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Everything posted by Katidid

  1. Wait until your outbreak is completely gone before thinking about sex again then use lots of lube and you will be fine, I promise!
  2. It would be extremely rare for her to get it oraly. I've never passed it on period and have hvs2 for over 30 yrs and lots of oral
  3. Sometimes I sort of feel like a broken record saying the same thing all the time, but I've had H over 30 yrs. I am female (so lower risk of transmission) and I've never passed it on. I don't experience prodrome either so I take it that I don't shed often. I have hvs2. I only started anti viral this yr. So went many, many years with out taking anything. My current husband of 21 yrs is virus free. We just had him tested earlier this yr. He was so crazy about me when we met that he was ok with it, but at the same time......he chose to use condoms during intercorse. Condoms were his choice and it's all good with me. Oral, which happens way more than intercorse is completely free of condoms and he remains H-. Same thing with my previous partner. Always use lots of lube as friction can trigger an ob. Also, if you put a small drop of lube inside the condom, it will feel soooooo much better for you!!! Try it.....it feels very close to nothing according to my husband. We got the idea from Cosmopolitan magazine. Best of luck to you!
  4. Alright buddy. Good luck with your tests and finals!. Remember, I've had this over 30 yrs and never passed it on. You can breath!!!
  5. Incubation period is very hit or miss as far as the info goes on the net. I read 4 to 10 days after initial contact with H positive person symptoms will present and with 90%of people showing symptoms my day 10. That's always been confusing as I've seen any where front 2 to 7 days as well as 2 to 20 days. I'm sure you must be in the clear by now. I would certainly wear condoms. Is she on anti viral??
  6. The risk is actually really low now that you know you have it. IF you use protection (condoms) and anti viral....you can be as close to normal as possible. I've never passed it on and been having sex over 30 years with hvs2.
  7. Well, this is tough as I had to do the very same thing with my giver. We were actually very close and over 30 years ago we just didn't know what we know now....he still should have told me, though. He was using a condom that night basically out of the blue so I asked why. He said he thought he had an infection and didn't want to pass it to me. Condom came off during intercorse and a few days later I had H. I knew it was from that episode and from him as he was my only sleeping partner. On our next date, I got to his house before he did and went through his bathroom abd found acyclovir cream which was all they had for H at the time. Sooooo there was my proof in case he tried to deny it. I got my shit together and when he walked in the door, I told him what was going on snd that I found his cream. So, he said he thought if he used a condom it would be ok....he admitted he was having an actual ob and was sick inside when the condom came off and was actually expecting/dreading this conversation. We stayed very close friends after that and still are all these years later. I told him it was his place to tell people up front about his having H and that he should never have sex during an ob. So, basically I educated him (after my Dr educated me), forgave him and all is good to this day. We both have married since and are very happy in our lives. You may not have the proof I had, but you are certain it came from him, right?? You might want to wait and find out if it's a new infection or and old one. I'M pretty sure you already know it's new, but just for proof when you tell him. Try to be civil because you know you will be running into him from time to time .....do it for you, not necessarily for him. You want to come out feeling good about yourself in the end.
  8. I don't think so. H is not anything that a company would even bat an eye at....my oppinion especially when you consider prob at least one of the people doing the medical exam prob has it anyway. It's not something that would hender your work performance at all and not something that would threaten your co-workers in any way. STOP worrying and go for the exam and do not mention it.....it's not necessary.
  9. No need to mention it at all. It's not their business
  10. @lolonicole that's correct you can't get hvs2 from hvs1. It sounds like you showed symptoms pretry quickly. I've always wondered about the incubation period stats. They seem all over the place. I think I would suggest bf to get tested so you know what you are dealing with for sure, but hopefully you can keep your positive attitude and have a beautiful life!
  11. When I first was diagnosed I actually had a lesion inside as well. It was so painful!!! That was my first ob and I remember it lasting about 6 weeks. I guess it lasted so long because it was inside. So, my giver was also someone I really cared about and we are good friends to this day. He did not tell me he had it and remember.....it was a very long time ago so hardly any info and Dr's basically knew nothing about it. He obviously had an active ob and told me he thought he had an infection (when I inquired as to why he was wearing a condom that night...we never had prior to that night) so I believed him. Well, the condom came off during intercorse (I had to fish it out of me).....then about a week later, there it was......the big H. All they had back then was acyclovir cream. That was it! My ob's became less and less over time. About 5 per year was the max. I never had prodrome, it would just show up over night. My first disclosure was accepted as was the next one to whom I am married to. I have to admit that because the Dr's never really said much about it back then, I assumed it was ok to have sex as long as I had no ob. So, I did have a few sexual encounters without disclosure prior to learning about shedding, etc. I never passed it on as far as I know. I lived in a small town and saw my encounters all the time and no one ever mentioned it. I started anti viral this year to take my ob's to zero and have not had an ob since starting them in March. My husband chose to use condoms for intercorse and we used nothing for oral. He has stage 4 cancer now as well as many other health issues so we can't even have sex anymore which is a serious downer, but we were very active sexually for 20 years without him ever contracting H. So, that is definitely proof condoms do work!!! Hang in there and we will all help as much as possible to get you to a comfortable place.
  12. I guess I'm just curious if you know 100% it was from him Xxx
  13. How soon after your encounter did you notice symptoms? Was it protected sex? I'm just curtious. I've had H since age 23 and am now 58 also in very good shape (weight train daily) also considered a catch. Married 21 yrs to a man so is H-. He didn't make a big deal out of it when I told him and I didn't either. You can still have a great life!!!
  14. Not serious for me either. Been married 21 yrs ( he does not have it) disclosed once before him and he never got it. I've had it since age 23 and I'm 58 now. Keep myself in tip top shape (weight training), eat clean and rest. Had 5 or 6 ob's per year. Went on anti viral in March of this yr and have not had one ob......my goal!!! I've had a great life thus far and expect it will continue. Retirement just around the corner and then look out world!!!!
  15. I have to agree with MMissouri....also want to add that I take a pill twice per day too and yes.... it's a reminder. I've done this over 30 years!!! My husband takes 15 pills per day as a reminder he has stg 4 incurable cancer... I know you don't want to hear that either. It appears you don't want to hear much!!! The first step in getting past a lot of this is wanting to or allowing yourself to do it. None of us are thrilled about having this, but you have to make the best of what you've got. I am happily married for 21 years and my husband is completely H-. I never made it a big deal when I disclosed to him and he never took it that way and never brings it up. So you see, you really can have a nice life.
  16. I agree....retest....and wear condoms. If you end up positive, you might want to get on anti viral too
  17. Hi...I'm hvs2 positive as well. I only had 5 to 6 ob's a year at most. You can always go to another Dr and tell them you have at least 6 per year so they will prescribe. I've had this 30 plus yrs and my husband is H- (we've been together 21). I started anti viral in March to take ob's to zero and so far no ob's at all. My husband chose to always wear a condom for intercorse....we use nothing for oral and actually do that way more often since he is stg 4 cancer, on tons of meds and...well, things down there aren't working any more. Nonetheless, you can have a great life with H. It hasn't been a big deal for me at all, but is worse for others. When it comes time for disclosure.....don't make it out to be a big deal otherwise the "other" person will perceive it as one. Best of luck and education is key. You will be better informed right here than from most Dr's.
  18. No, there is no rule of thumb....you can read Hippyherpy's posts and see he is a single male and about a year into this and has no trouble with the women. Are you on anti viral? You might want to think about it as it will reduce your shedding and ob's. It will also help your cause during disclosure. Also, using condoms and no sex during ob's or feeling symptoms will greatly reduce your risk of transmission. Definitely pursue the girl
  19. @Miji69 it sounds like this man is really into you and you will find out how "into" you he really is once you disclose. I've had this since age 23....I'm 58 now and happily married 21 years to a man who is H-. I told him in the heat of the moment and we stopped what we were doing, he went and got condoms, came back and we had great sex!!! I came across very "matter of fact" and he was so crazy about me that it just didn't matter. Don't freak or cry when you tell him because he will likely freak too. Just be yourself. Maybe even cook a nice dinner and just tell him. Have the hand out ready for him to read and give him time. Yrs ago the info wasn't nearly as informative as is now and no anti virals. Just condoms and no sex during ob. Good luck!!!
  20. I'm sorry, but he sounds like a total jerk!!! You were completely honest with him from the get go. I'd block his calls and move on. You will find happiness with someone who cares about you and won't find H a big deal at all. You don't continuously trash someone verbally then recant, say you're sorry and keep doing it. Doesn't sound like he will ever move on from the blame game!!!
  21. Wow! I wonder if you could have gotten this before marriage and it's just now surfacing....or if your husband may have had it and didn't know. Some people have cold sores in their childhood, but never again get them in their adult life, but can still shed.
  22. I think I would leave it up to him as to how he wants to protect himself. He may slack up on his own after a while
  23. Yes, friction from sex can def bring on an ob. Just be sure to use lube....lots of lube. It really makes all the difference
  24. I have hvs2, but I think both hvs can be brought on by the same things such as friction from sex, stress, different foods etc....however, hvs1 recurrence is very much less frequent and severe as hvs2. From what I've read, most with hvs1 (genitally) only ever have one ob. Shedding is less frequent as well.
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