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    Welcome to the Herpes Opportunity Support Forum! We are a supportive and positive group to help you discover and live your Opportunity. Together, we can shed the shame and embrace vulnerability and true connection. Because who you are is more important than what you have. Get your free e-book and handouts here: https://www.herpesopportunity.com/lp/ebook

H Buddies, unite!

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Welcome one and all to peace of mind and realizing you are the same beautiful person you ever were. I can tell you that there are a lot of beautiful people on here that will be glad to talk, chat, give you info or advise. Sometimes you need to step back and see the BIG picture so you can realize how small of a problem this is. I know at the time it seems HUGE! The biggest, ugliest problem you've encountered but one you understand the reality and start to like yourself again you will realize how lucky someone else would be to have you in their life! "What I have feared hath come upon me because I hath feared it" I said this at a meeting once and recently I was dating someone and it was getting a little more serious so I decided to have "The Talk" he said ok and that he needed to research it a little more before making a decision 2 days later I was so afraid that he was trying to find a gentle way to break it off that I broke up with him, I made him feel like he wasn't worth the time because I was so afraid of being rejected; then when I found out he had NOT wanted to break up I was even more hurt. Luckily we talked and he gave me another chance and we are getting along great but I hurt myself and him because I assumed he could not accept me for me not this stupid minor issue! Take a look in the mirror as if you are looking at a friend and write down all of the things about yourself that you like (pretty eyes, beautiful smile, gentle heart, friendly) now write thing(s) you don't like on another page. Circle the things that you can change (temperamental, snarkey) circle those and try to make an effort to change them. What's left is probably H, something that more than 2/3 of the population has in some form. So lighten up on yourself, give yourself a break, Give yourself a pat on the back and live life to it's fullest.


Hello All - I'm a late 20s Twin Cities girl ready to toss my supportive hat into the ring for those needing an H Buddy in the upper Midwest. I'm especially good at converting skeptics and pessimists, if that is your deal. My ears are here for you :)


Hello everyone, I'm actually filling up with tears reading some of the supportive posts on here!! I am desperate to talk with somebody in a similar position to myself... I am in the UK but even an online support network would be wonderful.... Thanks x


Hi. I am a woman in my 40's and have just been diagnosed. I would love to have some support - someone who understands, has been there, and can offer encouragement. Please send me a message and lets become friends. I'm scared this will "steal" my life. Thank you for this site Adrial. What a blessing to those of us new to this. Made me feel better just knowing you are there. :)


Hi everyone. Im 24 guy from Oahu, Hawaii. I was diagnosed about a year ago while i was in a relationship. The relationship ended about a month ago and now that i have to get back into the dating scene i have a lot of questions i didn't really have to confront until now. Anyways, I'm interested in a buddy to talk to about their experience, what works for them, etc etc. Man or Woman is cool. shoot me a message peeps

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello I would like a H buddy. I am 35 I lost my daughter at 38 weeks on November 22nd and my doctor told me a week later that I have HSV 2. Needless to say that was a shock. Would like a buddy male or female doesn't matter to me. I am in the Colorado area.


I'm a 23 year old female from OK. I could really use a support buddy through this considering I have had no one. Guy or girl I don't really care. Just feel free to message me =)


I'm going through my 3rd OB since igot it in September and I'm just stressed out. I dont really have anyone who will really understand and know what its like. If anyone lives around l.a it would be nice to chat or met up and have someone ican talk to. Male or female idont care really


I would love a herpes buddy. New to this. I have some good days, but some really rough days. Just found a couple of months ago. Still casually seeing the guy who gave it to me. Things are complicated and I feel like I don't have anyone that I can talk to about it. Male and female buddies would be awesome for the different perspectives. I am 23, but age of my buddy(ies) doesn't matter. I am okay with emailing, but if anyone in the NC area is on here, that would be awesome too.


Hello everyone!

I'm very new to this board, just signed up today. I'm very interested in chatting with people about this virus and how it redefines so much in your life. I was diagnosed with hsv2 in march and have had a really tough time dealing with it. Some days are easier than others but the rejection because of this is a setback I'm finding quite difficult to overcome. I would love to have anyone to share experiences with to give support to and get support from. I'm in a small town in Northern California and would love to hear from either gender near or far. While I am prepared to go at this alone, I don't think anyone should have to. Hoping to hear from someone soon. Happy 2013 everyone :)


I'm kinda new here, 25 female from eastern NC. I would like a buddy, doesn't matter where ur from, male or female. I've been trying to stay positive, I'm sure it would help to share the ups and downs with someone who can relate. Feel free to inbox me maybe we can support each other


Just a reminder to everyone on this thread...if you haven't posted Your Herpes Story, do it! http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/categories/your-herpes-story


It will be a healing exercise for you, and a blessing to others who will feel empowered to share their own stories.


Sharing your story also gives you a chance to ask questions, get support specific to your experience and help a buddy find you!


Be strong and courageous!



I would love a buddy, male of female preferably in the states so we can talk via telephone. I need help getting through rejection because of this and trying to remain positive with the reality that I might be alone because of this. I would also like to speak with both someone who has been successful in not transmitting this to a partner and some who was unsuccessful so I can learn some best practices and learn from their mistakes.


Hi I am culture i am 32 it's only been almost a year that i have been diagnosed. it is so hard to talk about the situation. my family doesn't know anything about it.


I am a 30something female in South Florida. Looking to make friends either locally or elsewhere. After a delayed emotional response to H (1.5 years after contracting it, because I got out of the LTR with the "giver"), I am now addressing it head on and now considering the possibility of a disclosure in the future. I have gotten into yoga and meditation recently, in addition to my long time focus on healthy eating and exercise, these activities are helping me manage stress and mentally cope with the rigors of work, dating as a 30something (bad enough w/o H), and now the H itself. Be strong.


30, divorced mommy of two. Recently diagnosed with HSV 1&2 living in Michigan inside the Metro Detroit area. Would love to have someone to talk to either fe/male. It would be nice to share some experiences and get and give insight. :-h



I am New and awaiting membership, can any one please advise, Ive been in a relationship for a few years, my partner knows I have H, weve been safe, occasionally the partner refuses to use protection for 5 min or so...I plead and beg for the partner to use one but the partner is selfish...we will use protection after that and recently I just recovered after 3 weeks having an outbreak etc we recently were intimate and the above happened...I feel fine no symptoms but am scared if the partner gets something , but friends say: "you have told your partner about H and being intimate with protection it is his own fault..this relationship is ending hasn't gone good, but I guess my question is: do I feel guilty if the partner contracts something even after my efforts and honesty about H? please help..


Hello Again


Im New and got my membership approved! once I post something how do I find out if someone answered my question on reaching out? someone please reach out to me and email me thanks -SHY


Me: 33, African American, Diagnosed December 28, 2012, open minded, humorous, Sagittarius , adventurous, loyal friend, love life just coming to terms with this new "package"


Male/female, age, race-doesn't matter

I currently reside in San Diego, CA

Will give support/Need support

I would like an open minded, fun, positive, drama-free buddy



I've been reading a lot of what people post around here, and I see that this community is what I've been looking for... About me - I'm 24, Live in New York (Manhattan specifically), recently (informally) diagnosed with H, not sure which type yet (although I'm familiar with symptoms after some research, and I've had a few minor outbreaks, so I believe I know what's going on). Looking for a local friend, just to help cope with all of this. A lot of drama came with this semi-formal diagnosis, from the loss of an extended relationship to the burning of bridges with people in my past. It seems like I'm not alone though, and there are a lot more things about this virus and those living with it that I didn't expect to understand or see.


Love and hugs to all of you who are also coping and keeping strong on a daily basis. <3

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Hey, I want to play too! I'm new to the site, have just collected my one year chip from the herpes owners' club and would love to have someone to chat to.

I see that most of you are in the states. I'm In the Middle East, so if you want a real-time chat Europe is probably the closest buddy I'm going to get. More than happy to exchange emails/private messages, though, so location is not an issue to me.

I'm female, 30, and still have a few questions but think I can offer support too.

Pick me, pick me! ;)

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