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Everything posted by Katidid

  1. I'm also an over 30yr veteran of H. Married 21 yrs now. Husband does not have it. You can resume a very normal sex life and have a great life otherwise! We have traveled the world and have had a blast. I'm in excellent physical condition (weight training 6 days a week), eat very clean and get plenty of rest. Life goes on!!! Also, in looking at social media and seeing your friends looking all happy go lucky doesn't mean they don't have H.....look at the statistics.....it's not something you would broadcast anyway. Taking proper precautions, you can keep others from getting this. Good luck!!!
  2. All I can suggest is go on anti viral full time. It's perfectly safe and so worth the benefit of not having an ob. Some people have ob's while on anti viral, but I've been hugely successful with it. I've had H over 30 years. Had about 6 ob's per year with no prodrome warning. I decided last Feb to go on acyclovir daily and I've not had had an ob since.
  3. Ditto what was said above and I might add that H doesn't come with commitment at all. You basically disclose and the relationship goes where it goes. I would suggest that you always suggest condom use. You need to really look around here and educate yourself. Ghv1 isn't as contagious as hvs2 because you will she'd less and likely you won't have many ob's. Just take precautions. You've already got your disclosure down pat.
  4. Congratulations.....sounds like you are H -. Go celebrate!!!
  5. I've had H over 35 yrs and never had prodrome. An ob would just show up out of the blue. Nonetheless, they were never in the same location....ever! I am now on anti viral which I started for the first time in March of this year and have not had an ob since. I was only getting about 5 per yr to begin with, but now 0 which was my goal.
  6. Doesn't sound like prodrome to me
  7. You used a condom which was very wise on your part. Female to male risk is low to begin with and add a condom lowers your risk even more. Probably all coincidentally coincided with the sex. Maybe some sort of reaction to ther condom as far as rash goes. I think you are fine. Keppra us updated
  8. Lots of people show symptoms by day five, but I read 90% will show symptoms by day 10. Keep in mind some never show signs
  9. Bambina3 is right....since his ex had it....he could certainly have gotten it from her and is using this as an excuse to bail
  10. I'm a Virgo as well, but I'm very different from how he sounds. Anyway, you are not to blame and (in my opinion) he has a problem if he's blaming you. You told him up front and that was your only obligation from there on. He could, at any time, done his own research to educate himself further. This is not your fault!!!
  11. Well, sounds promising, Jason. Is it hvs1 oral? Rest easy my friend!
  12. I take acyclovir twice daily and have no problems, but I drink a ton of water. I always have a water bottle in hand
  13. I don't know the exacts, but seems I read 75% chance you will contract it if there is there is no protection used and an ob
  14. Exactly the point of my question. I guess there are no real cut and dry answers since H is so sneeky.
  15. There's always the chance he got it somewhere else. Don't fret until you know for sure. Even if you did give it to him, you legitimately didn't know you had it. Don't beat yourself up over it.
  16. I'm assuming you are at least 18 because you said you've had this 5 yrs and still live at home. Make a Dr appointment (tell your parents you are having a physical) and go get it done. Go back for the follow up and then you will know what's what.
  17. Ditto what Sil88 said. I just think you may have a cold or just allergies coming on causing the sore throat etc. I think you can have a sore throat with H, but probably more likely with hvs1 oral. I would think the area would be red at onset of bump, but that's just I would experience as well as itch. However, some people really have few symptoms. Try to be calm and just wait for the results. I'm thinking it's not H.
  18. Honestly, it doesn't sound like herpes to me. One small spot which is white. I could be wrong, but 11 weeks out from your encounter and the description of the spot really doesn't sound like H. I may be misunderstanding, but how long has the spot been there? Sort of sounded like it had been there a long time. Please keep us updated as to the test results. I'm very curious as to what you find out. I hope it's nothing!
  19. This has always been a curiosity of mine even though I've had this 35 yrs. What is the average incubation period from time of transmission to actual symptoms? In my case it was 5 days later, but I've read so many conflicting stats. If I was new to this these days I would be totally confused by "too much info" vs not enough back in the day. I read the other day that it's between 4 and 10 days with 90% of people showing symptoms on day 10. Then I've seen 2 to 20 days, 7 to 10 and then of course some people never show symptoms ugh!!! What is the average incubation period or is there such a thing??
  20. You go girl!!! Looks like you own it! I came to the same conclusion years ago and I've had a great life!
  21. This is a hard one. My husband of 21 yrs was so crazy about me when I told him so he didn't care that I had H. However, he said he wanted to wear condoms during intercorse to protect himself and that's the way we left it. It was ultimately his choice and I never swayed him at all and we are very, very happy this way and he has never gotten H from me. In your case, it almost seems he isn't into you enough to except "everything" that goes with you. I think I would just tell him he obviously has reservations so you are backing away. Call me if you think you want to continue on, but there can't be any "back and forth" with it. Either he accepts you completely or move on.
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