the body which hypothetically could trigger an outbreak, but it also may do nothing. Since getting diagnosed with my HSV, I have had mono and appendicitis (actually had this last week πŸ˜‚ just had surgery!) and neither of these triggered any outbreak. Every body is different, but typically cold and flu illnesses shouldn't cause you to have an outbreak every single time, or possible even at all. Similarly, stress is not a trigger for everyone. Some people have stress as a trigger, and others don't, and those who do have it as a trigger may not always get an outbreak every time they are stressed. I hope this helps! Blessings, Grace
  7. Hi!! Great question! I'm sure many others have had worries or questions regarding Fordyce spots versus herpes sores. Fordyce spots are caused by our skin's sebaceous glands which secrete oils for our skin. They can be accompanied by itching, as well. which is what mimics herpes. Did you notice any itching or burning when the redness appeared? Also, have you noticed raised herpes sores (clustered or single sores with a dimples center?) Have you experienced any friction or irritations to the area exhibiting the redness, such as shaving, physical intimacy, biking or exercise, or uncomfortable or restrictive clothing? This could be causing irritation of the skin and sebaceous glands. The fact that the antivirals don't seem to be doing anything makes me think it's the Fordyce spots and/or another skin irritation and not an outbreak. Monitor symptoms and see if the irritation improves. If you not it getting worse.or persisting, see a doctor. It's always better to be on the safe side! Your health matters ☺️. I hope this helps! Blessings, Grace
  8. Hi!! I am so sorry about the swelling and itching and redness. That sounds like an inflammatory response, which could be caused by an autoimmune issue. It's good you have started the Valtrex as a precaution, since if it is herpes related it might help. However, you said you get this itching and redness every few months; it is accompanied by herpes sores or anything else? Sending prayers of health your way! πŸŒ„ -- Grace
  9. Hello, First, I am so sorry that you have experienced such trauma. You did not deserve that at all. You have a right to be angry. The healing process is different for everyone. Some people deny things, other are very sad or angry. Some people radically accept it as it is and move on. Regardless, let yourself go through the stages of healing. If you need to cry, cry. You are not weak, you are strong. You are a warrior and a survivor. Having HSV and HPV from people who abused you is truly terrible. I have my HSV from someone who was abusive, and it makes me feel so dirty and it reminds me of why I have it. First I was so sad, then I was so angry. I forgave myself for everything, even though I didnt have a reason to be sorry at all. It was just really nice to be able to tell myself I forgave myself. It's like, taking a step back, looking in the mirror, and seeing yourself as you truly are, treating yourself like how you would if a friend was sharing their story with you. You would be supportive, kind, hopeful, and validate their feelings. But, you would remind them that they are not cemented in victimhood. They are a warrior. They can heal, and are worthy of healing and letting go of the pain and suffering that others caused them. If you need to, try therapy. I am in therapy right now and it has really helped me work through things. Also, talking to a women's shelter or trauma center may help too. There are also support groups that exist for those who have faced abuse. Something that has helped me is tapping, an Emotional freedom Technique (EFT). It's a combination of meditation and reiki and it is really wonderful. I reccomend Brad Yates on YouTube. He has a tapping video for everything. Check it out! Please know that you are not dirty. You are not ugly. You are not used. You are pure. You are beautiful. You are worthy of love and healing. It will get easier. Forgive yourself. Give yourself permission to heal. We are here for you! Sending blessings your way πŸŒ„ -- Grace
  10. Hello! I am so sorry about the painful outbreak you've experienced. I hope things have since cleared up! You have asked a great question. When it comes to transmission, you are correct; the first outbreak/primary outbreak is typically the worst and most extreme. It also can be accompanied with physical symptoms such as fatigue, aches, a fever, or an overall flu-like feeling. Did you experience anything like that? If you experienced an outbreak after sex, it's pretty safe to say that person gave it to you. For me personally, I got an outbreak the morning after being intimate with my then boyfriend. We had been exclusive seeing each other for months and he freaked out and was in complete denial about having given it to me. The doctor explained that it definitely was him. The timeline added up and he was the only person I had been with in months. Also this outbreak was ultra severe, and the swab test was positive for HSV-1. So, if this sounds similar to your situation, it is likely this person passed it to you. Did you get tested to ensure it was indeed HSV (if so, was it the swab test?). Has he ever been tested for HSV or has he ever experienced an outbreak? Some people are asymptomatic and never show symptoms of having herpes. Others may have it and have symptoms but not realize it's herpes, and assume it's pimples or an ingrown hair, or have them in an area that they cannot see. Have you talked to him about it? Would he be willing to get an IgG blood test? Also, if you did get a swab test and it came back positive, especially if it came back positive for for HSV-1, note that it is possible to get herpes on your genitals from receiving oral sex. So, if he's ever had a cold sore and if he had one and preformed oral sex, it's possible to get HSV that way, too. I hope this helps!! Stay well! Sending blessings your way πŸŒ„!! -- Grace
  11. Hello, @LoveTheMountains! I hope you are well. I totally agree with what you said. I actually just disclosed to someone (through test, not preferred, but it's okay, and it was the most practical since he's in the Marines!) For those who have read my previous disclosure post about disclosing to a Marine, this is a new Marine man. It seems I gravitate towards Marines?! So funny πŸ˜‚. Anyways, I explained it to him, and he asked "Can you still have sex?" Uh, yes. And then I explained to him more and he asked rather bluntly, "So we can still f**k?" Honestly I was kind of offended. Like what the heck you big doofus, could you be any more rude? I responded, "Yes, we could still have intercourse." Like dude I just told you something so emotionally heavy and that's your question? I know he didn't mean it to be offensive but seriously... what a moron. Anyways, we will see where this goes. Wish me luck, friends! ❀️ Blessings, Grace
  12. Hi! Wow, a cut that didn't heal for three years really is an unusual situation. Chronic wounds are sometimes caused by other illnesses, so getting tested could explain why the healing took so long. Have other cuts on your body ever taken that long to heal, or just that particular cut? Autoimmune testing is a great idea. Two of my aunts have MS, and it is actually very hard to diagnose and is easy to miss, so it could be possible you have it, especially since it is in your family history! Typically, getting a spinal tap would show MS and many other autoimmune illnesses. May your tests go well! ❀️ Stay strong and keep us updated! Sending prayers and blessings your way ❀️! -- Grace
  13. Hello @LoveTheMountains!! Thank you so much for sharing your story here!! I am so sorry about the pain and suffering you endured from the holistic remedies. Tea tree oil is such an amazing thing, but yes, it is often very concentrated and can cause irritation, especially to sensiive areas!! Thank you for bringing up such a key intersectionality of HSV-2 menopause. Many people are afraid of talking about it, and others may not even really think about it. But, menopause, pre-menopause, peri-menopause, etc impact the body so greatly, and that shouldn't be overlooked when examining sudden changes in HSV outbreaks or symptoms. You brought up such a great point that our bodies change over time. What never bothered us before can bother us now, like nuts or chocolate (so sad 😒 I literally just ate a bunch of chocolate chips so not being able to do so would break my heart πŸ˜‚). Stay well!! Sending blessings and prayers of healthy and happiness your way πŸŒ„πŸ’›! Blessings, Grace
  14. Hello! I am so sorry to hear about your six-year struggle. That truly sounds so terrible, and I cannot even imagine the frustration that this has caused. Please know that there is hope! You are not alone ❀️. It's great that you've consulted Terri Warren. She's amazing!! While it is super unlikely for GHSV-1 to cause such extreme effects, it could be post-herpetic neuralgia, and/or you could have some underlying health condition that is causing your body to not have an immune buildup response to the virus. The tiny cuts and constant burning and tingling indicate that your body is having neurological and perhaps even an inflammatory response, which could be linked to the virus. Did you notice if this has been constant since contracting HSV, or did all the symptoms start a year after, etc? Have you consulted a virologist or an immunologist? Your body may be having a hard time handling the virus, especially if you have an underlying autoimmune illness. I hope this helps. I am praying for you and all other experiencing these painful constant symptoms. There is hope! β€οΈπŸŒ„ Blessings, Grace
  15. Hi @Mmarke, Thanks so much for keeping us updated! I'm sorry to hear about the OB- way to stay positive! It will be okay πŸŒ„. Blessings, Grace
  16. Hello!! First, I am sorry about the situation. Of course it hurts, event when we rationally know it isn't the end of the world. Our emotional brain is like "ouch, I'm a loser," and our local brain is like, "It's okay! This doesn't mean I'm bad or dirty at all!" In terms of continuing to pursue her, I honestly just don't know. I mean, she said the herpes was a deal breaker, but says it's okay to hit her up. Perhaps she likes the attention but is just stringing you along, or she could be thinking "well maybe if he sticks around and I get to know him better, the herpes isn't such a deal breaker." Regardless, it is very confusing to give someone such mixed signals, and that can cause even more emotional confusion and sadness! I would say, it seems like this person may not know what they want. You could stay friends, but keep it friendly. If you pursue and she doesn't pursue back, it'll leave you feeling hurt. And, it'll just be confusing! Confusing 'always-guessing' what something is can exhausting and emotionally draining. Remember, you are worthy of someone who accepts you and doesn't give such confusing signals. If you want more clarity, feel free to ask her. However, I just don't think it is very kind to tell someone that there is a deal breaker and then tell the person that they wouldn't mind if the other person kept pursuing them. It's just not cool!! I hope this helps. Stay well and hold your head high!! Blessings, Grace
  17. Aww thank you!! Same to you!! β˜ΊοΈπŸŒ„
  18. Aww of course!! ❀️😊 Stay well!!
  19. Hi!! So, it seems your herpes outbreaks are symptomatic (although the symptoms are very minor). So, this means that you would likely notice if you were having an outbreak. Hypothetically, yes, you can always pass HSV to a partner since shedding can occur without symptoms, however please know that GHSV-1 has much lower chances of passing to another. And, HSV in general has lower risks of passing from female to male, too. There are still risks, of course, but GHSV-1 is not as likely to cause recurrent outbreaks and/or spread to another. When disclosing to someone, you can mention that hypothetical risk. Yes, it is scary to think about, but honesty is the best policy ❀️. And, you can even talk about HSV-1 and the difference in spreading likelihoods. If you would like resources about that, let me know!! Also, I am so sorry I forgot to answer the shaving question!! So, shaving over an active sore can cause, of course, pain ☹️πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜’!!, And opening a sore up can cause it to spread the virus. But, the cool thing is... You have immunity to spreading it to yourself!! ☺️ So, your body has the antibodies, since you have had the virus since August. So, by now, your body should have the amount of antibodies needed to protect yourself from contracting the virus on another part of your body. πŸ₯° I mean could you spread it, sure. But it would take, like, intentionally trying to do it (which no one would do any ways). I hope this helps!! ☺️ Blessings, Grace
  20. Hello! I hope you are well. Great questions! First, am so sorry about everything with your ex. Please know that things happen; herpes doesn't change who you are. You are still worthy of love and kindness. As someone who has had herpes since 19 and has dated throughout college, ugh... we tend to date such chumps in our 20s πŸ˜‚... looking back I'm like, "what the hell did I ever see in that person??" But, what we've been through gives us knowledge that we can pass on and use to grow, and that is a really great thing about going through struggles... they help us help ourselves and others! πŸ™‚β€οΈ To answer your questions, Herpes doesn't live and reproduce in hair, just on skin. You mentioned that you have HSV-1 (so do I). I believe I got mine from recieving oral sex, as this is a common mode of transmission for HSV-1 to be on the genital area. If your partner preformed oral sex on you, then you could have gotten it that way. Or, if he has HSV-1 on his genitals, you could have gotten it that way as well, from contact with the area. Pubic hair doesn't 'hold' HSV, but instead could act as more of a transmission bridge; skin + public hair + another person's skin = possible transmission. The pubic hair isn't a automatic protective buffer or an automatic transmission means in and of itself! To answer your second question, a herpes vaccine is definitely in the works! I think there will be one eventually ❀️ let's all pray and hope for it! πŸ™‚ πŸ˜„ Stay well and stay hopeful. Life is a tough but we are tougher! Stay strong! We are all here for you ❀️ Sending blessings your way!! πŸ™‚β€οΈ -- Grace
  21. Hi!!! Oh my gosh, this literally gives me so much hope! ❀️ Thank you for sharing your story with us!!! ❀️ I have also had HSV since I was 19, and it is definitely hard to navigate things at that young age. I am now 22, but I've definitely learned how to handle things so much better than I have before. It's so funny, people often assume that having to disclose to younger people is easier since they are more open minded, but young people can be super close-minded and just cruel, too! Thank you again for sharing this beautiful story! It goes to show that love is stronger than anything-- including our fears and HSV! I love how you are still together!! Such a wonderful story ❀️ Let us know when he proposes πŸ˜‰β€οΈπŸ’!!! Blessing to you and your partner!! -- Grace
  22. Okay!! Hmm, sound like it isn't an ingrown hair then. It definitely could be an outbreak! Have you had an outbreak in this area before? The sore would break open in a few days from when it first started. Avoid trying to break it open on purpose, of course. Then it would crust over, scab, and fall of, leaving new skin. Blessings, Grace
  23. Hello, No worries about shaving. Body hair is a normal thing!! It could be an H sore, but it could possibly be another irritation. Did you notice if there's a little black hair or dot in the center of it? If so, it could be an infected ingrown hair. Did you notice if the spot has changed at all? Like, before it had a white head, did it start out as just a red raised bump (with a dimple in it?). If so, it's likely an H sore. Also, do you have any other symptoms, such as burning, itching, painful to touch, etc? Feel better!! 🌻 Blessings, Grace
  24. Hello! I am so sorry I misunderstood! Thank you so much for clarifying. It's great that the constipation was something you had control over. Yes, herpes is an interesting virus since it lives in our nerve bundles (either base of spine or base of neck) and can impact everyone SO differently! Some people experience nothing, others minor, and others really badly, having issues such as post-herpetic neuralgia. In terms of everything, the severity could have been due to the fact that this was your first/primary outbreak. So, if you did have another outbreak, hopefully it wouldn't be as severe as the first one. When it comes to choosing a vaccine, the one dose J&J is very powerful since its one single dose instead of it being split into two smaller doses such as Pfizer or Moderna. Because J&J is more concentrated, it may make you feel super ill, so perhaps the J&J would be the one to more likely hypothetically cause an outbreak. The double dose ones do not generally have you feeling extreme ill and sore after the doses, since they are not as highly concentrated. And, perhaps it would be a more gradual way to introduce your body to the vaccine since it's two smaller doses versus one 'big' one. I hope this helps! πŸ™‚ Blessings, Grace
  25. Hello, I am so sorry to hear about your terrible experience with the first vaccine. I cannot even imagine the pain and suffering you experienced. That is just terrible! 😒 I hope you are feeling better now! I got my first Pfizer vaccine in April and the second in May. The second one really made me feel not great, but it went away in a few days. Yes, many colleges and universities require the vaccine, and as a college student, I reccomend it. I look around my University and some people really don't have the best consideration for keeping others safe. It's great you have the first vaccine, and hopefully because you already got that one, your body has built up some antibodies to help your body cope with the next vaccine. Granted, I'm no doctor or virologist! What I would do is have a game plan for if you get the second shot. For example, you are already taking suppressive antivirals, which is great. The doctor could give you a stool softener if the second shot causes bowel issues, and write a doctor's note in case you would have to miss any classes. Hopefully, you wouldn't need to use any of these, but it's better to have these than not! ☺️ I hope this helps!! Stay well!! Sending blessings of health and happiness your way πŸŒ„ -- Grace
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