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Everything posted by Katidid

  1. @Adrial Thanks for the link and thanks for your response. Even though I am a 35 yr veteran of the H, I still learn something new about it all the time. I had no idea that having hvs2 makes you pretty darned close to inoculated against hvs1 orally as well as genital which was also covered in this phone conversation in the above link. Thanks again!!!
  2. That's what I was thinking as well. Still reading up on it. Had this over 35 years and still learn new things about it daily.
  3. I'm curious as to why famvir isn't prescribed for more than a year as a suppressive? Does it not stand up to acyclovir and valtrex??
  4. Does acyclovir work just as well with reduced transmission if you were to start taking it 10 days prior to a sex act as it does taking it every day all year long. Very curious about this especially for people who have hair loss taking it every day.
  5. Right!!! Anti viral daily not only reduces ob's ( mine are completely gone over a year now), but reduces shedding and transmission rates as well. It will make you forget you even have this. I've never passed it on. I suggest everyone new read @hippyherpy's story from the beginning. He has huge success with the ladies!!!
  6. @CuriousLove my husband felt just as you do towards me 20 plus years ago. When I disclosed to him there was virtually no info out there. He was willing to take the risk, but chose to always wear condoms which was no big deal to either of us. I have hvs2 so oral was always unprotected. He is H- to this day. He never brings it up and never made it a big deal! We have been very happy all these years later and live a very fulfilling life!!!
  7. First question......which type of herpes is always good to know. Is it herpes oral or genital? Is it 1 or 2? Hvs1 sheds less virus. Is she on anti viral daily or just with outbreaks? Anti viral daily helps her shed less virus therefore taking the risk way down female to male ( download the free handout with all the stats from this site). These are just some questions you may want answers to only so you can decide if you want to wear condoms or not....very personal choice. Sounds like you both really like each other and sounds like you want to be informed. This is what I can offer up thus far. Keep educating yourself right here. This is a great site!!!
  8. @MB28 It does work and I take acyclovior twice per day with my vitamins. 0 ob's in over a year
  9. Yes!!! We actually have oral more than intercourse. Hvs2 is extrely rare to pass on genital to oral. Have fun!!!
  10. Do you have hvs2 genital too or is your hv2 oral??? I was thinking you couldn't have 1 and 2 genital. I may be completely wrong on this. I was thinking one had to be oral and one genital if you had both. Hope someone else will chime in on this subject. If you have hvs1 orally, you can transmit to him via shedding during oral....hvs2 is very, very rarely transmitted orally. I have no triggers that I know of, but am 30 plus yrs into this and on anti viral with 0 ob's while on it daily. My husband is negative for over 20 yrs.
  11. Ditto what was said above. Relax girlfriend and enjoy each other. He sounds very laid back like my husband. It could easily be the other way around where he was so panicked about it which would really make you miserable. I take acyclovir.
  12. @Sweetsoulxo Honestly, after I disclosed to him and he understood the risk, I never gave it another thought. He may have in silence lol, but never expressed a concern to me...ever!!! As to the AV's daily.....I was having approx 5 ob's per year. I went on anti viral a year ago this past Feb just to take the ob's to zero and just really to see if it worked. Well, after 5 ob's per year for 30 plus yrs, I have not had one since taking them...so, it certainly works for me thus far and I think it would reduce your concern/fear of transmitting plus it takes the risk so low esp female to male.
  13. @Sweetsoulxo it really does get better. From what I remember, your SO does know about it and wants to be intimate. Get intimate with him and try not to worry. He knows the risks! Allow yourself to be you.....the you you always have been!!! After disclosure to my husband, we never gave it another thought. Start eating!!! I know you said you lost quite a bit of weight. Eat, sleep, exercise....all help to keep ob's at bay and you said your ob's are mild. That's positive and if you elect to take daily suppressive, you will likely never have an ob again. Have a great day!!!
  14. Same here...I eat what I want, drink what I want and wear what I want. Workout 6 days a week in leggings!!!
  15. Sounds like you own it!!! That's the first step in moving forward. Sounds like you are doing all the right things. Live your life to the fullest!!!
  16. Because it's not a big deal to someone who can see past it!!! My husband (then just a man crazy about me) was crazy for me and didn't care about the minor "infliction". He said he would be the last person I'd ever have to tell and he was. He saw me for me, loved me for me....and he's still here 20 plus years later and H negative!!!
  17. I've heard of papercut symptoms on here by some who describe it to be their ob. Ive never experienced them. Dry sex can often bring on H symptoms. Always use lube!!!
  18. @Char97 try starting a new thread asking about the anti viral in the UK. Plenty of folks on here live there. I would for sure exaggerate the number of ob's you have as some Dr's will only prescribe per ob doses otherwise. So, you can give that a try too. Xxx
  19. That's a hard one, but you have done all you can at this point. You've been honest and caring and really I see nothing else you can do, but to let him make his mind up or you make it up for him.
  20. @anw I understand your position and am so sorry you are going through this. I was 6 years older when I acquired it, but I have lived a fantastic life full of everything I ever wanted. A great husband (H negative), partners before him never got it from me. I've been all over the world and plan to see even more of it upon retiring in about a year. There is simply nothing keeping you from a full and happy life. Don't let this stand in your way....you will find love and happiness. There are plenty of young men out there that will find you to be the awesome person you are!!! Grab your confidence and run with it!!! There is a very good chance that the guy you are with right now could end up with H down the road from someone who doesn't know they have it. You sound like a lovely young lady and there is a wonderful man out there waiting for you. If you make H a big deal, then it will rule you.
  21. I was 23 when I got the H...35 plus years later it's barely a thought. Anti viral daily is the ticket!!! Along with self confidence!!!
  22. Char97...Read the hand out! It's so important to understand the facts. This is not that easily spread if you know your status. Especially female to male. Just learn all you can about this and I promise, In time, you will be just fine and barely ever think about it.
  23. Are you sure you didn't give it to her? Have you been tested? It's possible, unless you know for sure you are not positive for H. Some people really don't know they have it!
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