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Everything posted by hippyherpy

  1. You already told him you have herpes so technically I don't think you have to tell him more than that. At the same time, for the future, don't be afraid of disclosing. Also don't be afraid hsv 2. I have and do both of those things. Easy peasy and not a big deal. It's more for you to get over having herpes to disclose almost. The more you are afraid of disclosing the more you are letting some bs stigma walk you around. And in the future you might get hsv 2 but that's nothing like what it's cracked up to be. Most people don't get symptoms even.
  2. Yea it's strange that you aren't legally obligated to tell someone you have cold sores (herpes hsv1) on your mouth but if it's on your genitals that's another story even though it's less of a chance of passing it genital to genital than it is passing it mouth to mouth or mouth to genital. Total bullshit lack of logic.
  3. Even if it was just in your mouth you could pass it on to him via kissing or to his genitals by blowing him. It doesn't matter if it's on your vag or whatever. Actually there's less of a chance of you passing hsv1 genital to genital then there would be if someone had oral hsv 1 and went down on someone else. And people do that all the time without even disclosing.youre fine I wouldn't make a big deal about it. If he's ever had a blowjob then he's had hsv1 on his dick already with a much higher rate of transmission then your situation.
  4. If you have it or don't have of it doesn't really matter much. So common. So not a big deal.
  5. I've had chicks fuck me raw after disclosure. Man if you are going to have sex at all these days , you got to not worry about getting things like herpes or HPV because pretty much everyone has them and it isn't a big deal.
  6. My advice is to stop looking for "well at least I don't have..." situations. Herpes is nothing. At the same time don't always think about what's worse etc. who knows, maybe one day you will get cancer. Then thinking "at least I don't have cancer" goes out the window. I wouldn't even put herpes in the same book with either schiz or cancer or any of those heavy duty life situations. It's another world
  7. You can decide to be angry or you can decide to accept the reality of this negligible skin condition that pretty much everyone has. You can take the herpes opportunity or you can you use it as an excuse to sulk. Either way is fine but you know what you need to to do.
  8. I say don't worry about your friend's herpes test and when they got it because it don't have anything to do with you at this point. Yes it is a skin condition and you are going to be fine. Maybe your wife already has it. A lot of people have it but never know because they don't get symptoms and therefore don't get tested for it. When I first got diagnosed I was confused too and was discussing it with people who I'm close with. Turned out that a few then also had it. These are people I knew for years and they never mentioned it. I'd say get your wife tested. If she's negative then you can either keep on going like you are going or get on meds to help prevent her from getting it. I know married couples that are fine either way. One couple doesn't take meds and they been together several decades and never passsed it on yo the partner. Another couple had the person taking meds and they never passed it.
  9. Also remember this isn't the 1980s when the the stigma kicked in. Tons of people have herpes now and it's a new generation. Thank hook up culture or tinder or whatever. Here are some bullet points to remember: - 80% people in the world got herpes - most of those people don't even get symptoms so they don't know they got it. - out of the small amount of people who do get symptoms, it's usually very mild or one outbreak - with condoms and meds you can reduce the chance of passing it to like 1%, the same as dying in a car accident only herpes is not anywhere near that class/level calamity. Yet people get in cars everyday. - stigma is a joke. It's a marketing campaign cooked up by pharmaceutical companies to sell meds. - life is short so don't look for excuses to be miserable. If it gives you any confidence, I've disclosed successfully to something like 70 girls. Don't use having herpes as a scapegoat for not getting your life together. Instead, it as an opportunity to get sorted and take everything to the next level. Hence the name herpes "opportunity".
  10. I have no idea who gave it to me, or if they knew they had it or whatever. It's irrelevant. You got it and you got it. That's all. Almost everyone has it.
  11. Live for a few hours? Where did you read that? Thought the virus dies when it hits the air.
  12. Chances are that this is your worst one and that you won't get many after, which is the case for the vast majority of people that have herpes. Maybe get some Valtrex from your doctor to help take care of it. You're going to be ok.
  13. Here's some perspective: Herpes is just one of many things that people can carry around for life. But that's ok because it's really not a big deal to have herpes. People get hung up on the concept of "incurable", but if what you have is not a big deal, then it doesn't really matter if it's incurable or not. Most people 9/10 have herpes and 80% don't even get symptoms so they don't know they have it. "Getting colds" is incurable, but people don't get depressed over the knowledge that they will get a cold at some point in the future. Truth is that for most people, herpes a lot less annoying than even getting a cold. Also, there are many many people out there who won't care if you have herpes or not. I know because at this point I've slept with something like 70 that I've disclosed too. Yea there will be some rejections here and there, but so what. Life is all about rejections. People apply to jobs and I think it's like for every 50 resumes they send out, most people only get one call back. You are in shock now but you'll get over it. I promise. Don't worry about this harmless skin. condition. Remember that stigma is not a real thing but a scarecrow conjured up pharmaceutical companies to make profits. Don't let some advertising campaign from the 1980s hijack your life.
  14. Yes and I agree with kitty Kat and optimist. Every time we get freaked out over herpes is another bath of cash for the pharma kings. Herpes Stigma is like the Harvey Weinstein of STDs. It's carrot and stick to get people to buy products whereas in the past now one gave a shit. Think about herpes stigma and imagine it as Barvey Weinstein, big fat Jabba the hut gate keeper. Don't play his game. Fuck the stigma. It's a beautiful ugly concocted advertising campaign.
  15. Finding out isn't hard. It's a fact of life for 9/10 people alive. Let's stop being babies about this.
  16. Enjoy the haunted day and don't let some harmless skin condition get you down. Just remember that the stigma is just a profit driver for pharmaceutical companies. It's just like a Halloween mask and isn't based on anything real. Have fun tonight and use a condom!
  17. Love is bigger than herpes and if he can't see past a harmless skin condition then he's not worth it because that means either the connection isn't strong as you might have thought or he's ignorant of the reality of how little a deal herpes is. Or maybe he knows the reality but is basing his choices on emotion instead of logic. Do you really want a man who bases his decisions on emotion instead of fact. Fact is that if you are having sex with people, you are going to be humping herpes at some point and if you can't get over that then you are being superstitious/narcissistic.
  18. Yes you are going to fine. Herpes isn't a big deal. Check out my ladies' man herpes disclosure success stories. I just had sex a couple nights ago with a beautiful girl I met that night. We are about to hot it and I told her I had herpes. She sucked my dick anyway, we slapped a conform on and did it in her friend's kitchen. It's stigma and ignorance about what herpes is that freaks people out not the virus itself. Most people don't even get outbreaks and for those that do, they usually get one outbreak in their life. Maybe some after but it's rare that it's ever an extreme thing.
  19. It's with people who don't have herpes or don't know that they have it. Of course I get rejections but I'd say 7/8 people are totally fine with it.
  20. I don't get these stories where the guy waits a long time to make moves. Six months before having sex? That's a red flag to me. Something is off. Also, he's not rejecting you. He's rejecting what he thinks he knows about herpes. Most people don't know the facts about herpes. They just drag aunt to the stigma for the info. This is why one of the first thing's I do when I disclose is I ask my partners what they know about herpes. Also, herpes disclosure doesn't have to be a big dramatic event. In fact, that's making way too big a show over a harmless skin condition that 9/10 in the world have. If sex is immanant, let your partner know what's up. Simple and to the point. Find out what they know about it, and if they don't the facts than you can get more in depth with the conversation. If someone rejects you even after hearing the facts, they are not making a logical decision but are instead acting out of emotion. Not much you can do about that but if someone can't can tell the difference between reality and fantasy/stigma/boogey-man, then I rob aly wouldn't want to include them in my life any way. Regardless of whether or not you have herpes, don't put all your eggs in one basket as far as dating goes. People get rejected all the time over many other things than herpes. go out and meet some other people.
  21. Holy crap he waited a month before moving towards intimacy? That's a red flag right there. Are the men in this world losing their fortitude or what. If you were my chick we'd be knocking boots probably on the first night. I'll tell you that long term relationships can come out of that too. Wouldn't bank on it but it's happened with me before. Here's the thing that every sexually active person has to recognize: if you want intimacy in your life in the modern world, herpes will be part of it. This is true regardless of whether or not you have it. The stats are that almost everyone has some form of herpes. People can either go celibate and not have sex or just accept the pravalence and harmlessness of H.
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