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Everything posted by seeker

  1. well first off welcome and breathe. it will be all right. ( this is for you too Midwest). lysine seems to help some. there is still some debate about it. I went to planned parenthood and they gave me a printout about it. after you have had H for about a year it should become more latent, your body will learn to deal with it and it wont stand much of a chance when it does rear its ugly head. stress can bring it on and being in the military with all the unknowns ( esp in aunit prone to unexpected deployment) that could be rough. time to go all zen. humor is a stress relief and a normalizing process, people make jokes to make things less scary, im sure military humor can be crass to outsiders, as can health worker, etc. don't take it personally. hell I joke about stis still! lysine, zinc, vit c all are considered h
  2. tylerr, first off listen to the lovely ladies of Hopp!! as a fellow male I feel ya bro. we can be in short supply around here but I ask is it so bad to be surrounded by a bunch of hot sexy ladies such as these??? I have a son, 12 I had my first ob @ 1 and 1/3 years ago and was clueless as to what it was. splint and pill man thought it was mono. so I was not as careful as I could have been and had a bad fever to even better mess up my judgment and my kid doesn't have H anywhere to my knowledge. its really tough to transmit this to someone non sexually. the lack of testing for herpes is in some ways a tell on how it should be viewed, since the cdc considers it untestworthy it cant be that big a deal. I mean they test for crap you cant get rid of with a shot and a pill yet are so unconcerned with herpes as to not mandate its inclusion in standard sti panels. as a 5 month post diagnosis person I can say it does get better and you do stop thinking about it, it just takes some time and a lot of rational thinking.
  3. damn girl, now im really wishing we had had that drink!!! lol, im happy for you, good going. and if it doesn't work then its his loss. your a good person and worthy of love. tell him to be careful where he looks for info, google is not our friend in this, esp google images, yikes!!. good luck, im rooting for you.
  4. your welcome. dissemination is a relatively new discovery in H related circles. I almost dint want to bring it up as it could be " one more thing to worry people" I personally find it reassuring and think it may have happened to me as I get hardened cysts and the second time around one acting like H. never again though. still doing some looking up on it, just have to be careful and vet the sites I read, like everything H related there is lots of messed up info out there.
  5. get thee to a doctor. I know we lambast them on their herpes knowledge but they are useful in other ways and blockage sounds like myriad other things, prostrate, kidney stone, etc. I experienced some odd, fever like symptoms here and there. I didn't have a temp but felt like it. BUT I work outdoors and florida is an odd place weather wise, esp this time of year. was 80F and sunny yesterday for high, today it barely made it out of the 50s and was overcast. the human body reacts oddly to these fluctuations.
  6. dang, florida herpes crew in the house!!! are you here for a while? there are 2 support groups on meetup locally. ive gone to a couple of dinners and they were a good bunch. last one was fun as all hell, laughed my arse off. with the doctors its funny, as varied as all biological life can be,they seem to get stuck in this " if its not textbook its not whatever" mindset. and the beer offer stands. always good to make a new friend and or just vent a bit about this crap. tho I know north county a bit better. countryside and up.
  7. There is something called dissemination. Its where h infects another skin condition but not the nerve, its different than autoinnoculation and isnt reoccuring. Its basically the same thing as an infected cut or pimple or such but H is the infector and again, its not autoinnoculation. Ive been doing a little reading up on it. Makes sense, maybe touch a h sore then a pimple lets say. Pimple gets infected but the body can deal with the virus so it doesnt get to the nerve so no establishment. And malice, the chances of you AutoInn behind your knee is pretty slim. AutoInn is rare and only happens in a very small window. The virus doesnt do well outside the body. It would take an open active sore, you touching it, then with ninja like speed touching a cut behind your knee. Are you in the habit of scratching your privates then other places? Didnt think so.
  8. Hang in there brother, it does get better/easier. And Florida isnt so bad, well summer can be a pain. If your in the Clearwater/ tampa area we could get a beer and oogle the serving whench. As far as doctors go, why do you think they call it practicing medicine? Its their egos that can be the problem. Tell me again why woman persue these asshats ?
  9. Got mine at anylabtest. 50-60$ Igg type specific with my ranges and results in ,@ 3 days. By email.
  10. wow, ok. i didn't see that as being judgmental just asking a question to help put something into perspective. guess it wasn't what you wanted to hear. im out.
  11. You have to disclose. Put yourself in the other persons shoes. Which is worse, disclosing with possible rejection or not disclosing and he gets H ( and possibly unwittingly spreads it)(or worse angrily spreads it purposely)? And why are you showing more concern and respect for 1 night stands than a long term friend?
  12. The only absolute way to answer your question is with a swab. That being said it's highly unlikely to have H on the lower leg. You would have had to autoinnoculate yourself. I have a theory that fighting H along eith the stress helps bring about other skin issues. To parsphrase frued sometimes a bump is only a bump.
  13. Ok. Im slightly confused. You have H1 genitally? Your wife has it orally? But you think you got it from a handjob? As every scientist and detective say " the simplest answer is usually the right one. Oral H1 is damned near ubiquitous in the human population and is considered little more than an inconvenience. As to your wee one, kiss her on the head where hair is, problem solved and you still get to show affection. Personally i never kissed my kid on the mouth, always the cheek or head. And remember, if it were that easy to spread everyone would have it
  14. kids and dogs are my soft spot. sounds good. one of the groups I belong to has a monthly support group but its almost 2 hrs away and on a weekday at 6 so no go for me, plus it could be one of my overnights with my kid and that does far more for me than any meeting could. I imagine some of the people talk amongst themselves, ive seen it after a get together. having now almost 5 months post diagnosis im into the " I want to be normal ( as much as I ever was) again" phase. but I think its great that shae want to try to get something going where she is. massive support vibes going out.
  15. all my obs are on the scrotum so I cant really attest to your obs BUT at least your ob area will be covered by a condom. also not to be a grammar nerd but some of your op was difficult to read my friend. @ fairisle, youd be pretty without hair so don't worry.
  16. so the one we are discussing was 1.5 years away because it was in ph3? and all because some monkeys got skin conditions at 900x the dosage? why the hell would monkeys want to take it anyway? @ john, yea I had read up on that one. if I remember it was either 1 400 mg pill a week or 1 75 a day and almost no shedding and nearly no OBs.
  17. I know I should lift weights but dammit, those things are heavy. maybe give up on the "go hard or go home" mentality that flows thru gym culture and just do a good general Wo for a while? ooo, wo supplements, that could have something to do with it also. id definitely go with an abridged routine sans supplements ( workout ones) for a bit. just like if you would have had any other health issue.
  18. lol adrial the hippie. get a haircut boy!! ( fyi, my hair is almost to the middle of my back) shae, there are groups on meetup but as adrial said they are private, passcode needed groups. I belong to 2 locally but they are more about normalizing than commiserating. we meet at local places for dinner, one member holds a pool party at her house ( I laugh at how the stigma would make some mouth breathers feel about jumping in THAT pool). its good and I feel in some ways better than meeting and crying ( im sure that happens for some in private). nothing like sitting at a table with 10 other people who you know all have herpes and having a blast, laughing your arses off and might I add, getting checked out by the neighboring tables, oolalala. or having a member bring their new SO who doesn't care about h at all and embraces everyone as a friend. so, good luck with this endeavor, look around a bit more as there could be a group already around just under the radar. and above all else, have fun!! and if your ever in the Clearwater fl area call me up for a cup o joe.
  19. not that ive heard of. that's the one that damned near made my head explode. 900 x the normal dosage??? last I checked water was toxic at that level, its called drowning.
  20. hey there. relax first off. menin and enceph are very rare from herpes. very rare. my initial OB was believed to be mono, all the classic symptoms ( and mono is another herpes virus btw) I suffered 103.5 fevers for several days followed by 102.5 fevers for another week. I had an odd flash headache in the back side of my head also. I did get bells palsy from this but it cleared up quickly but did take my sense of taste away for certain things, which I have more than made up for with spicy foods. things will get better over time. your body will learn to deal with this. ever have a bad flu? bet it lasted a week. or the real mono? it can take months to get over. this is just some virus that's gonna be a pain in the booty for a bit then will become a minor issue.
  21. um my friend the hands are the least likely place to have herpes so no you didn't get anything from a HJ other than friction sores. as dancer said its most likely from your wife and by god man you married her so who cares if she gave you genital hsv1? so your going to have to be a wee bit less spontaneous when it comes to certain intimate acts. you knew she had oral h I assume so stop getting yourself all worked up. also, I don't know your description of the pain but look into kidney stones, they restrict flow. trust me ive had several. low level pain, usually in side, like you just got hit in the boys. back pain. restricted flow yet the overwhelming urge to pee RIGHT FREAKIN NOW OH IM GONNA WET MYSELF wait 2 drops??? wtf???
  22. give me his name and myself and a few friends will "have a talk" with him. asshat, never, and I mean never put your hands on someone in any manner that is not loving. ( by both your standards)
  23. I agree with dancer in that if and when you want to go off suppressive you should wean yourself off ( though im not sure the process yet as im on them myself till after the new year sometime). however, it is my understanding that antivirals don't work like antibiotics, they don't kill the bug itself they stop/slow its replication. therefore there should be a virus your body has been dealing with this whole time. however stopping cold turkey could cause a viral spike and that could lead to an OB. look into lysine, zinc and (for temporary use) Echinacea/goldenseal (immune booster). as far as autoinoculation, sweetheart I had a 103.5 fever when my first ob hit, I was delirious, didn't shower ( could barely stand) and had several sores on the boys and I didn't get it anywhere else, heck I didn't know what it was for almost a year after and us guys scratch down there, ALOT. you ladies complain to us all the time. lol.
  24. therapeutic would be nice but a bigger market is in preventative and if you really think about it would help with those of us who have H. meet someone, grow to like them, disclose; either they have had the shot OR they go get the shot and no worries. I know it doesn't help those of us with H but imagine a world where it wouldn't matter. of course the moment a preventative comes along all research stops on therapeutic as it would be a dwindling consumer base over time.
  25. Ok, gonna chime in but bear with me as I am on phone. My initial ob was believed to be mono, i had a 103.5 fever for days followed by a 102.5 fever on and off for 2 weeks, i was delirious at times. I had my son during some of that time. I had H a year before i found out so had used nothing more than normal hygiene and as far as i know my son doesnt have it and if, if he did it certainly wouldn't be on his genitals. So, relax. Follow good hygiene and all will be well.
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