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Everything posted by hippyherpy

  1. His loss. If a guy is that afraid of a something as widespread and harmless as herpes, he's misinformed/ignorant and living in a bubble. If he's having sex with more than three people in his life, odds are that at least one of them will have herpes. Do you really want a guy who can't get his facts straight about this? Could mean that he'll probably make ignorant decisions in the future as well.
  2. I can't say for sure that there is a correlation, but after I got diagnosed with herpes I connected with people that I've found more attractive than before I found out I have herpes. I've told all my partners I have herpes. I've found that the more attractive, high-confidence people who don't sweat the small stuff don't seem to care so much. Perhaps they don't consider a harmless skin condition to be a threat. You can chose to be a winner or a loser. It's up to you.
  3. So you've got a few bumps that don't hurt on your joint. No need to be worried sick regardless of whether or not they are herpes.
  4. This is getting headlines in the national news with people like Thiel and Trump investing. It's a vaccine that is working for trial participants. https://www.cnbc.com/2017/09/01/herpes-vaccine-firm-backed-by-peter-thiel-promises-fda-oversight.html
  5. If you had cold sores in the past then you've already had herpes for some time now. Not a big deal, and not much difference between the two. Cheers
  6. Usher is arguing that one of the people suing him assumed the risk by having casual unprotected sex. I agree that anyone who is having unprotected casual sex shouldn't be allowed to sue for herpes. We are at a point in time where it's time to start sharing the responsibility with the unaffected. The way it should work is that if the conversation isn't brought up by the uninflected, then it's not a legal issue, If, however, the uninfected asks the infected partner if they have herpes, and that person the goes on to lie about their status.. that's another story.
  7. It's almost a joke how little doctors actually know about herpes. They pretty much all say different things about it and a lot of them recommend not disclosing just because they don't understand the legality of it or how the virus works. Anyway, you had it for 18 years and it wasn't a big deal and it's still not a big deal. Disclosing isn't as scary as you might think. It can actually be a good way to bond someone. I've disclosed to well over people who then greenlighted sex. Congrats on getting in better shape.
  8. Luckily, there's not much to learn because herpes isn't a big deal. Just make sure you communicate to your partners that you have it and move forward with having a good life. Also, first outbreak tends to be the worst for most people, and herpes symptoms usually lighten up dramatically after that or disappear all together after some time. Maybe get some Valtrex to calm it down.
  9. The moron lawyer called herpes a "an terrible disease." This will here crux of the case. Usher's lawyers should make a bigger deal about herpes is NOT a terrible disease. Just because something's "incurable" doesn't mean it's terrible. It's time that we get the laws and stigmas changed about herpes. There should be some kind of class action lawsuit against the stigma. We can't base this of emotions but the true stats and fact about herpes: it's not a big deal.
  10. First of all, I'm not angry with anyone and I'm sorry to hear you are in so much pain. Second, my response was to the OP who stated that they weren't even having intense symptoms. Of course I realize some people are going to have very intense symptoms, and I'm not trying to belittle their experience at all and I welcome them to come on here and ask for advice etc. My response has more to do with the OP's interpretation of the situation and declarations about "life being over" etc. I know it can seem like a shock when you first get diagnosed with herpes, especially if you don't know much about it. However, going around and making hyperbolic statements about it only works to feed the stigma. The truth is that even most people who get really bad symptoms aren't socially doomed. Hope you feel better soon. The first outbreak is usually the worst.
  11. What you say about all people not wanting to date HSV2 is completely untrue. The reality is that many people do. Most people don't even know that they are because their partner doesn't manifest symptoms. That's how harmless this thing is. If it were really a "threat" they'd quarantine all the people who have it. Not only that, but I can tell you from first hand experience of raw fucking a lot of girls after disclosing (yes, you read that right) that herpes is the most over hyped nothing in the world. I'm not the only one who has had partners agree to this kind of thing. I know married couples where one person has herpes and they fuck raw because they don't care about herpes. You can choose to make a big deal about it and spread the stigma, or you can recognize the reality. Disclose because, at the very least, it's the legal thing to do, and you can use it as an oppportunity to connect deeper with your partner or screen them out if they can't handle it. Big time saver for anyone looking for a long term relationship.
  12. I've mentioned that before I got herpes, I had slept with two girls who disclosed to me (didn't get it from them). Keep getting dolled up and be as sexy as you can be and I guarantee you will be able to get laid. There will be guys who don't go for it, but that's there loss and there are probably many more out there that will dip the wick if you are hot like you say. Actually you will find that it's the most attractive people that tend to get STDs because they are often very sexually active. I'd bet that pretty much every famous person has herpes. Check out my thread called ladies man disclosure success for tips on how to disclose in the context of casual sex. I've done it well over fifty times by now.
  13. I'm compassionate because I think the truth will help people feel better about this sooner. It's very easy for people to get worked up into a state of depression or anger if they base their thinking on the pervasively false stigma that most buy into when it comes to herpes. I say ok, you feel bad, but why? Let's break it down and see what's really happening before you jump the gun and go getting deep into emotional turmoil about this. Part of the reason why people freak out when they get herpes is because almost nobody talks about it in a frank and honest way. People are afraid to disclose, they afraid to get herpes, they are afraid to get tested even. My point is that it really isn't a big deal for like almost everybody who actually has herpes. When someone posts things like "true intimacy will never be possible again", this is just not true.
  14. I'm not saying someone's feelings are invalid. But the OP even stated they didn't have a terrible out break, and being depressed and having herpes are two different issues. If anything it'a more important to seperate facts from emotional things. When you make a thread saying things like it's the end of the world that you got herpes, the just not true.
  15. Yes because herpes stigma is based on lies. Being able to sue someone over lies doesn't make sense.
  16. Yeah and it's not fair to fuck over the vast majority of people who get zero symptoms, and a large group of people who get mild symptoms, all because a tiny fraction of people get more intense symptoms. The reality and logic of herpes stigma has little to do with "feelings" and more to with profiteers at pharmaceutical companies who stoke that stigma while throwing a large group of people under the bus. That and the fact that many people in the US have this overblown image of themselves as these perfectly "pure" snowflakes. Let's compare herpes with getting a cold. People scream about herpes bring incurable. The truth is that getting colds is a lifelong experience as well. In that sense, "getting colds" is also incurable. And the reality is that colds actually affect people much worse than herpes over the course of a life time. The small group of herpes infected people who get symptoms usually have like one outbreak and then they don't get bothered by it for the rest of their life. Yet, we don't see people getting dramatic and suing others for passing on colds. The logic of herpes stigma just doesn't add up. Pull the curtain back and see the wizard of oz of herpes stigma for what it really is: hype.
  17. You are freaking out needlessly. It's just a skin condition that barely effects the majority ofbpeople who have it. You make it sound like you are worried about infecting them with the bubonic plague.
  18. You add to the stigma by making it such a big deal. You fuel your own problem when you talk about herpes in such an exaggerated way. You yourself said you barely had any symptoms. The herpes isn't your problem.
  19. There are so many reasons why you shouldn't be able to sue for herpes. Not only is it rampant, but it is also very difficult or impossible to verify where or when it was contracted, and who was involved. Anyone who has slept with more than three people has likely had sex with someone who has herpes.
  20. This thread is about actually getting legislation done, not non-legal stuff.
  21. Starting a new movement with this thread to change the legality of herpes. Look at Usher. Should have just disclosed to those women now they get millions from him over the biggest BS nothing burger virus in the world. Just imagine how many people in the entertainment industry have herpes. All the sex that gets thrown at you when you are famous. If every famous person just came out and said, "yeah we have herpes and it a isn't a big deal" you'd quickly see people not giving a crap about this. In fact, of bet that you'd have fans of these famous people trying to get herpes just to be like their role models. Having herpes just means that you aren't a nun, cloistered away from sex. Anyone who is having sex with more than on person these days is bumping uglies with herpes. That's a guarantee. It's time that they make new laws about this. You shouldn't be able to take someone to court over herpes anymore. Let's get some legislation passed on this.
  22. Just remember that they didn't have condoms back then and people were much more rugged and would probably laughing at how prissy we've become in general.
  23. Is herpes considered dangerous, the opposite of safe?
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