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Everything posted by Katidid

  1. Ok, so have you asked if your husband had protected sex during his affairs. Of course, he will likely say yes lol. You won't get the truth out of him at this point. I would not let him "tell" me the results....you need to physically see them!!! Not being mean here, just straight forward. Also, if his girlfriend said she gets tested through work.....well, you know better than that!!! I've had this a very, very long time....but not very versed on the lab results. I was thinking (depending on the numbers) Dr could tell whether it was a newly establish virus or not. That would be helpful as well.
  2. From what I understand most people will show symptoms of herpes on day 4 to day 10 after sexual encounter. Hope this helps.
  3. I don't know for sure, but sounds like an initial onset. My gosh, sounds really bad. How soon after your encounter did this appear?? Typically it's within 4 to 10 days following sexual encounter, but others have gone for years without an ob and then then a stressful situation in their life brings on the ob.
  4. Sit her down and just explain the situation. As hippyherpy said.....it's not the end of the world!!! Not even close. If this girl really loves you, she will forgive you and you will both move forward. If she doesn't, you will have to move forward and always disclose and use protection. It's going to be ok either way.....
  5. No one needs to know about your status unless you are planning to sleep with them!
  6. Same here. Had this 35 yrs. Decided in Feb (last yr) to go on Valtrex. I had constant prodrome. Went on acyclovir and all is great!!!
  7. @MM552 yes, she can workout, run etc. I do and I've had this 35 yrs. Husband H negative. We live a very normal life. I'm very, very fit. Weight training 6 days a week. She will be back to normal....or normal as you know it, in no time. Just keep doing what you are doing.
  8. I agree..... very, very low risk here. Prob just irritation from sex....breathe!!!
  9. Stop worrying about it. He has a cold!!! Seriously, it's extremely rare to get hvs2 from oral sex. It happens, but like 1% chance. Relax!
  10. How long has it been now since your encounter? Most will show symptoms btwn day 4 and 10.
  11. I've only been on antiviral for one yr this month. Did it to take my 5 or 6 ob's per yr to 0. It worked!!! Also, the longer you have this (got it at age 23) the less you shed.
  12. Yes I've had them in genital region as well as buttocks and abdomen. I have been married for 21 years and my husband does not have this. Now having said that, I have been married for 21 years and my husband does not have this. Now having said that, he uses condoms during intercourse.... strictly his choice. However, we have more oral sex than anything completely unprotected..... ,i have hvs2.
  13. Well, from what I understand, herpes does not shed from thick skinned areas such as your buttocks, abdomen etc. Terri Warren mentioned this. I've never passed H on and I've had ob's in both those areas and have had this over 30 yrs. This is provided you are not having an active ob. I suggest antiviral, eating right and getting plenty if rest. Lots of people here have never passed it on. I also suggest using condoms. Go have fun!!!
  14. @Rayofsunshine....you are the lucky one....his true colors are shining through so brightly. Let him move on. It's his loss and you are so worthy of someone who will accept all of you!!! He didn't get H from you because statistically it's much more difficult to pass female to male. He just isn't educated enough on the subject and doesn't sound like he cares to be. Rock on with your awesome self sister!!!
  15. Gosh....I don't know what to say other than this is so darned upsetting! My husband of 21 yrs (who is H negative to this day) just flipped over me and didn't care what I had. I educated him and that's all she wrote. He was and is so crazy about me. I'm very lucky!!! He chose to always use condoms and I respect his choice. After all.....it's his choice and it has worked. We have unprotected oral sex more often than anything else. Who would turn that down!!! I have hv2 so it's almost impossible to transmit orally. So far, a great life and relationship. I don't understand what happened.....why would he let you go???
  16. Yes it's safe for you to perform oral on him and also about a 1% chance he would get oral H from giving you oral. Have fun!!!
  17. Actually, chances are very low female to male. Download the hand out on here. It gives all the stats. How many days have passed since encounter? Typically 90% will show symptoms by day 10 and as soon as day 4. Just be sure to have condoms ready at all times
  18. You might try switching to Acyclovir. I had some pretty crazy side effects from valtrex.....mainly gave me mock prodrome symptoms daily. I switched to Acyclovir and problem solved. Been on it almost a yr and no obs
  19. HikingGirl....yes, I experienced exactly what you mentioned. I started Valtrex and had prodrome symptoms daily, but no ob. I had never had prodrome symptoms prior to Valtrex and I've had H over 30 yrs. I switched to Acyclovir and in two weeks all prodrome was gone.
  20. I think you've done your part. He chooses not to use condoms so he's putting himself at slightly larger risk
  21. My husband chose to always use condoms except for oral....so it has been totally his choice. I think Terri Warren of westover heights stated she had spent about 18 years worth of relationships with H positive men and never contracted it so it's certainly possible. I would suggest anti viral meds daily.
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