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Everything posted by Sil88

  1. Can anybody guide me to the research behind the 0.4% figure? I've seen the figures but have a hard time believing them.
  2. At least you've come here to try and justify it, it shows there's still an element of indecision. Here's what bothers me.. my giver had a one-nighter with a guy. A few months on, I dated her with honest intentions and looking for a relationship - we had the std talk, she had tested clear recently and we used condoms, but I caught it anyway - within a couple of weeks. I didn't have it coming like you say you did, but transmission seems to be much easier shortly after infection. Your crowd aren't likely to wait a year before having the next one night stand are they? If you give it to one girl tomorrow, either she won't know and start her own family tree of + partners, or she'll face the same awkward dilemna and it's up to her to change instead. Honestly, I've had the same thoughts myself.. only with hypothetical ONS. But for me I'd rather be responsible, give my conscience an easy time, and impress serious prospects with some integrity. In my experience, all the girls who have heard "herpes" have all still been interested. (only 3, and I didn't just meet them on a night out, but still..) Btw, if you're from the UK I doubt we even have to discuss about legal implications.
  3. For the men that have it, is it bad enough that if you had it to do over, would you abstain if you knew you were going to catch it, would you choose abstinence over sex+HV2? HELL no.. I had a particularly bad set of symptoms (other than the blisters) and I still think it would be crazy to consider abstinence. Then again, I'm in my 20s.. that's bound to affect the judgement. In my experience though, the blisters aren't painful at all, they appear on my mons so they don't cause problems when I urinate. It did knock my immune system for six though, probably combined with a few other unidentified viruses.. You've come this far, why stop now? From what you've said, you either survived 30 years (so the risk is minimal) or you already have it without knowing.
  4. Not a bad troll... I also tried narwhal@goglemail.com for good measure. Thanks for setting things straight with the picture, and is the girl's name Sylvia or something?
  5. Hi mate, 3 months is still early days so having those thoughts is natural.. I can't believe that you're at the end of the road at just 40, you've probably a long way left to go and a lot of new, open-minded people to meet. I don't want to offend anyone, but as you get older, won't people be more forgiving and understanding of your situation, or willing to overlook it? Statistically, the higher age groups show a much higher percentage of positive hsv results.. Try to keep your mind busy in the hotel rooms, I focused on learning a language for example. In a while, you'll probably change your opinion about the most devastating thing to happen. (Unless you've had a seriously fortunate life so far!) Sorry I can't help with the staph question.
  6. Lol... so now we have 6 letters of your e-mail address, choose your next name carefully.. And yes I won't be able to top that one either, I was quite proud of myself if I'm honest.. But on a serious note, I might have to change my profile picture if you think I'm likely a ma'am. Just keep swimming. < That was too obvious.. is it getting old yet?
  7. Before you start panicking, remember she could just be completely making it up to put a wedge between you and your boyfriend. If she knew you hated her, why would she give you a potentially harmful fact like that? Sorry you're in that position though, it sucks.. To answer your questions, it's transmitted through skin-to-skin contact in the affected area (either mouth or genital area). You need to rub one of those areas against any blister he/she might have, or if there are no blisters.. there's a small chance that his normal skin could be carrying the virus (it's called asymptomatic shedding). Licking anyone's arm is fine, kissing his neck is fine. There isn't a 100% safe method of having sex, but you can get it to 99% safe if you use condoms, he takes anti viral tablets daily, and maybe you try to avoid excessive skin rubbing in the area he has outbreaks. DON'T have sex if he has any little blisters appear. But.. she's probably lying (or hasn't had a medical diagnosis for a spot or something)
  8. Haha great spirit, I enjoyed reading that. Hope you guys keep it up and work things out together. I just learnt what a 'mons' is and it's something I've been trying to find a name for since a year ago.. Still can't figure out Gog though. Are you still Super Saiyan? Fingers crossed it's your final form!
  9. The guys I mean aren't looking to validate anything other than their alpha reputation - we're just hating on them for being lucky sods and possibly beating the odds..
  10. Hi nevertooold, since my diagnosis over a year ago, I had aches for a while around ny armpits and neck which are presumably the lymph nodes getting busy fighting infection. I could relate this to your groin ache. Also I had a period where I'd get pins and needles every day, in my hands feet legs arms, sometimes waking me up from sleep. Maybe it's not termed neuropathy, but it's probably along the same lines.. irritation of some nerves. I considered fibromyalgia too, as well as anxiety, hyperthyroidism and post viral syndrome (ME). For all the tests I went through, I didn't get any answers but I'm mostly fine now anyway. Hope it helps to know you're not the only one!
  11. They won't test in UK but even if they did, even a year ago you'd have a 70% chance of being positive for HSV1, so what would it really prove? Stop going on Google, clear your mind and forget you even considered Herpes, it's probably not that. But let us know what the doctor says anyway!
  12. In fact when I listen to one of my gfs go on and on about all her tinder flings, I have urges to throat punch her, because how does she get off scotch free w how much she sleeps around, I never have Lmao, this is so me.. I get this with lots of mates. Kay I was fucking pissed too, it almost drove me insane. But you will waste a big chunk of your life obsessing and feeding that anger and 'living' in bitterness.. It takes a while to realise that, and it often occurs around the same time that herpes becomes a non-issue physically. Chill out as best as possible until then.
  13. Ouch, no it wasn't under the fingernail... one was at the edge of my cuticle where there must have been a little cut originally, and there were maybe 4 other blisters off to the side and up to my first knuckle. Didn't have sensitive skin, but had lots of similar symptoms. Like sensitivity to the cold, and someone else mentioned pain around the armpits..
  14. I know I'm just repeating what others have said, but this isn't just a group for trashy whores. I've always used condoms, only had 3 partners at 27, and initially caught it on my finger. Once your 'what the fuck' period has passed you'll be fine don't worry. Stressing is the worst thing you can do at the moment - in fact, you're probably more likely to have an OB now that you actually know it's there. Also, this forum is 99% US/Canadians so I'm even more isolated over in the UK!
  15. I've had two whitlow OBs and the blisters have never opened. I put a loose plaster on sometimes, but only to stop contact with other places... I'd rather not as it makes the skin underneath a bit soft and damp. Only thing I treat it with is valacyclovir.
  16. I couldn't have put it better than @NothingGoodGetsAway This was a bit cconcern for me too and it stressed me out which only made things worse. Break the negative cycle of thinking and don't Google things. HIV and cancer present themselves as a million other things, as does stress/anxiety. A few months after finding out about hsv, some of the stickies here struck a chord with me: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=29
  17. I got it whilst using protection. It appeared just below my stomach, and also on one of my fingers since I had a hangnail at the time.
  18. I've had outbreaks but I can tell you I also had back and leg pain and tingly itchy feelings. Have they only happened since you received your blood tests though? Because it is likely, at least in part, down to stress and anxiety.
  19. You know, oral hsv carries almost no weight. There are three people in my office with a cold sore right now, including the boss. One of them was even complaining about it and saying she's being careful not to touch her eyes, and that once she had it so bad it stuck her lips together. I actually gave her a valacyclovir tablet, I don't think she caught on though. Anyway, it's so common and has very little physical effect. Don't worry about it, the visible aspect might even persuade someone you know to open up about it. You're new to the H news, so I know it's a difficult time, but don't go crumbling on us - these thoughts work in negative cycles, and can quickly get out of hand. Don't let them build any momentum.
  20. What they said is right - that test is unreliable, wait 4 months and get a trusted specific-to-hsv2 one. Even if it says you're positive, you still have an 80% chance of being completely asymptomatic. Your mum will probably come around, it's a shock reaction and a sign that she cares. Probably the same way she'd react if she herself got the news. Anyway, for now you can chill out whilst you wait.. at least you can be thankful HIV is out of the question.
  21. I had a few similar things during my first year. I put it down to opportunistic infections taking advantage of your distracted immune system, or some allergic reaction. Are the spots in a ring shape by any chance?
  22. I'd speculate that a nick from shaving helped the virus pass to me, since that's the area where my OBs show up and things were wet around there at the time. I know it passes through skin contact, but if saliva can help pass oral hsv1, then surely there's an equivalent down there. Logically you're probably right.. keeping the hair would reduce skin contact and friction, but I can't imagine shaving will make a huge amount of difference. If you just trimmed and kept some coverage, it would make almost no difference. I might be more concerned with her waxing, uprooting hairs could leave tiny points of entry - but what I'm saying isn't supported by any kind of research, just a hunch developed from a year of overthinking..
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