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Everything posted by victoriaxxx

  1. My hawks will win. Don't doubt it man. They will.
  2. They will both be stoned.. Coloarado and washington both legalized pot and they are both going to the super bowl..... TO HAVE A SUPER BOWL ;D
  3. Oh yes definitely.. like when I posted about my seahawks winning. OMG I had a great day.. without herpes.. even though it was still there. It takes come getting used too.
  4. There isn't a cure. I would trust a doctor, my doctor if they said there was.. butdon't you think if there was a cure THE DOCTORS would know ?
  5. Could it possibly be from it hiding in your nerves ?? I heard that it can effect other nerves in your body as well.
  6. YAY. (: I have my dream man. You have your dream man. We are tooo much alike. :D We should be sisters ! hahahahahaha. I am glad everything worked out.
  7. Exactly ! That was my point. When I get attached. I get really attached, which is something that I need to work on. I didn't want to build everything up in my head, and then just have it all burned down because I have herpes.. If it's going to end... I wanted it to be something besides herpes.
  8. I just wanted to say that you can read all the books you want to about acceptance, but the fact is that you need to accept it and grow with it yourself. It will teach you that no matter what the situation is you can still grow and love yourself. The tears didn't go away after I came to accept it.. Sometimes those tears and sadness helps you grow stronger with yourself. You just have to keep telling yourself that this is me. This is what I have. I am still Mel_b (: You are you. No one can change you. As humans we are amazing. Herpes or no herpes. (:
  9. I am actually very happy for you.. I am glad that it turned out good! We will always be here.
  10. It definitely is great. Not thinking about it all day. It's just apart of life. Realizing that I can do everything I did before ! *heart* Like snowboard !
  11. The only reason we lost the game was because the steelers LIVED UP TO THEIR name and literally stole our win ! I have faith in them this year.. Better send some valtrex for both teams They both might be breaking out. Running and working hard to win the super bowl !
  12. @Butterfly2012 Hello I am victoria ! (AKA megan. ) Your story is a lot like mine. (: I went it got STD tested because I found this guy whom I really really really liked ! He was sweet and perfect. Everything that I wanted in a guy. I never had it.. Finally I had everything I have been looking for and I did not want to lose it. I found out 2 months ago that I have HSV-2. I know that I cried and cried and cried. It is a apart of the acceptance.. You can not sit there and pretend to be okay when you are not feeling okay. I understand. I am actually really glad that your family is understanding. Why not try talking to them ? My family was also very understanding and they were there for me. Every time I learned some new information I told them.. I talked to them. It helped me tremendously accept the fact that I have herpes. Oh && I told my boyfriend. ;) He was like " You are not un-sexable. (: " Hahahaha made me laugh ! Keep your head up girl. It will be alright. (:
  13. Ohhhh. Okay. I was just wondering because I was reading it.. I am about 2 months into knowing now..
  14. O: Oh how dare you ! No I will buy the Bronco's a ticket back home because they will have nothing after all those tears ! (: I am not good at trash talking. O:
  15. I just wanted to say that I haven't been on almost all day. I had a great day! -- With herpes. Have been smiling with herpes ! (: && My Seahawks won and we are going to the superbowl !!!! BEST DAY EVER. There are green and blue fireworks going off all over the place, and I have not cheesed this much in a long time !. (: All with herpes. (: && You know what I love every single one of you !
  16. Are you serious ? Someone said nail polish remover ?? That just sounds like a chemical that does not need to be near our junk or mouth
  17. Honestly I agree... Even though my disclosure story is different.. && I didn't wait to tell my boyfriend. I told him 5 minutes after I found out. && I was balling and telling him that he didn't want me.. He said " Don't warp it into your head that I don't want you." && "You told me this I know how hard it is.." But I didn't want to have to hold it in and explain why I was crying randomly.. Or none of that. He was the biggest part of me getting over this. I remember I would tell him for three days straight that he didn't want me.. I remember he was just throwing love at me.. Finally I was like " Ugh.. Okay love me.." I didn't want to cry any more. I didn't want to let the stigma get to me.. 3-4 days after I found out.. I gave up. He was trying to love me unconditionally through all this and he was there and is still here since the day I and we found out that I have herpes.. & we have no secrets.. We are so close. He is still here for me to this day. I could have never been as okay with this as I am now if it wasn't for him.. I also wouldn't have found the guy that I am falling head over heels for and continuing to fall head over heels for every single day.
  18. I wanna go to one of the support groups in person ! I want to drive up there from NC one day. (:
  19. Heh @Cindy I don't think you understood how many people actually found out because someone decided to spread it to everyone that I knew.. I got messages from over 25 different people telling me how much of a nasty slut.. The support system I did have made me look past that. No matter how hard it is, and what anyone says.. It will never change the fact that I have herpes.. I also can not let people upset me about something that is now apart of me. It wasn't my fault. It is not any of our faults, but it is a part of life.. My biggest support is this forum and my boyfriend. <3
  20. @Stuckinarut Just tell him that you were extremely scared at first. Honestly, be courageous.. Not everything has the same inner strength as each other. I know that it can be hard getting it out into the unknown. Not knowing what the person is goign to say think or feel.. I just want to say that I admire the fact that you came here wanting help.. and wanting to come out with the truth !
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