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Everything posted by whitedaisies

  1. I am going to start putting on my posts.... @WCSDancer2010 need not respond lol :-)
  2. You are absolutely gorgeous in your picture and if you smiled you would be a knock out. It's all about your self esteem. Trust me, I struggle too. You have a lot going on and you are using it to verify all the things you believe about yourself to be true but they aren't. Stop doing that!!! I wish you good luck and hope the outbreaks are fewer and further between as time goes on. Hugs
  3. Ok so I have still yet to identify my lesions as I don't get the typical ones. I know I have oral and ghsv1. Trying to figure out what a lesion is. I am getting some white pus filled kesions that burst like pimples that don't hurt at all. I pop them and then white pus that comes out then clear fluid (not yellow) then a little blood. Do these sound like kesions for herpes? I hardly had any pimples as a teenager so I don't remember what they were like. What bothers me is clear fluid comes out after pus but does that happen with regular pimples? Thanks
  4. It will get better. It's wonderful you are recognizing other things so early on in your diagnosis that have triggered some issues with you before like self esteem Etc. so awesome you could be so honest with yourself. Use that to help heal you u other ways. Work on those issues and once the symptoms settle and you becom comfortable again, your heart and mind will be in a good place too....perfect timing to start to love someone again. Good luck xo
  5. Ok your value is over 3 so it's pretty definitely positive. So you could have also got it with condoms. Condoms aren't 100 percent. So don't go to the would a should a could a stuff I would really recommend finding a friend on here or even the h Opp weekend that adrial offers on this site. Don't know when the next one is. You are not alone. Millions of people like you. I would like to add that you have no physical symptoms which is very lucky. I know it's hard to see now but so many people on here are plagued by uncomfortableness and physical pain. I was so devastated at the beginning. Needed antidepressants and lots of therapy. It wasn't easy but I will tell you it will get better after this initial shock. Hang in there!!! Xo I have two besties that I met as a direct result of this site. My life is so much richer and fuller with them in it. I never would have thought.
  6. Well you are not alone. And I know you are feeling sad and angry and disappointed and scared but trust me , all those feelings do pass. The initial shock is really hard. we have all been there!!!! What blood test did you do and what was your numerical score, just so I can help you interpret the results if you need. You are a young girl, having sex....you should be exploring your sexuality and that is perfectly normal. You are not a whore....do not shame yourself. Sex is a normal part of life and you just were unlucky like lots of us here. We are a good group of people on here, come on here anytime to vent. There's always someone here that will answer. Read the veteran stories and any posts including Ella Dawson as well as she is your age with h as well. It will give you some perspective. Be sad for now if you need, but don't stay there too long. You can live a happy and fulfilling life with this. And even better you have no ob so it's not affecting you physically which is awesome. Hang in....it will get better!!! Lots of hugs.
  7. That's been me for almost two years...one ob after the next or prodome or whatever. My ob are very minor and not painful anymore at all. I would like the frequency to stop. Antivirals aren't doing much. I am looking into an autoimmune disease appointment coming soon. Hang in there everyone. It's got to get better!!!
  8. What kind of blood test was it? Certain blood tests are more accurate than others. About 10 percent of people always or can test negative for Elisa blood test especially hsv1. Experts tend to say as well the immunoblot blood test could be difficult to read If you want to know for sure. Western blot blood test through westover heights clinic is the most accurate test. At 6 months post exposure the results should be almost 100 percent accurate although people can but it's rare turn positive later than 6 months Those sympyoms you are experiencing really could be anything and igm blood tests are notoriously inaccurate. No good doc and all herpes experts refuse to do them. Good luck
  9. Yea. I won't let herpes or lupus rob me of amazing sex and especially not love. I just have to try harder and work on me more so I can have what I want. I hope we both struggle less and enjoy a healthier physical life soon I get tired and down about it too somedays. Chin up
  10. It's likely the heat I can't get overheated at all. Try sitting out in the late afternoon or early evening. I get h and lupus flares. My ana came back negative but I don't know if he ordered the right test. I know I definitely have sthng. I really think it's lupus or ms maybe. Anyway yes my disclosure went well. It was kind of a reverse disclosure. He knew I had h already but didn't know I had feelings for him. I felt just as scared and vulnerable disclosing my feelings as I do with herpes. And personally now that I have lupus I would pick just hwrpes Anyday. I am still working on me and going to therapy. My hwrpes symptoms are decreasing although I did have an ob a month ago. But mine are usually tiny bumps on thighs or shin and they barely pop through the skin....I doubt I am that contagious. Just feels like I am. I am still really vulnerable but I do want to share my heart.
  11. @2Legit2Quit Disclosures get easier and the ones we use to scare people off show us that hwrpes is just a skin condition and are really separate from us. People can see is beyond the virus. I had my last fwb say when I look at you I don't see herpes, I see you!!! It was so nice to feel that. I haven't learned to see me without it yet. For me it's hard because it triggered an autoimmune disease so the lessons are harder for me to absorb because I reacted so badly. But to everyone out there who carries it with no symptoms or few symptoms be grateful. I disclosed again, my 3rd one in 2 years and it went well. I had a disastrous first disclosure with a really shallow man...I didn't even want sex. I was just telling him. Some people can't even handle the minimum. My next two disclosures were to wonderful open men who can see who I separate from this virus and are really helping me embrace my sexuality again. I hope people never give up. There are wonderful men and women out there who can appreciate your internal and external beauty. Xo
  12. I disclosed to get rid of a guy too. It didn't work. He wasn't scared at all. I think sometimes we have a weird relationship with herpes, kind of try to let it do our dirty work for us. Either way the guy wasn't scared and became a great friend too. Goes to show you, the outcomes from disclosures can be unpredictable in a good way.
  13. Well reactions to sunlight sometime suggest autoimmune issues.
  14. Yes I did. For a year. Seems to have subsided for the most part now with all my other symptoms. Except h of course. Yippee!!! Why won't that one go away!?!?
  15. I will try. Thanks. I think I have lupus and srojens syndrome.
  16. After 3 weeks I still haven't even got a date for an appt at rhumatologist. I am beyond frustrated Thanks. Let me know what comes of it so I know what to look for.
  17. Likely why Antivirals aren't working. But who knows!?
  18. So @2Legit2Quit what does the endocrinologist suggest u do to help control the hsv outbreaks?
  19. You will get there. Pm me if u like I still have bad days. Sometimes many. But I have happy days too. Hoping as time goes on there will be more happy days. For you too!!!
  20. Yes it's frustrating. Side effects like clots etc increase as u get older on the pill. Get snipped and have her go off the pill to see if it helps. I dunno. It's hard to know unless u exhaust all causes. Ask her gyno side effects going off pill at 50. I actually asked my Dr to go on pill for birth control. He advised against it at my age.
  21. Have no idea. Sorry!!! Sometimes if u know cause can help with treatment.
  22. Ok googled quickly if u take antibiotics while having mono it can cause a rash...now I don't know how severe the tash and if it can trigger erythema muliforme but I don't see why not. Especially those antiviotics are pretty strong I think. So look at that route. I think it is likely drug induced reaction maybe mono too. Good luck. Hang in!!!
  23. I heard there is sthng about taking antibiotics with mono. It may trigger a bad reaction. I will try to google it when I have time. I got mono in August of last year and they gave me antibiotics too even though I told them it was either hsv1 or mono stupid ass doctors. Gotta run
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