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Everything posted by victoriaxxx

  1. Okay I don't think we should argue about how we should talk to people. They came here asking for help, and expecting that not all of us are going to say it the "nicest" way. We are not saying she is evil for anything.. We are saying remember how she felt when she was in that position. You feel hurt and lied too..
  2. Okay I will check it out.. I have a pretty open mind.. Doesn't mean I am not going to be rough and crazy sometimes also.
  3. Oh yeah I think every man should do this because I have heard so many men say " You are over exaggerating." I am just sitting there... Do you think she is over exaggerating once she throws stuff at you?
  4. I use Skyn condoms because I am allergic to Latex, but I don't know what gentle sex means.. I don't know if I could do that.. To me Skyn feel better anyways.. I used to never wear condoms because of my latex allergy.. Now I am definitely using my Non Latex condoms.
  5. I love this Go Ask Alice Website... http://goaskalice.columbia.edu/herpes-increases-risk-getting-hiv
  6. (: You have helped me out so much my friend. I am glad we can be here for each other altogether!
  7. Also because HIV can be spread blood to blood, or with any open wounds, when you have those blisters they open up.. Which can cause you to get HIV. http://www.aidsmap.com/Herpes/page/1044860/
  8. @HerryTheHerp Thank you. I love your Honesty. Yeah I have a friend who has HIV and he is not the most compassionate person out there. He is actually very upset and very mean.. Because he was lied too.. That happened to him. All I can do is hug him all the time.. because I just want him to be okay, but he is BRUTALLY HONEST to me. Because he would never wish this upon anyone else.
  9. He knows that there is this Cosplay chick that I really really really want to take out on a date. ;D
  10. If you look up any STD.. You are at higher risk for HIV. LIke Chlamydea for example. That is treatable.. But when untreated it attacks the immune system. && if you know about HIV it lowers the immune system tremendously because that is what it attacks..
  11. I may come off as rude sometimes, but sometimes I should just shut my mouth, because that is me.. I don't mean anything in a rude or harsh manner.
  12. I know my mom said she didn't really get upset when Herpes was mentioned, but now its just the stigma that is involved in all of this.. I know that Cold sores and genital aren't that big of a deal, but like you said it is another way for it to be out in the open. Another way to help the stigma.. Help kids better understand that this can be spread to the genitals or to anybody for that matter. Make brochures on Oral Herpes and HPV. It might be awkward, but it is an important part of life to be fully aware of everything. (:
  13. I am not going to sugar coat this either. I honestly feel like that is one of the worst things anyone could have ever done ! You remember how you felt when you were not told, and you just had to find out on your own? I know I felt pretty shitty. Which is exactly why I chose to put my big girl panties on and tell my boyfriend.. because I don't want anything to happen to him. I want to take the steps to be safe, but knowing that there is still a chance that it is something that he should know.. Ultimately it is his own choice to take that chance for me. Which he is.. Especially since you knowingly have it, then it is definitely something that you need to tell them. If you don't want to tell someone then don't have sex. Simple as that. Buy some toys if you need to get your rocks off. Seriously though. I would be extremely upset if I knew the guy that I was with knew he had herpes and didn't tell me.. I would feel like I couldn't trust him.. Just like if I didn't tell my current boyfriend... I would not expect him to trust me. Apart of a relationship is trust. If there is no trust then there is no relationship.. No matter how hard it is to say something you need to buck up and spit it out.
  14. Yeah I know oral isn't that big of a deal, but in a dental facility or any facility for that matter it is a thing that needs to be known, because the stress on the body can cause outbreaks.. Oral and Genital.. They were telling me they have genital.. && some of them are in the two for one deal.. Made me feel a lot better about my situation, even though I have came to accept it.. It is still kind of hard to come out and be like " I have herpes, Yes I do." I forgot the Dental Hygienest and I were actually having a conversation about Herpes.. && we were both talking about how we googled pictures of herpes. She says she remembers having to do some research.. && they were researching a country that has never been exposed to herpes, and they came here got exposed to herpes.. They had the worst case scenerio, very bad Outbreaks.. Since almost all of us have already been exposed our body is able to keep it under control better.
  15. Hello && Welcome to the Forum Kathy, First off I want to tell you that you are letting the stigma take over your brain at times.. Everyone talks about this "Horrible Herpes." This Incurable STD... But like we talked about it many time it really is only a skin condition. It doesn't kill you. It doesn't really hurt you, although it may be very uncomfortable at times.. You will be alright. If you got it swabbed and you are getting a blood test done and it comes back positive just remember there are plenty of things you can do to regulate your Outbreaks. I am on suppresive therapy and that helps a lot ! Also I use Coconut oil. (: Those help the healing process for me, and makes it so it doesn't hurt as long. I know for a fact that it is a hard mental battle.. Because of the way the stigma is, but when you find out that you have it.. What can you really do ? Just remember that there will always be someone out there that will love you and want you, aside from what comes back.. There are so many people out there that have it. It is so much more common than anyone would ever imagine.. I know that it was more common than I ever imagined. That and my boyfriend helped me get through this. If it does come back positive we can help you with the mental battle. (: Knowing is the first step to acceptance. It is a long rode, but just remember that if you do have this little H friend.. In the long run it can actually help you.
  16. Of course they aren't just going to do it.. You have to set it up and ask for it to be done. Just like they have this new ultra sonic test or something... That checks your mouth and throat for cancer.. Well the test is to see if it is caused by HPV. Which I think is kind of cool, because I am going in next week to see if I have any signs of oral or throat cancer. They didn't spot anything, but this test is to see if there is anything fairly minor that they can take care of. (( I still don't have any cavities btw. )) && the thing is I think it is good for the Dentist's because then they will have more knowledge about HPV themselves.. Instead of just having to use the doctor all the time. Honestly I think it is a good idea, because also there are a lot of people out there who have oral Herpes and it is not active, but when put under stress at the dentist it can cause a breakout. I remember asking them why did they need to know if I had herpes. That is what they told me. I was so embarassed... The Dental Hygeinest and the Dentist and the other ladies all told me they had it too. Crazy.. @WCSDancer2010 Next time I go in I will get a brochure and I will highlight everything and make a post about it.
  17. So this isn't exactly a general Herpes discussion, but I found out some cool news from the dentist.. They are going to start doing an oral swab in the dentist for oral herpes and oral HPV. What are your thoughts on that ?
  18. I haven't tried epsom salt yet.. But I know that the coconut oil helped tremendously.
  19. But do most of you have pain while urinating when you have symptons ? I always thought that was just a sign of a UTI..
  20. I have not had to have a medical not to pee in the shower.. Everyone tells me that is was gross, but I do it anyways.
  21. 8D I know. I look up to Dancer so much !!! @Scaredypanties You definitely look like you would be a lot of fun !!
  22. Mindisblown What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. It's the truth. This is just another obstacle that you have to go through. It's tough, and it can bring back those thoughts of pain, remorse, unhappiness. I know this. I had my second outbreak recently after a cold.. && I know that I have accepted the fact that I had an STD... but I just started crying, because its like every time you see those little suckers... Even though in your head you already know they are there.. It hits you.. Like " This is not a dream."
  23. Sorry if I was too harsh... I don't mean it that way.. Maybe you need to do some sort of therapy !! Aroma therapy, Acupuncture, even if you just want to talk to someone.. It can help.
  24. && I kind of know how it feels to have screwed up test results, but in my story the lady told me everything came back negative when in fact I was positive.
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