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Everything posted by willow

  1. If u have it vaginally it wont magically appear orally. so either 1 youve been exposed orally by kissing someone who has hsv1 orally or.. 2its not herpes... and it could honestly just be a horrible pimple/ zit/ ingrown/ bacteria of some sort. Personally i would use something like blistex medic (chapstick in a tiny lil tub) its medicated to help super dry lips and even sometimes helps with coldsore too.. But to be safe u could always just go to a walk in somewhere and tell em to swab ur lip so u know if its hsv or just bacteria like a pimple..
  2. Hi @Bee2904! Welcome to the forum! So basically with herpes.... theres no straight rules. typically the first o.b. is the worst. But not always. some people never get o.b.s while some get minor, and others get nightmare o.b.s its like "h" has guidlines that it follows, but it breaks it own rules all the time!! I.m.o. i think that what u have described could be where ur o.b.s are occuring. if that is the case, im glad its not painfull for you!! You can always go to the doc, or a walk im clinc and get a swab done, that way youll know if it is an o.b. or just an ingrown. Loootttttssss of people have hsv and dont even know it because they are asymptonmatic. This means they carry the virus, and have no prodroms or o.b.s So consider urself lucky to know! Because the other 80% of people with it who dont know.. are spreading the virus and not even realizing it!! The emotions will calm down with time. Get educated. Laugh. Itll all be good. I promise!!!
  3. @inka , im sorry but i have to disagree with ur stated comment that "gennital herpes has a very distinct look" No it doesnt. My first ever o.b. was the tiniest little bump no bigger than a freckle. 2 doctors i saw didnt think it was herpes, one doctor and i both though it might have been warts simce i jad gw years ago, the other doc thought it was just an infection from sweat.... untill a swab came back. and since that first o.b. i have had 5 others. Only one fits the discription of ghsv2 ob.
  4. It doesnt sound like herpes... and the coldsore may very well be a pimple or something, as i said u need to get it swabbed to know for sure!
  5. @inka i just looked up v.p. i didnt even know that existed!! @sadaf , inka may be right here.. but go to a doc an find out!!
  6. So heres a link on stds. Its more of a funny blog a man wrote. Im gonna post them for you just because the more info you have, the less nerve racking it is. Right? And you gotta be able to laugh at it once and a while.. http://markmanson.net/std-guide thid one is a bit more info on h. Its a download. And super helpful even if you dont end up with herpes. https://myopportunity.leadpages.net/free-e-book/ So you have a few things i need u to do today. 1. Ask your bf if he has ever gotten coldsores before. 2. Figure out if youve ever gotten coldsores as a kid. 3. find out if you can go in to a clinic somewhere and get tested. Swab lip. Swab vag. And blood test 4. Find a funny video on youtube, and try not to stress too much about what msy or may not be. Cuz as i said... even if it herpes, youll be alright. I promise. 5. Keep us posted on results!!
  7. Aawww i know how you feel, but i promise you whatever it is, you can get through this!
  8. Well im no doctor, im just a 25 yr old girl recently diagnosed with h. are u sure it was a coldsore? Does ur bf get coldsores? And as for pain.. im not sure. i had hpv 7 years ago, and my only sympton was 2 bumpy sections. No pain. Are you able to get yourself to a walkin today?
  9. big deap breath.... and breathe!!! I have to say .. *if* this is herpes.... its likely that ur bf gave it to you. Its also likely he doesnt even know he has it, if he did. so as for him breaking up with u over this, its best if you both get educated on herpes, so you both know, and then you can work on your relationship as a team. I think your best bet is to go to a doctor and get the area swabbed. This should give u the best results when it comes to testing.... as for the bumpy part... just i.m.o., it sounds like hpv (maybe warts) not hsv... again. Best way of knowing is to get tested. And you need to tell the doc what u want to get tested for as most places dont test for herpes... even when u say "test me for everything". I think the loss of appetite is probably from stress from a combi ation of this situation, and college. If it is herpes, i know this sounds crazy, but it really isnt a big deal. It seems kike it at the time i know... ive been there... but i mean ive had this annoying lil skin condition since january... and it hasnt really been an issue. Check out this video.. its about 8 mins. http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/3183/new-video-herpes-facts#Item_7
  10. Maybe instead of blaming this girl for the possibilty of giving u something, Maybe take a good allergy test. And look at you health history too. if uve had chicken pox, ur more likelly tto get shingles. maybe its something in ur shower routine? Not everything is herpes
  11. Sooo.. dear @forgivenessandpeace, and @WCSDancer2010.... I should say thank you for posting these links. They are amazing!... But it has lead to a good 3 hours of me looking up mark manson blogs, and cats on mobile self controlled vacuums.... wow... 3 hours wasted? Or 3 hours of gained laughter....
  12. @ kdavis , Here is some facta i found on the medications acyclovir and valtrex... but im super intrested in this Neem stuff!!?!?! http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/4656/understand-the-meds-re-valtrex-and-acyclovir-and-generics#Item_7
  13. em4emevol 4:50PM Flag Posts: 3 @willow I was diagnosed by my gyno. I had a sore on my butt cheek/inner thigh, and I went to get checked out. She did a swab test and I'm not 100% positive what type of herpes I have, I was so much in shock when she told me, I just know it is the genital kind and not the oral. He said he was tested at a clinic just before we started seeing each other. Do you by any chance know how rare it is for the virus to not show symptoms for 10 months or more? I'm not sure when I actually contracted it, I just know it's either from him, or from someone way before him... I am currently taking the valtrex pill daily as well, and we have finally had sex once. He used a condom and kept his boxers on, it kinda took the magic out of it a bit. But he felt safe I think... I dunno... willow 5:56PM EditFlag Posts: 577 Just so u know... 50% of new cases if herpes comes from oral sex. BOTH hsv1 (coldsores) AND hsv2 can cause issues on the gennitals. As for symptons... 80% of people who have herpes dont know it because of asympotmatic shedding. That means someone can carry the hsv virus ( 1 or 2) and not even know it because they dont have o.b.s You *could* have contracted it from a recent ex... or from someone back in the day. if you show symptons 2 to 20 days after having sex.... its likely it was the most recent. but @WCSDancer2010 knows people who have had an o.b. 20 + years into their marriage. Its a tricky lil bugger... Also when you go to get an std test, MOST places dont test for herpes. stupid i know... so you should ask him if he KNOWS wether or not he was teated dor herpes as he may not have been... willow 6:03PM EditFlag Posts: 577 If your partner has ever had a coldsore, and has done oral on u, its quire possible he xoukd give u hsv1 on ur gennitals... As i said... its a tricky lil bugger!!!! Grr
  14. If your partner has ever had a coldsore, and has done oral on u, its quire possible he xoukd give u hsv1 on ur gennitals... As i said... its a tricky lil bugger!!!! Grr
  15. Just so u know... 50% of new cases if herpes comes from oral sex. BOTH hsv1 (coldsores) AND hsv2 can cause issues on the gennitals. As for symptons... 80% of people who have herpes dont know it because of asympotmatic shedding. That means someone can carry the hsv virus ( 1 or 2) and not even know it because they dont have o.b.s You *could* have contracted it from a recent ex... or from someone back in the day. if you show symptons 2 to 20 days after having sex.... its likely it was the most recent. but @WCSDancer2010 knows people who have had an o.b. 20 + years into their marriage. Its a tricky lil bugger... Also when you go to get an std test, MOST places dont test for herpes. stupid i know... so you should ask him if he KNOWS wether or not he was teated dor herpes as he may not have been...
  16. I wrote this on ur other post.... willow 7:20AM EditFlag Posts: 574 Hey em! Well this is a toughy... i totally understand both parties here. So first some questions, 1; how were you diagnosed? 2; do you know what type you have? 3 do you know *specifically where* the virus is gennitally? These are important to know so you can help your partner be protected... Secondly.... i would show him this site, or text him the links. oral and vaginal sex arent to be considered dangerous if you are taking all the right precations. For hsv2 gennital : there is a 4% risk of transmission (that yearly, twice a week statistics) Using a condom OR being on suppressive therapy ( 1 pill of valtrex or acyclovir or famcyclovir) daily reduces transmission rates by 50 to 80%. So now ur looking at 2% or less transmission rate. using BOTH , lowers transmission rates by another 50%, leaving u with roughly 1% transmission rate. For the record theres like a 2% chance that youll get hurt in a car accident in a year. Heres some links... http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/3183/new-video-herpes-facts#Item_7 http://herpeslife.com/category/herpes-facts/ http://herpeslife.com/herpes-information-facts/ http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/4656/understand-the-meds-re-valtrex-and-acyclovir-and-generics#Item_7 http://supporttruthanddialog.com/basic-herpes-facts-2/ I hsv2-g, my bf is h-, and we have sex and oral sex often. So far he is still h- We dont use condoms as i am allergic to latex. im also on valtrex 1 pill, 500mg daily. Hope this helps a bit!
  17. Hey em! Well this is a toughy... i totally understand both parties here. So first some questions, 1; how were you diagnosed? 2; do you know what type you have? 3 do you know *specifically where* the virus is gennitally? These are important to know so you can help your partner be protected... Secondly.... i would show him this site, or text him the links. oral and vaginal sex arent to be considered dangerous if you are taking all the right precations. For hsv2 gennital : there is a 4% risk of transmission (that yearly, twice a week statistics) Using a condom OR being on suppressive therapy ( 1 pill of valtrex or acyclovir or famcyclovir) daily reduces transmission rates by 50 to 80%. So now ur looking at 2% or less transmission rate. using BOTH , lowers transmission rates by another 50%, leaving u with roughly 1% transmission rate. For the record theres like a 2% chance that youll get hurt in a car accident in a year. Heres some links... http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/3183/new-video-herpes-facts#Item_7 http://herpeslife.com/category/herpes-facts/ http://herpeslife.com/herpes-information-facts/ http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/4656/understand-the-meds-re-valtrex-and-acyclovir-and-generics#Item_7 http://supporttruthanddialog.com/basic-herpes-facts-2/ I hsv2-g, my bf is h-, and we have sex and oral sex often. So far he is still h- We dont use condoms as i am allergic to latex. im also on valtrex 1 pill, 500mg daily. Hope this helps a bit!
  18. @seeker, Are u reffering to Celiac disease? I was diagnosed with it when i wad 14 months old. So lack of serotnin eh?.. intresting, never knew that part, just knew i got emotional at ridiculous times.. haha
  19. Depends what ud like to do and discuss on ur date...
  20. I dont think it will nessisarrily be "easier". If u r h+, and ur first date is h+, then it may turn into a therapy like session of how h all started.... If ur h+ and ur date is h-, then u can focus on the person. And their qualities. The choice is urs. ... this is just i.m.o.
  21. Coward?.... how are u a coward my friend? You told them. Thats bravery and honesty. good for you!!
  22. I think u need to understand the facts befor concluding that this is the end.. also... if she said she was on valtrex... i believe her. there is a 4% chance of a male contracting herpes from a female. Add valtrex... 2% chance. add condom... 1% chance. Yes she should have disclosed to u before sex, but it is what it is now... to be safe get another blood test in 3 months ish... And just because she "looked alright" down there... doesnt mean jack. All it means is that she didnt have an o.b. at the time. Viral shedding for hsv2 ( not to be confused with transmissoon rates.. they are different) happens i think 13% of the time... meaning skin on skin contact without an o.b. can transmit the virus. BUT.. if she IS on the antiviral a.k.a. valtrex then the viral shedding percent is lowerd a great amount too... Please dont worry too much. Your best bet is to learn from the facts and stats that @Adrial has posted. And get that blood test in a coupl months. I think ur going to be just fine. http://herpeslife.com/herpes-information-facts/ http://herpeslife.com/category/herpes-facts/ http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/3183/new-video-herpes-facts#Item_7
  23. If im hearing this correctly... thats bullshit..
  24. I love this post! I belive in honesty. But i also agree with @inka.. it takes 2 to tango.. ive seen a few people post how they have wanted to sue someone when they found out.. so i know this post will help In all honesty i thought it was only law to tell someone if you had hiv or aids.. didnt know there was laws for othe sti/and std. Thank you for sharing the legal stuff on the matter!
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