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H Buddies, unite!

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i've had HSV1 genitally (and probably orally) for 11 years. it's not easy for me. here's why. i've had a struggling bone marrow for many years so my immune system is not as ready to work as most other people's. i'm at the point now where they are looking for a match in case i need a stem cell transplant. what that means is that i am prone to outbreaks even with daily suppressive meds. all in all this seems to mean i have to avoid getting HSV2 since it is another virus altogether, and the whole thing just complicates dating life. I am a 51 yo female. i feel like my life was robbed out from under me and i rarely put myself out there. i'm thriving in my life otherwise, but romantically it feels like a disaster. encouragement and a fresh perspective would be great. US north east coast.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am a mother of two 31 and have ghsv 1 I would like to find others to chat with. I feel so very alone with all of this and would like friends who understand what I am going through! I would love to know idea of how people suppress this with out meds or along with meds! I would also like to lend a shoulder for others having a hard time as well.Thank you have a great day

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I would be honored to have a buddy. I'm a 35 year old mom, recently diagnosed. Male or female buddy, or both?! I live in York, Pennsylvania- think south central PA. While I am new to all of this, I am an excellent listener and am very compassionate. So if I can be connected with someone in my area to talk to and be given support, I would be so grateful.

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Well, I am not actively seeking someone to converse with in private messages any more. Thanks to those who were there for me when I asked for help!


Still, if there are people in the Charleston, SC area who would like to meet as a small group, that would be cool. It doesn't have to be focused around herpes, just being around people who have had similar experiences would be cool. Preferably people who are trying to lead their life, and not let herpes define them.

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Father of two with a wife. Been with her for ten years and just been recently diagnosed with genital HSV2 (thought the sores were ingrown hairs) had it roughly 13/14 years. Having a breakout now in a completely different place to normal. By normal I mean I get symptoms every now and again on the shaft maybe once or twice a year if that. Would like someone from the UK, prefer a male buddy if possible. Thanks for reading

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Hey all, I’m looking for a buddy in Ohio. I’m 27 and female. I would prefer a female as well. I’m currently in a relationship, so someone that has a healthy relationship marriage or possibly found out while in a relationship would be greatly appreciated. My partner is H- to my knowledge. Also any general support/conversation would be great as well.



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Need an H buddy, girl or guy, doesnt matter, im here in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. found out 60 days ago and still feeling confused with my sythoms, ready to move forward and disclose if i have to, just need to feel good again... still feel weak sometimes and experiencing fatigue. i cant recognise an outbreak yet, dont know if i still have a minor one or not, or im just paranoid...i am a healthy person and surf and freediving...hardly drink alcohol. hopefully i dont have to change my lifestyle because of H...anyone knows about sport performance being afected by H? be nice to get a dudes opinion on the subject, theres not many dudes advice in this group. feel free to DM, always keen to hear a story about life.


PS sorry about my spelling and grammar. lol

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I was diagnosed about a yr ago. Never had a outbreak. Found out by bloodwork work insurance. I babysit my 1 yr old grd babies and everytime they get a diaper rash i panic and almost go into hysteria. I dont know how to deal with this even after a yr. Its eating me up. Wpyld love a buddy who can help me through this. Prefer another grdma or mom.

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Hi I’m new to this and I have had oral HSV 1 as long as I can remember and I tested positive for HSV2 three years ago. I would really like to have a buddy. I live in the UK and I haven’t found the equivalent of this support within the UK. I would like a female buddy. I actually received my positive result when I began the process of coming out as a lesbian so the mixed emotions where, to say the least, off the scale! If there are any lesbians available to be a buddy then that would be fabulous! I look forward to getting to know people and all that life with H has to offer

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I would love someone to talk to! I have had HSV1 for about two years now and I just got out of a long relationship with the guy that gave it to me. I live in CT and would love to try and talk to someone that is in college because i’m 19 and a sophomore right now. I am just feeling hopeless about meeting guys that will accept me for everything that comes with me and could use some advice and hope :))

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