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Everything posted by Bambina3

  1. Hopefully it was just a bad day and all is well, if not everything happens for a reason...hugz
  2. Well, looks like he's not here anymore by his profile but I want to voice my opinion anyway Obviously the mans world has been shaken upside by this disease, like we all have at one point or another, and still might.(kuddos to those that handled the news well)..he was venting, and just because some of us don't like the tone or words in his vent, I wouldn't view it yet as a personal attack on women, he's obviously hurting...if it continued obviously it would be offensive. Hopefully with time and support his tone and words will relax, at times we think we are indestructible with our behavior, and that's not usually the case.
  3. I agree with some of the above posters, definitely get your numbers....most clinics/labs have a portal you can sign up, and you can view the results on your own...it is very possible you've had hsv2 for years
  4. @Seeker1960 Good luck with your testing.....it's never easy waiting for results..as you are aware the western blot will tell you your answers...I did not have to do that...I was confirmed 1 and 2 via blood world...and like happyherpes, I wish I didn't know.
  5. I personally can only share my own experience and decisions...I have chosen not to tell my husband, however, I will not see him suffer without intervention...so an ob is identified, I will seek him to get treatment. If you feel certain he is your giver, then you might want to deal with it differently.
  6. @Katidid thank you for sharing.... I think Westover Clinic closed because Terri Warren went into partial retirement....just saddening because she was one of the advocates I'm aware of for hpv. If I was given a choice, even now knowing what I know, I'd walk away from me and not want to chance contracting it, so why would I expect differently from someone else? @Hippyherpy I couldn't agree more...it is equal responsibility when venturing into any sexual relationship....I don't blame my status on anyone but myself, and shameful for it....I already know we shouldn't feel ashamed and feed into the stigma, but I do.
  7. So the bottom line is you feel bad for not disclosing? That is an issue I also struggle with Have you considered telling him, even though it's after the fact? Drinking does not help anything, it's like a temporary bandaid in my opinion, once you sober up everything is still there, only with a headache
  8. My recent confirming diagnosis was by swab Then I went on and eventually received the blood test to confirm 1 and 2
  9. Life is 10 percent what happens to us and 90 percent how we react to it --Charles Swindoll
  10. I'm sure most know already but the Westover Clinic has closed their doors....Terri Warren will continue to do her forum, phone consults, video, but nothing in person.
  11. One of the 2 people I confided in shared with me he was hep c positive...he was afraid to tell me for fear I wouldn't touch him(hug)...They are just as fearful with the stigma as we are.
  12. We did not use condoms, and my husband has never been tested....however, after reading, seeing pictures, and knowing my diagnosis of 1 and 2, I am 99.9 percent sure he has at least hsv2.....I've seen him have an ob, and he went to Doctor, I think he was mis diagnosed.. I promised myself I wouldn't see him suffer so he can get proper treatment, if I learn of another ob, I will send him for testing and treatment and deal with the consequences. I've had affairs, and as stated in this thread have not been forth coming about my diagnosis...to any of them. Hinted and walked away. I still continue to struggle with all this.
  13. I also missed where you said swab above, Hsv1 is usually transmitted from mouth to that area...,she could of had it a very long time and didn't know.
  14. Well now, depends on who you talk to here...they do advocate disclosure. For obvious reasons, to give the person a chance to decide for themselves if they want to be exposed. Once I knew I was hsv2 positive I walked away, did not disclose, and did not expose him to it again.
  15. The one was the man that took my virginity, we broke up for a while, then got back together...it was during that time one of us (I think me) contracted h and brought it back in to the relationship....he has never been tested, but his current wife has hsv2, so he's certain now he does, he just assumed she contracted from a former boyfriend until our talk. The second one that made that comment above is my female long time bestie. That's it, I have only trusted those 2 with my status other than here. My husband still doesn't know (I hinted but didn't say it and got a rath of negative comments on hsv2) and my ex affair I just walked away from. Did not disclose there either other than my hints.
  16. I have been living with hsv2 for 28 years, I am in my 40s Hsv1 I have no idea
  17. Thank you for sharing Love it ;)
  18. Talk of disclosure This is still bothering me I have disclosed to 2 people only, both long time close people in my life of 25 plus years. While talking with the 1, girlfriend, I told her ironically I had worried about contracting an std from the ex affair....her reply "He might not of had one, but he probably does now" Slap, feel the sting
  19. @HDS Drs all think I've had it for decades, approx 18 years old, I am now in my 40s. My official diagnosis confirming hsv2 came back in August, HSV1 confirmed recently....trust me, I am so not over this, nor have I accepted having to disclose. But like I said above, I've tried to learn from life's lessons, it's a time issue...time heals all wounds, and eventually I know, we will be ok....just know you are not alone. Hugs!!
  20. Hi Butterfly and welcome Great posts above me, I don't have much to add other than support, I also still have trouble dealing, mainly with the emotional stigma, and doctors think I have carried the virus for decades (age 18) but officially confirmed in August. We reached out for support, that's a great step in the right direction, your days will be brighter and filled with much sunshine and smiles: Hugs !!!
  21. Yes.....hsv1 and 2 seem to have a mind of their own Plenty of information on this site if you browse around
  22. I am so sorry to read this, it is heartbreaking...in my situation I am positive with hsv1 and 2, but I don't think my givers knew. With that being said, I can sympathize with the person not wanting to disclose right away, but I cannot condone purposely and being evil with transmission.....there obviously was another side to her, one you did not know....this sort of thing happened to me, I was once involved with a bible preaching man who warmed my heart with being able to quote bible versus and attend church faithfully, only to find out he had another evil side, and was answering want ads for sex. It's sooooo scary, and I am soooo sorry you went thru this They say time heals, differently for everyone....but I'm sure you will heal from this, and take a lesson with you to future relationships, or at least I did. You sound like a kind person, you will find happiness. I hope you find your smiles today
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