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Today's lesson brought to you by the letter "H"

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That letter has a whole different meaning for us virally enhanced folks. Often when we think about the herpster that letter tends to focus our attention on the word Humiliation. Fortunately, there are plenty of other words that start with the letter "H" that I'd rather pay attention to.


"H" is for humble. I humbly accept my affliction. In the end, it's a skin condition I can manage.

"H" is for healing. My blisters will heal, and in time, so will my bruised ego.

"H" is for horny. That's how we got into this mess in the first place.

"H" is for happy. Happy is how I feel when I realize that I'm not alone and that millions of people understand.

"H" is for heroes. These are the doctors and the scientists who are working on more effective treatments and vaccines.

"H" is for healthy. Being healthy has a whole new meaning to me, and I'm glad it was this and not cancer that taught me that.

"H" is for huge. It's a huge deal realizing you have the herps, but it shrinks in time.

"H" is for hope. It's my greatest weapon against the doldrums and despair this virus can bring.

"H" is for hefty. It's a hefty weight to know I have this, but I'd rather know than not know and accidentally give it to someone I care about.

"H" is for her. She's the woman I care about, and I'm more worried about how she'll take the news when she gets her bloodwork back next week. I already know, but she's never had symptoms and it's going to devastate her to read the results.

"H" is for here. I'm here, I acquired it there. I can't remain focused on there if I'm going to move forward; I have to be here. The only thing I want to remember about there is how good it felt to hold her in my arms and how happy she makes me feel.

"H" is for help. I'm glad I found a site like this to help me get through my emotions and see the future instead of remaining in the past.

"H" is for humor. A smile a day helps keep the blisters at bay.

"H" is for herpes. It's a part of me, but it will never be allowed to become anything more than a little bump in my life.




I'm so glad you're here, bro. I'm loving the playful yet deep perspective you bring to the discussions around here. Rock on.

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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This is awesome! Lol thank you for sharing!


""H" is for hope. It's my greatest weapon against the doldrums and despair this virus can bring."



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