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Everything posted by Sil88

  1. I got the back pains and aches, as did another guy on the forum. Mine faded away after a while and I'm guessing his did too.
  2. I rarely used to get ill, but hsv2 played havoc with me. Went from never visiting the doctor to going every other week. Go figure!
  3. Herpes also presented itself like HIV for me, but I've had the test a few times now and I'm back to feeling normal about a year later. Don't work yourself up about it, because stress can also present itself as some scary conditions. That health anxiety is a vicious cycle once it gets started, you need to try to cut out part of the cycle asap.
  4. Does he understand there's a small chance he can catch it even with condoms?
  5. That's strange.. I thought for your blood test to show hsv2 suggests it isn't such a new infection. I hate to doubt the professionals, but seems like either you had an old infection or your husband misheard his results. Not helpful at all
  6. Hey jaguar, you'll be fine. A holiday might be the best thing for you right now - think of it as a healthy distraction rather than a wasted expense. The majority of cases aren't so bad after the initial outbreak, and you might not have another until after you get back, if at all. I used anti virals for my first OB but I've also tried not using them and your body will find a way. I'd just say to be careful of your diet whilst you're out there, try not to get ill from the lifestyle changes and what not.
  7. Hi Andy, I'm 26 too. I know you've seen worse things happen to other people than this. It doesn't mean the end of sex, it will make you a stronger character in the long term (it stopped me taking life for granted), and also it sounds like you had a good run before H came along. Sounds like you're making the right responses though.. share the load with your closest, focus on getting through an hour then start increasing it to a day, and take it seriously enough to force a change. You say you wish you didn't have a dick, well that could be a blessing because you could get to know a girl on a deeper level if you block that out. I'd probably get some help for the psychological impact it'll have on you combined with the ptsd and anxiety disorder.. that's the worst element of H, but you can deal with it.
  8. What a great person you are for giving it a chance. We can only pray more people can be like you. Saying that, I hope you're just under the weather and haven't really joined our ranks, but put these thoughts away until you take the test.
  9. No complaints about the NHS here. Service since I was refered to a specialist has been excellent. Free CBT, CT scan, echo cardiogram, blood tests galore.. even though I tell them it's probably just a special case of hsv. The only thing is you may have to drive somewhere with shorter waiting lists. One of the worst things I've ever heard of is desperately sick people trying to budget for their own overpriced cancer medication in the US, or begging not to let able-professionals save their life. Almost makes me feel good about paying so much in tax! Although as the general population becomes older (combined with UK binge drinking weekends) it is putting a lot of strain on. If we didn't have the system in place, we might look after ourselves better. A $6000 ambulance ride would probably deter anyone from having a drunk scrap after a night out again. Aside from that, education is a separate issue.. definitely we need to raise awareness and probably we should afford to investigate unusual complications. By the way, how does family planning work in the US? Can anyone walk in and get free STI testing and condoms like over here?
  10. It's weird because chlamydia is usually difficult to notice, and if he has irritation in the urethra that could be a load of things. So I guess this is paranoia and probably he will test negative. When was the last time he had it? I think the anti biotics work 9 times out of 10, but he's rolled the dice 3 times so to speak, so maybe they didn't quite finish the job. Get some sleep! (says me at 1.15am with work in a few hours)
  11. Nope, this is the first time I've seen anything on my ankle and it happened on exactly the same day as my first 'standard' OB in about 6 months. It looks very suspect too. I read a few other cases on google where the virus takes a different nerve path leading to the ankle. Oh well, I might try to get it swabbed but I'd probably get laughed out of the place :P
  12. My doctor thinks it's systemic because I had a breakout on the my thighs... Which spread to the calf and ankle area. I'm not gonna get too excited yet - but yesterday I had some little yellow blisters on my ankle, and today they've merged into one... it looks awfully familiar. I'm gonna save my thoughts until I can identify it a bit better.
  13. Sorry about the potential news, but the swab isn't back yet so maybe its folliculitis or something unimportant. Have they come down with fever at all? It's sweet to read a post about unconditional love and support, not everyone here is lucky enough to have such a caring parent! You've been doing the main part already: encouraging, holding and just being around. You could make sure she's stocked up with fruit and maybe multivitamins because she'll probably feel tired and run down for a while if it is hsv. Baths and anything to relax is step two. (Other threads will describe natural remedies for adding to the bath and treating sores) For girls, it'll help with stinging internal sores especially. She's probably gonna get quite depressed, but you really have to help her appreciate the small things. My mind went into fight or flight mode, but it helps to remind myself it could be HIV or cancer, and life won't really change. I still have a lifetime to travel, learn, hang out, find love etc. If you're in the US they can both take a blood test and if the number is quite high, they've been building immunity for a while. In case you'd like to understand who passed to who. Keep reading and educating, and recommend that she does the same. When you read up on it, not only do you realise it's not a big deal, but you see the word every day and it just becomes kind've boring.. takes the shock factor out of it! Good luck and don't worry.
  14. Personally I feel like I really have lost my health. But that's either due to a really unusual reaction to the virus, post viral syndrome which may wear off, or another perfectly timed condition altogether. Either way I don't feel safe to inflict myself on others until I know for sure. It's been 9 months seeing doctors, taking all the usual tests, hiv, blood counts etc. I lost all energy, my immune system is shot and I have night sweats every month or so (just to pick a few). For most, risking health shouldn't be a factor, but there's always a chance you will be that one who reacts differently. Can also consider those theories about various viruses increasing likelihood of conditions when you're older - the whole topic of hsv seems under-researched. Sorry to put a downer on the thread, but losing my general health is a topic on my mind a lot.
  15. They were quite relaxed about it with me too (UK also).. the nurse said if I was just having casual sex that I didn't need to disclose. Well each to their own, but I couldn't do that. She did sort've mutter 'it's type 2' as an afternote too, as if that was worse than the news of generic herpes a few moments earlier. I agree with @New_Moon.. With the best intentions, I hope you have another OB soon so you can rush over for a swab and get an answer. Btw I think if you tested negative for HIV after 3 months, you can be 99.7% certain.. I get those thoughts too.
  16. Wow, that must've been a shock - glad it went down well but still, you should have the choice. I'm sure most people wouldn't take it as well as you, but if you're comfortable in your own skin then you can use it in a positive way - sort've like a martyr, Kelly the stigma killer haha. In reality I think it's a drop in the internet ocean and it'll be forgotten in no time. (as long as it doesn't become a meme!) It's probably unlikely to reach your family, but I admire your honesty and the fact that H isn't hindering your tindering. (you can use that one if you want :p) Good luck whatever you choose to do. Edit: I searched it and that's the whole of reddit seem to be more educated than doctors on the subject. Quite impressive! But I would add that (as I understand) it's 1% chance over 100 times having sex.
  17. Just one night of fever chills (wake up that way) per month. Next day usually fine again - no visible signs of an OB anymore..
  18. I get fever chills and uncomfortable lymph nodes quite regularly - you sure it was a bug you picked up?
  19. Brush burn sounds like some sharp stubble grazing the area, probably happens all the time. If he starts to show signs of fever/flu then I might give it a second thought. He must be on 'full-alert' to make him raise that conversation though, did you tell him you had a minor scare before? Btw what was the bacterial infection with same symptoms? Or was it folliculitis?
  20. You could have the blister swabbed, but be quick before it heals. Also it could just be nothing. We don't have blood tests available in the UK, but I've heard that there's a more accurate one available called Western blot If you want to double check.
  21. Friction can cause irritation which may lead to an outbreak - if you've both had the same virus for a while and your immune system has built up a decent defense, then that should be the only consideration.
  22. Hi mani, welcome aboard and thanks for the blessing. I have ghsv2 but I'll try to answer from what I've read.. 1. Give it a week or so after the OB completely disappears because you're more likely to be shedding during the aftermath. Make sure your gf knows there's still a small chance of catching it with a condom. 2. There's a thread about this question already, but will struggle to find it on my phone. It's a small number (something like 10% per 100 sex sessions), which is halved if you have ghsv1 rather than 2, halved if you use a condom, halved with suppressive therapy and halved if the h+ person is female. 3. It's possible for her to catch oral herpes from giving you oral, but it's really not a big deal.. 80% of adults have oral hsv1 already. Chances are she already has it anyway! 4. I don't know.. those things made me want to throw up before H! Probably depends on How far you push yourself, and what body type you aim for. Probably if you push to be like Ronnie Coleman that's gonna put strain on other parts of your body. I wouldn't stop drinking beer, part of getting over h is being able to relax again. Hope you can get this filed away and return to normality asap. Take care
  23. I wouldn't just send a slide for sure, but I guess you mean after a brief story? You seem to have reservations about him already , so there's a third option where you don't have to tell him at all and don't take it further. Of the first two options though, I'd say it's worth the trip to say it face to face.
  24. The only leg pain I get is a pinching sensation on my thighs, like little bee stings. Plus back ache to the left side, armpits/ribcage aches. Sometimes they disappear the next day, sometimes they last weeks.
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