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Everything posted by Bambina3

  1. @breathe123...yes I am married...I went decades and didn't know I had hsv2....so my symptoms were very subtle...after my ob in August, I have not had problems and haven't needed any more meds...but I do try often to eat healthy and organic, I bathe nightly with a few drops of tea tree oil....not sure if all this is helping keep it at bay but I figured it can't hurt.
  2. I would bet he was just joking Sounds like he took it well Try to keep smiling!!
  3. I have used Vaktrex, once when I was formally diagnosed in August, and I have not needed to take it again....but we also think I've had it 30 years, so like above members have said, it seems to settle down over time...but I have to say after doing much reading, it's not a consistent virus, and responds differently to people
  4. I just love coming in and reading positive posts, thanks ;)
  5. people can be insensitive Glad you spoke up...kuddos!!
  6. Only thing I can add to the above posts is to eat healthy...I try to eat as organic as possible
  7. The struggle you are in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow
  8. I've had it presumably for 30 years, and I did also freak out...and still have my moments...you are definitely not alone
  9. I'm sorry to hear you are having a hard time, but I completely understand, and I'm still there with you, I went almost 30 years with unnoticeable signs than bam...hit me hard. Good luck
  10. I had the same thing, but worse, and it was folliculitis with a bacteria infection I was put on prescription strength cream and an antibiotic Advise you to see your doctor
  11. I was shoved under the rug almost 30 years ago, muddling thru life not knowing I had h until August...I am ashamed not knowing how many I could of infected...but I know now... You two are in love, it will be fine, lots of great links above for help
  12. Just to add about the tea tree oil....everyone's body does react differently..I put a few drops in my bath water directly above my vagina area...every night...although I can slightly smell it...it is soothing to me.(I dilute it, not direct use)
  13. What he said...I have to admit I've said to myself after my diagnosis...it is a stigma, and an awful one I'm sorry for what happened, sending positive thoughts your way!!
  14. @Oldspice I also have anxiety over STDs since the 90s, when I entered into the medical profession...all I know my entire adult life is working in that field...never once did it cross my mind that I could contract something life long thru skin to skin contact...it's rarely talked about, and now I know it's due to the emotional stigma surrounding it....I've sought counseling recenty, even if you are negative I would advise it...I've spent too many years worrying and thinking I was safe. The above people are much more knowledgeable right now than I am about this...but I plan on becoming more knowledgeable as time goes on. Good luck, hugs.
  15. The above ladies said it all but I'd like to contribute tea tree oil...I bathe every night with drops in my water
  16. So I finally put my big girl panties on the other day and went to a counseling appointment...she wanted to put me on Prozac and/or Ativan for now (I've also been trying to deal with other issues) but I declined...for now When I told her I've described it but not fully disclosed yet by saying "I have h!", that I've been in secret silence (basically)....she did say for now...that was probably the best way for me to deal with it...she did say it was better than me lashing out, or telling the wrong person, and causing scandle and more marriage issues. I am also proud to say I've met a wonderful h buddy here who has been more than supportive ;)
  17. I'd remain calm until a diagnosis is confirmed (I know easier said than done) I also had hpv, with precancerous cells...I had part of my cervix removed...but it's gone now...no more problems and that was approx. 15 years ago. Good luck, hugs!
  18. My outbreak that caused my correct diagnosis of hsv2 was very minimal...one lesion scabbed over...and 1 beginning....they swabbed and it was positive...I am certain I have had it for almost 30 years, after reviewing records...I also have 3 grown children, never a problem...never a break out since my initial many many years ago, or one I noticed... H can be tricky....it can show no signs...not spread...and you can go many years and not know you have it.....There really is no telling who gave it to who, or long you've had it, unless you were a virgin and faithful thru this marriage. Blood test is your only hope to see if its a new infection, but there is a time frame to get that done in, or it will just show positive. Good luck, hugs!
  19. I also talked with someone recently who claims she "thinks" she was swabbed while she was in college for a lesion on her neck..that came back hsv2 positive. Not so sure I believe that.... But...how would you get genital herpes from holding hands from a child? I think im confused here....
  20. @officer195 I also come here just to vent at times. I have also had someone I was dating way back when just leave in silence...it totally stinks, I went thru a host of emotions on how someone could do that to someone...someone told me to view it as the "cowardly" way out...that is how I got over it (if that helps) Being hsv2 positive....I can tell you I still struggle with disclosure issues, too many to set forth...but I wish you luck and send positive thoughts!!
  21. I just read bits and pieces of this thread and it is very sad...I've also run into road blocks with the cdc and testing...they way we are treated...between the stigma and the down play by the medical community is a disgrace.
  22. I'd also be curious how the swab turns out I've had similar situations where I have questioned the same thing on others Thanks!
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